Is there such a thing as a bolt thief?

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Mr. Toad

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Okay, this is strange. I happened to notice that there's a hole in the tail rack where a bolt used to be. Is this some strange quirk of the FJR that the rack bolt pops out on it's own or has by bike been bolt burgled? :assassin:

Is this a simple part to find/replace?

i guess more of it vibrating out then someone "stealing" one bolt. you best resource for a replacement a a True Value or Ace hardware (make sure it is stainless steel!) and add some blue loctite so it does not come lose.

A couple of times on long trips I've ridden out with Gaurald's rack and then shipped it back along with stuff I don't think I'll need to cross the plains. This last trip I forgot to bring the original bolts. Ace had some that fit and looked just fine. sin_loki is correct, go stainless and I'd recommend buying all three (3 on a Gen.I?) so they look the same.

A couple of times on long trips I've ridden out with Gaurald's rack and then shipped it back along with stuff I don't think I'll need to cross the plains. This last trip I forgot to bring the original bolts. Ace had some that fit and looked just fine. sin_loki is correct, go stainless and I'd recommend buying all three (3 on a Gen.I?) so they look the same.
Thank you for. Any idea what size?

you can always try the tried and true method. pull one out and take it to the hardware store and match'em up.

you can always try the tried and true method. pull one out and take it to the hardware store and match'em up.
As far as I can see, there's only one bolt. It goes in from the top of the rack. Part #21. I'm guessing I'd need #26 too, but... and here's the kicker. Even though they show the parts, they aren't listed as an item for sale. Can I find something like this at Lowes or Ace hardware?


part #26 look like it is inside your rear fender, look inside for it.

#21 part 90105-08310-00 BOLT, WASHER BASED that be the Yamaha part #

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You guys know that yamaha has their own thread specs, right? Neither metric nor standard threads work on yamaha motorcycles.

I think it is someone building an FJR and stealing it one bolt at a time. I'm going out right now and see if anything is missing on mine.

Mark :blink:

some bugger took my green neutral light from my dash about six months ago and I still haven't found out who.
