Is this a record?

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Sorry to hear about your accident but I am relieved you are both okay. Give Catherine our best for us. :(

I am also glad to see your strength of character. You are already working to learn from it, to put it in the past, and you are thinking ahead. Cool. :)

Well Im glad you guys are OK... thats quite a trip...

But as long as you got used to the '05, there are lots of '05's for sale in the classified section...


You sure you weren't trying to drag a knee puck out there??? :rolleyes:

Glad you and the wifey are okay. I bet you were scared for her when you went down. That's why riding two up wears on me. I could go the same distance alone no prob but you add my fiance' and I wear down much earlier. I guess it's one thing if I kill myself but it's another if something happens to her. Don't forget to claim your gear too!! Getting a new helmet hurts the wallet...I just had to get a new one after my get off.

Take Care!!!

Psssst! Get the ABS.

On a Subaru.

I know for a _FACT_ if I dump my wife she's not getting back on.
I didn't even have to work that hard, let someone else crash, and she hasn't been on it since. :sadsmiley02:
Glad you two are okay!

:( sorry about your slide, hope you are both back in the saddle soon and that the aches and pains heal up fast!

I think ABS would have helped unless you were leaning while hitting the loose debris if that is how it went.

might have helped you prevent from the sliding in the first place.

Underneath that we're wearing Sliders jeans; she's wearing a fabric and leather jacket and I'm wearing perforated leather.

Sounds like you were covered up in the right gear. +1 on you, and probably saved a lot of pain and possibly heartache.

I've yet to engage the ABS on my 06, but feel good about having it. I need to go out and practice with it, really.

You sure you weren't trying to drag a knee puck out there??? :rolleyes:

Yes, an innocent moment of inattention can be just as costly as inappropriately aggressive street riding--but the latter is willful.

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A few days ago I was entering a long curve at about 40 mph (I was in town) on my '06 when a lady came barreling through a stop sign while looking directly at me. I grabbed both brakes as hard as I could and let the ABS do its job. It did, stopping me in what seemed like 10 feet, a few feet short of her door. My biggest problem was getting a foot down before I fell over--I wasn't prepared for how quickly I would stop.

If you have ABS but haven't tried it, find a deserted road and test it. Start with the rear only just to make sure it's really working. When you test the front, be sure you have a solid grip on the bars! You'll feel some shuddering but not for long--you'll be stopped before you have time to think. It's an amazing system. Some day, ABS will be required equipment on all vehicles, including motorcycles (and probably bicycles!)

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Some day, ABS will be required equipment on all vehicles, including motorcycles
I think this is one of those must-haves for motorcyles, even though this is my first one with ABS. In a car, you don't fall over if you lock them up (at least). We may look back on ABS one day and rank it right up there with brain-buckets in terms of importance.

A lot of guys don't like it, but I like the assurance of knowing I can grab/stomp as hard as I can and have a better shot of stopping than having a lowside/highside.

I understand that this may not be the best technique for stopping in the shortest time, but who's got time for technique in situations like this?

If you have ABS but haven't tried it, find a deserted road and test it. Start with the rear only just to make sure it's really working. When you test the front, be sure you have a solid grip on the bars! You'll feel some shuddering but not for long--you'll be stopped before you have time to think. It's an amazing system. Some day, ABS will be required equipment on all vehicles, including motorcycles (and probably bicycles!)
I tried mine out last spring, when I rode up into the snow and found a deserted (but wet in spots) road. I never felt any pulsing up front, so maybe I didn't activate the system. If that's the case, those Diablo Stradas really grab the wet stuff, 'cause I was stopping pretty quickly!
I don't understand why people shun ABS on any vehicle that offers it (all those with superior braking skilz notwithstanding :rolleyes: ).

Would the ABS have possibly saved the situation?
Might have. I remember a thread by somebody (can't remember who) who successfully pulled off the same maneuver with ABS. Braking and turning in a true panic situation? I didn't do so well.

Why did the car stop?
I believe the RV leading the parade was turning left into an RV park. It may have stopped suddenly since I did hear at least one vehicle lock up its brakes. Glad your experience turned out better, Fencer.

Questions: How fast were you going when the front end washed out? What type of surface did you lock the front tire on? Asphalt? Gravel shoulder?
Just wondering about more of the particulars. So how does your buddy feel about riding after witnessing your asphalt surfacing?
We were probably going 60 when I hit the brakes so we probably hit the ground at around 40. The thought process was: Holy shit! - shoulder's clear - we're going down. Went down on good asphalt.

You sure you weren't trying to drag a knee puck out there???
But I don't even own a knee puck. Maybe I could borrow one.

I don't understand why people shun ABS on any vehicle that offers it (all those with superior braking skilz notwithstanding).
I thought my skills were better 'till sheer panic took over. My practice sessions with the brakes always turned out better.

I thought my skills were better 'till sheer panic took over
You can always practice emergency braking, you can never practice panic braking. Perhaps track rats have enough experience to instinctively do the right thing on a public road. Public roads are far more unpredictable than the track and there usually aren't any safe bail-out areas.
Sorry to hear of your "get off". But you got right back on another horse -- that is good.

Don't push the wife -- it may take some time. Remember the passenger has no "control" so they feel different than we do. I buddy of mine got rear ended (stopped) and his long time girl friend will not ride with him now. He is hoping that will change after a while (Gold Wing).

Glad you had the gear on -- you had to wait for dry pavement to go down -- darn.

On good pavement ABS might have saved the day; but if you instintively tried to swerve you might have still lost it.

Just gently remind her that it could have been much worse.

Would the ABS have possibly saved the situation?
Might have. I remember a thread by somebody (can't remember who) who successfully pulled off the same maneuver with ABS. Braking and turning in a true panic situation? I didn't do so well.
Sorry to hear about your accident but they say that bad things happen in 3s so I don't blame your wife for not wanting to ride with you again. :D

On a more serious note, there has been a lot of discussion about whether ABS brakes would allow someone to serve and brake at the same time without going down and I think the answer is "it depends" -- on several factors. If I were you I would concentrate on what appears to be the real root cause of this accident, you were following too close and/or not paying attention. Fix that riding habit first and then work on your braking skills.

Is 2 '05s a record?
snip<The wife is a much better asphalt surfer than I and gets about twice my distance.>snip

snip<She's always said she wouldn't ride with me again if I dumped her....>snip
First, I am extremely relieved to hear you are both "survivors". Then, I'm saddened because of your incident. Daaaaaaaaang, Charles, your insurance company is going to luv yew, man!

Others have said all I would in disecting the causes. Yew needs tuh git yerseff wunna dem new-fangled EEE-lectronical ditalis cameruhs en lets her be-a takin' summa dem pitchers tuh sho yew later on. Thettaway yew kin be a-payin' detension tuh them touristers en all. Uhm hmmm!

Third: Asphalt Surfing. Were you trying for distance or free-form score? Her lighter weight prolly helped her slide farther, but your artful dodging might have impressed the judges. :dribble:

Fourth: ".....she wouldn't ride with me...." That's what the "lovely and beautiful ex-Mrs. Madmike" said and I didn't even own a motorcycle. So, in a pre-emptive move, I dumped her.........and bought a bike. Oh, wait a minute, that'd be a different kind of "dump". Nevermind!

Uhm, Charles, this is not a good way to be treating your new bride. :eek: I see roses and diamonds in your future....wait a minute...the vision is becoming more clear.....Aaahhhhhh, you're giving them to Catherine. Now I see! :lol:

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ditto everyone: the big thing is that you were well protected and walked away.

as to the ABS, i used to think it was BS on a bike. until bambi tried to commit suicide about 1/2 mile from my house and i just dynamited everything and death-gripped the bars and waited for the impact that never happened. it is PHENOMENAL how fast this bike will go from 60 to zero, and ditto the comment about almost not getting a foot down in time. i was on dry pavement, running straight on a road with a series of whoops, and made no attempt to swerve, but i pitched forward so hard that the only thing that kept me on the bike and not off through my shield was my knees' death-grip on the tank. well, that and the saddle being pinched between my cheeks with major fear-pucker. i will never own another vehicle besides my old 71 pop-top bus, (which is an acknowledged death-wish on wheels), that does not have ABS. truly amazing...

our little VW cabrio performed the same manuever in almost the same spot for my wife just a few weeks ago. one of the things we have learned on this island is that the first deer is often the easy one to avoid, but the one following that you DON'T see is the real trouble. i love animals, but i think we should all eat more venison... :yahoo:


Mondo happy all are OK.

ABS and my experience..........

Now, I am not the best rider at all. I am new at this (bout 1.5 years) but I practice and stuff.

Day two with my 06 and lady cuts me off in a left turn changing lanes (going my way in a two lane lefty) so she can make the Albertsons. I am leaned over bout medium and I gotta scrub speed pronto or become a new rear quarter panel ornament on her SUV.

Grab the front, starts to wash out, ABS puts it back to rights. No paint exchanged at all. (I remember thinking F&ck!!) as the wash started. I was not gonna really get injured, but it ws gonna hurt and I was gonna scratch my new bike. I was suited up and only movin bout 25 or so

Even when not upright and in a perfect form ABS gives just a bit of an edge and that can make all the difference. But that is just my ordeal

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If I were you I would concentrate on what appears to be the real root cause of this accident, you were following too close and/or not paying attention. Fix that riding habit first and then work on your braking skills.
True, but... I was following at a distance that was safe enough if I had been paying attention to the road rather than smelling the roses and ogling the sunflowers. I still think braking skills, and possibly ABS, are part of the equation; the cause was my inattention but next time it may be somebody else's. If I find myself in a similar situation again, I hope to find out if ABS is an advantage.

SWMBO first got the name and web site of a manufacturer of bike racks for motorhomes. Then she asked if I had called the person who advertised a used FJR close to our home. Looks like we'll be riding again.

Day-um Charles, I just now read about your mishap :blink:

Please don't pursue a posting in the Guinness Book of Records, now willya? 2 is pretty good already... :rolleyes:

Let me offer the commonplace comment that I'm sure glad you and Catherine were not seriously hurt.

And another original nugget: get back in the saddle ASAP B)



Even when not upright and in a perfect form ABS gives just a bit of an edge and that can make all the difference
ABSolutely :rolleyes:

I have tried to take my ABS to the limit a couple of times in flat, straight, dry, and clean surface. I can tell you "Lil Bitch" tries REALLY hard to toss me off the front. I dont know if I have found the edge yet (because I do not REALLY trust ABS to work either)

I think what ABS did for me in my lil tirade earlier (ok was nopt ranting really) was kick in when I was not paying attention as I sould have been.

ABS CANNOT << IMHO hurt, An edge is an edge is an edge. It is designed to pickup where we screw up (I mean leave off, no i dont) But, STILL, all are alive and kickin, so you musta not done too bad


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