Is this normal?

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
My bike runs prefectly every time I ride it. Every damn time. Is this an indication that my FJR is an awesome, well-engineered bike?

I rode 100 miles yesterday down and back to Pueblo to return the 'other' set of gloves mailed me. (see vendor feedback thread) and the bike ran like a swiss watch. Purred the whole 45 miles at 80-90mph.

LoL. There have been SO MANY 'my bike broke' threads on the interwebs lately I felt like I needed to do my part to tip the scale back a bit.

Yup- thats my experience too. 9100 mile road trip in September. Purred like a kitten most of the time. Exceptions were caused by whacking the throttle. Then it ran like a scalded dog. 57,000 miles, still like a new bike!

You need to sell that bike now, their is no happiness without suffering. I suggest you buy a bike with double the suffering to balance the obviously defective FJR.

I'd suggest an HD and they are superbly engineered to maximize suffering, and, hence, happiness.

Yeah -- normal. Sorry, but that's been a well reported flaw. My POS did a 5,000 mile trip last June and never even coughed. That strong purring of the engine starts to get monotonous after a while.

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Immediately buy farkles, install. PM me your adress, I'll come take this mess off your hands straight away.

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My bike runs prefectly every time I ride it. Every damn time. Is this an indication that my FJR is an awesome, well-engineered bike? I rode 100 miles yesterday down and back to Pueblo to return the 'other' set of gloves mailed me. (see vendor feedback thread) and the bike ran like a swiss watch. Purred the whole 45 miles at 80-90mph.

LoL. There have been SO MANY 'my bike broke' threads on the interwebs lately I felt like I needed to do my part to tip the scale back a bit.

Is this normal?, happens EVERY time.

Uh-huh!! :unsure:
Sunny....87 degrees and a nice breeze....and I'm at the damn office working. ****!!
Yebbutt....Howie....we'uns awl noe et yer abnormal. :bleh:

methinks Howie needs a hug :p
If you're going to be handing out hugs..... :blushsmiley: ...that could be a long line. Me first, m'kay!?!? :blush2:
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My bike runs prefectly every time I ride it. Every damn time. Is this an indication that my FJR is an awesome, well-engineered bike? I rode 100 miles yesterday down and back to Pueblo to return the 'other' set of gloves mailed me. (see vendor feedback thread) and the bike ran like a swiss watch. Purred the whole 45 miles at 80-90mph.

LoL. There have been SO MANY 'my bike broke' threads on the interwebs lately I felt like I needed to do my part to tip the scale back a bit.
ditto what Howie said...Wanderer you bastage :angry:


Mine's only got 1700 on it since new in 03/09. It hasn't so much as burped or twitched. much nicer than the 07 I had which was a sweet ride after the new ECU.

I just wish I could get out and ride it. :-(

Mine's only got 1700 on it since new in 03/09. It hasn't so much as burped or twitched. much nicer than the 07 I had which was a sweet ride after the new ECU.
I just wish I could get out and ride it. :-(
" 15 minute old '09 is perfect!!! I don't understand why all your bikes have problems."

****, man...the **** hasn't even dried in you bike's mama's buttcrack yet and yer tellin' us how "trouble free" it is? 1700 miles? Best enjoy the next 300. That's all it's got left in it before its uterus prolapses.

Fookin' 1700 miles in 7 months. A true testament to the 09's long distance riding capabilities.

Mines been dead for 10 months and has accrued more mileage moving it back and forth in the garage to get it the hell out of the way to take the garbage out. :****:

Yeah, keep hatin'. It'll come back around when you have perfect riding weather on the gulf coast and Colorado has 2 feet of snow....Oh, wait.... that already happened this week. You do realize I-25 is pretty much the only road that isn't icy or sandy right?

My avatar picture was taken in APRIL less than 50 miles from my house. That's not a concrete barrier, FYI.

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Mine's been a headache.Tires and gas. Tires and gas. It NEVER ends.
And don't forget oil...... For a while it seemed like I was changing the oil every couple of weeks..

I've only had mine for a year and it's only got 16K miles on it. I need to get her out more, She isn't supposed to be a garage ornament.
