Ist Annual Western Canadian Regional Ride

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Sounds like a plan.... I missed seeing Banff on my last trip up to Glacier and you're in the neighborhood right?

Bill and I have EOM/NAFO plans, I guess it will depend on the dates.
Sir Richard, where are the locations for EOM and NAFO? I didn't spend a lot of time searching a lot of threads here on our Forum, but I couldn't readily find where EOM and NAFO are going to be held at. I also didn't see any dates for either event.

Exactly my dear Watson!

If the 2010 rally follows the pattern of the 2008 NAFO, then next year's organizers (EOM) will put their own rally on hiatus for a year while they put on NAFO. This is just my guess and I don't believe there have been any official announcements from that committee.

Many are anxiously awaiting the where and when, but all good things take time! Patience Grasshopper...

Bill and I have EOM/NAFO plans, I guess it will depend on the dates.
Sir Richard, where are the locations for EOM and NAFO? I didn't spend a lot of time searching a lot of threads here on our Forum, but I couldn't readily find where EOM and NAFO are going to be held at. I also didn't see any dates for either event.
EOM is NAFO this year, but I don't think dates etc have been posted up.

This ride isn't meant to compete with it, just offers an option for those that can't make that trek. I know I'll be in La Belle Provence for CFR. That makes a 2nd continental crossing in the same season unlikely for me, so why not give back and show some folks my neighbourhood?

This sounds great Barb. We had a jolly good island ride a few years ago in the spring, some good friends from Washington and Oregon joined us. We had a great stay at the Tin Wis in Tofino. Very accomodating at the time with bike wash etc. Nice dining room too. Just my 2 cents. Might be in Italy next September, but we'll see.

This definitely has some possibilities. CFR in June. Some dirtbiking in Iceland in July and then out to the Island in September.

I have relatives in Nanimo that I should touch base with so this could work out very nicely.

I just need to get my new knee to bend a little more so I can be a little bit more comfy for the ride out.


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YAMAFITTER, think physio man. Those muscles and tendons and joint capsule will need some serious work to make flexing for the Feejer anything but a drag. Give it a good go. Conditioning will have to start before the riding season starts. Hope to see you here. Allow six or seven days from Bowmanville and you'll be fine.

YAMAFITTER, think physio man. Those muscles and tendons and joint capsule will need some serious work to make flexing for the Feejer anything but a drag. Give it a good go. Conditioning will have to start before the riding season starts. Hope to see you here. Allow six or seven days from Bowmanville and you'll be fine.
I started physio the week after the surgery (Oct 5th). We have a knee "club" but I am the only male amoungst all the old ladies so I am not allowed to cry.

I was trying the other day to sit on the FJR to get some photos for the Russell seat but I couldn't quite make it to the peg without a lot of pain. :(

My much better half had her second total knee replacement the same week that you did (the first was last January). Each knee rehabs differently and this one is going very smoothly for Sylvia - she achieved over 110 degrees range of motion after only 3 weeks and they kicked her out of her physio group!

Do those stretches and exercises religiously and you'll be in great shape by the Spring! Those T-3's are there for a reason - use them if you're still in pain - but don't back off on the exercises because it's uncomfortable - that would be a big mistake... really are a shameless tease <_<

Just remember, MEM and I are coming to pick ya up fer CFR.

My much better half had her second total knee replacement the same week that you did (the first was last January). Each knee rehabs differently and this one is going very smoothly for Sylvia - she achieved over 110 degrees range of motion after only 3 weeks and they kicked her out of her physio group!

Glad to hear Sylvia's making a snappy recovery, give her our best.

[...Hey...Barb...If one were to head North, just how much chocolate would it cost? :rolleyes:
How much would "what" cost? .........careful now
Why? Is there a menu?
Welllll, Mark....after Barb's last post and warning my imagination simply ran wild. No matter what answer I gave I'd be in deeper more trouble than I could'm already in more trouble than I can handle. I thought silence or dropping the subject would be the best course of action. Thanks for reviving the mess I began after you started the "sleep over" conundrum.
