Jacket idea

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Bud Light Real Man of Genius
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tigard, OR
So, business partner Sockmonkey and I are on a quest for the ideal riding jacket. We have been for a few months now. Throughout this time, I've tried to think of features that would be appreciated by the members here.

One thing many of us have in common is we ride while armed (concealed carry). I started thinking of trying to incorporate a stable, sewn in holster (like a shoulder holster assembly) into a jacket. This would eliminate the holster/pistol hanging out of the waistband while riding. It would eliminate the need for a belt to hang a holster on under riding pants. It would eliminate the hip landing on the gun in the event of a get-off.

Looking for some feedback on the idea, good or bad. Waste of time or is their interest in such a jacket? I value the opinions of the many riders here. As scary as you are :rolleyes: , you're a pretty good cross section of all riders...

I haven't found anything out there in the world like what I'm describing other than non-riding gear, i.e. public safety apparel. My idea would definitely be for riding, with armor and water proof.

Thanks in advance.

Jason, a.k.a. FJR_Pig

I thought I read somewhere that Aerostich was able to add a holster but it was LEO's only.

I have a CCW and I'll be watching this one.

Swing by Langlitz Leathers and check out how they do the 'gun pocket' on their jackets. I've had and used that feature and it's pretty handy, as well as secure. You do have to unzip to gain access, but it's fast with practice. Down side is no easy place for spare magazines or speed loaders.

Other features that would be nice are full velcro weather flap, large, strong zipper pulls and waterproof zippers. Although, all of those reduce the access to the gun pocket.

I'm pretty happy with my Darien, but the above features would improve it. The Olympia jackets have nice zippers, but I'm not sure how well they vent in the heat.

Trying to build a holster into the jacket is probably a waste of time since most folks would either have their own shoulder holster, or carry something light enough and small enough to use a regular pocket.

At the same time, I know that I appreciate pockets in general, especially an easily accessible pocket for the garage door opener and the cell phone.

The other issue is that most vendors have unrealistic sizing. Like a large is for a 130 pound 5'6" rider. I end up buying my jackets from Vanson and have for years because I know I can get something that will actually fit me.

Last thought is that I would pay extra for something that was made in the USA... as I do by choosing the Fall River, MA built products from Vanson instead of their offshore built cheaper stuff.

One of the handiest items on my ancient Kilamanjaro has always been the small [but sufficient] vertically zippered pocket [left side] that is located behind the storm-flap but outside of the main zipper, a great spot for wallet/chkbk or other oft-needed items that you'd like to remove from your hip pockets whilst riding yet have accessible for gas/munchie stops and such, ..adequately secure w/o having to dig deep.

I don't "carry" myself, though I've owned plenty of'em, ...but while I can see having a few extra rounds in the kit if you're gonna have it along [wascawy wabbits, eh Doc?], I've read numerous times that statistically the average ballistic exchange is over in ~3rounds, by which time someome has either spiritually or sensibly "left the building". So, whether the extra ammo has to be as quick to hand as the piece itself is an open topic. The more heavy/bulky items I can leave out of my pockets when riding the better...

Real chest [the center thereof] padding would be on my list. Not many jackets really address that one! I've been busted open surgically in those parts and do not think I'd I like to experience that again from a hard landing.

Personally I would not carry on my person on the bike. I have seen how something such as a cell phone in a pocket can do serious damage in a get off. Ruptured or bruised spleen or kidney, cracked ribs etc. Now a tank bag with something slick for CCW would be great. IMO.

The problem with a tank bag is that when you leave the bike, you have to figure out some way to take the weapon with you. I'm also concerned about landing on a CCW; but I'm thinking that maybe a shoulder holster makes the most sense. If I carry it under my left arm, I'm thinking that maybe it's the least likely place for me to fall on it. Other than that, I'm pretty frustrated too trying to figure out where to put it. A nice lockable compartment would be nice; but then it's too slow to get at. I'll keep watching this link.

The problem with a tank bag is that when you leave the bike, you have to figure out some way to take the weapon with you. I'm also concerned about landing on a CCW; but I'm thinking that maybe a shoulder holster makes the most sense. If I carry it under my left arm, I'm thinking that maybe it's the least likely place for me to fall on it. Other than that, I'm pretty frustrated too trying to figure out where to put it. A nice lockable compartment would be nice; but then it's too slow to get at. I'll keep watching this link.
I am just not a fan of shoulder rigs, so it didn't effect me, but a lot of proponents of ccw really poo-poo the shoulder holster from a safety standpoint. Your gun will be pointing at the pillion all the time. But, you got to do what you go to do. Also, take in to account that if you carry, you are going to have your weapon with you all the time and you are not necessarily going to mind taking it with you. That's what I end up doing. I carry my main gun in a side or tail case and have a bug in the 'glove box' that I quickly stash in a pocket when leaving the bike. The mian is for the hotel room, etc when deep concealment is not really needed. Off topic, sorry. What I thought about when I ordered a jacket and pants from Cycleport was giving instructions on a custom mounting point for my holster. Since holsters are a personal thing, the need to mount them may be a more universal appealing option or a better designed front pocket for carring a bug.

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I'm interested, but my vote would be for a mesh jacket. If the jacket is so heavy that you have to take it off when you get off the bike, the gun might as well be in the tank bag. I find that the combination of a mesh jacket and a wind/water proof outer shell is good from 45-100 degrees. (With the outer shell on, the mesh acts like thermal underwear.) Add a fleece under the mesh and I'm good to under 40. With an electric vest or liner, traction is the only issue.

While I don't think that this is a bad idea (I also have a CCW), I can't imagine a better jacket than my Roadcrafter for the bike, and I tend to not carry just from the potential injury that could occur with an impact (as others have stated).

Good luck either way, and I'll be watching this with curiosity to see what you come up with.

I think it is a fine idea. I carry most of the time and it would be nice to have it in the jacket. Would it be a posibility to retro fit to other jackets???? I just bought a new one last year and don't want to buy another.

I had been thinking a pair of chest pockets with pull-open velcro flaps to cover the holster is the way I will go. Why carry a gun with extra mags, when you can just carry 2 guns.

No one seems to make a jacket that seems to be CCW friendly, so I will probably sew it myself or find an upholstery or leather shop that does custom work.

My permit finally showed up a couple of weeks ago.


Hey Pig, I like having a vertical zipper just inside the outer flap, about the size of a jean or slacks pocket. That way a standard pocket holster will fit nicely and can transfer to the pants when the jacket is off. Would a piece of CE armor or padding between the pocket and chest help with a spill down the asphalt? Although an imprint of your favorite piece on your chest might be impressive in the ER. ;)


In your fantasies, exactly what happens that warrants having a readily-accessible gun, or especially two guns, or extra magazines? Just curious. Wish I had as active an imagination as you guys do.

In your fantasies, exactly what happens that warrants having a readily-accessible gun, or especially two guns, or extra magazines? Just curious. Wish I had as active an imagination as you guys do.
I guess I'm a bit naive but I've never felt the need or been in a predicament where I thought I needed to pull a gun much less two. I do spend time every year touring in your beautiful country and have to say I have travelled many a mile to enjoy the great roads and sights it has to offer.

I know that there is a whole different American mindset towards owning guns and you have the right to defend that of course but please understand that the rest of the civilized world just doesn't quite get it.

In your fantasies, exactly what happens that warrants having a readily-accessible gun, or especially two guns, or extra magazines? Just curious. Wish I had as active an imagination as you guys do.

Well, lets say you are riding down the road and suddenly, a pack of Killer Ninjas, (riding Kawasaki Ninjas) pull up behind you and mistake you for the Super Secret Agent that has the microfilm. They begin shooting at you with their motorcycle mounted machine guns, but as they are "the bad guys" they can't ever hit anything, other than innocent bystanders.

You quickly unholster your Desert Eagle 357 which you keep in it's specialy built under arm pocket of your jacket, and while still traveling a break-neck speeds, you fire back with your left hand, over your shoulder, using the left mirror to aim all your shots so you do not have to turn your head around. Each Ninja gets dispatched with only one shot, dead center of the face shield.

Then a red hot women in a red Ferrari pulls next you, and shots out ," Follow me, I can help you!!"

So you follow her to a remote mansion in the hills, where you make passionate love to her and find out that the Super Secret Agent you happen to look like has died, and they want to pay you millions of dollars to pretend to be him for another month.

( So see, if you left your gun at home you would have missed all that excitement...)


Back on topic, its too bad some kind of water proof velcro can't be installed instead of a zipper and one could reach into the pocket without un-zipping the outer jacket.

Hijack - Twice in my life I've drawn a firearm for an urgent reason.

Once in the USMC, when my life was in immediate danger, where I fired all five rounds in the mag and re-loaded asap before checking on how much damage I'd done, (at night, in jungle, trashed night vision). Bad guy lived, but didn't go anywhere with 3 FMJs in him.

The second time was passing a dark alley in Santa Ana, CA late on a warm summer night. I heard a woman's scream, paused and heard a struggle. Upon investigation, a guy was attempting to rape a woman in the depths of the alley. Clothes torn partially off, guy has a knife in hand and pants undone. (seemed pretty clear what was going on at the time) I yelled something along the line of "WHAT THE F**& DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Only to have the guy look up and tell me to 'F' off, with little apparent concern, and not stopping what he was trying to do. At this point I drew a SS Ruger security six and said something along the lines of "HEY AS&H*@#, GET THE HELL OFF HER!" Guy looks at me again, suddenly drops said woman and beats feet down the alley away from me while holding his pants up. No shots fired, it wasn't necessary. Tried to help the woman get it together, but she was pretty freaked out and was just yelling at me to leave her alone, so I did, once she got out of the alley. Keep in mind that the light sucked, and I was probably less than 10' from the guy. Also that my skinny ass 165 lbs wasn't going to be able to take his 200+. Frankly he was bigger, and sure as hell looked meaner at the time.

Both times in the mid 80's. One on duty, the other off. Maybe I just lived a more adventurous life then? What concerns me more these days is the shootings I hear on the news and read about in the paper. 11 gang shootings recently in Portland. None in my area, but in areas I do sometimes go. Also I can't forget the public shootings in the past where just one armed person might have saved some lives, but no one in the cafe, school, etc. was armed. In the unlikely event I'm in the wrong place and the wrong time, I'd like to be able to account for myself.
