I got nothin' here...
I have THIS JACKET and absolutely love it. It can be used from mild weather all the way to cold weather. Comes with a removable liner and has excellent ventilation. Oh, and it's affordable, too!
Where did you get the Intake jacket for a $100?Tourmaster Intake here. Most versatile jacket I've ever owned. 28F to 100F its handled them all. The liners are a bit finicky to get in and out but for $100 you can't go far wrong.
Okay, you got me, it was a hunnert and 34. NewEnough.comWhere did you get the Intake jacket for a $100?Tourmaster Intake here. Most versatile jacket I've ever owned. 28F to 100F its handled them all. The liners are a bit finicky to get in and out but for $100 you can't go far wrong.
I have always been kind of a Vanson leather snob. In fact, I have two with perforations and one without. Last summer, I picked up a FirstGear mesh jacket on a was only $109, and included a rain liner. To my surprise, it has become my favorite summer jacket and the Vansons are hanging in the closet waiting for really cool weather. The FirstGear mesh offers decent comfort down to about 60 degrees and is obviously much cooler than leather when it gets really warm. Also, it includes really decent closed cell shoulder and elbow padding. I love it!I live in the Northeast CT, I'm looking for a jacket that will keep me comfortable in the early mourning and later evening commutes. I have a leather jacket looking for something different.
Ditto, although I have the Darien jacket and pants. We get lots of little showers or drizzle and it's so nice not having to worry about putting on rain gear. I just ride year round with my Aerostitch, except for those days when the temps get over 80. The Darien jacket without liner isn't very hot with all the vents open, but the pants don't vent at all and get too damn hot. I have some First Gear mesh pants that work great for those rare really hot days.There are many good ones to choose from. My strongest recommendation is to choose one with Gore Tex or equivalent so it breathes and is water proof - an outstanding combination for bikes.
I have an Aerostich RoadCrafter one piece suit and I find it great for 80 F and lower. With a heated vest, it's good to 30 F. I love not having to put on a rain suit, just keep riding with GoreTEx. The RoadCrafter also offers zippers for ventilation and very, very good body protection.