JB takes in a physics lecture, walks out on it

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By the way, I think Mike Tyson is the bomb. And I still think Pluto is a planet.
F*@^ Pluto! And while I'm at it...nothing but health and happiness for Mr. Mike Tyson. (I saw The Hangover, he's still got it!)

BTW, did anyone else catch the irony in FJRless's last (final?) post?

And I still think Pluto is a planet.

Shows what you know mike. Pluto ain't a planet ya *******,


Some people! :rolleyes:

Oh,an as for JB? Well, not only does he posses a talent with the pen, the guy is plain out awesome with his hands. No you fukers, not that way :rolleyes: dinks!

Dig through his past posts and check out some of the artistic gems he's created..

Yer a pretty good skate in my book Hans. :good:


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If I understand correctly, according to your metric, anyone who writes anything more than one paragraph is “quite full of himself.” Well, then I’m in good company, including Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Marx, Plato, T.S. Eliot, every journalist on the planet, and my children, just to name a few. So I take it “quite full of himself” means educated, erudite, reflective, thoughtful, alive, engaged, thinking, and of course handsome.
I’ve always felt that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. But for those who have weak minds, I can recommend Sesame Street. It’s on TV, so you don’t have to read anything at all, or even think. You can just watch the images dance on the screen in front of you, kinda like my cat. My cat has a lot of time on its hands. I don’t. So I read and write, among other things.

It also appears that anyone who can read more than one and a half paragraphs receives your praise. I can imagine such praise would be highly sought.
Consider me a member of the JB fan club. (Notice a deliberate avoidance of the reference to BJ, which would take this thread in a whole new direction, worth of any Friday dog-pile).

I chose to click on the OP and read, simply because it was written by Hans, whose writing technique interests and amuses me. I also clicked on several other posts which neither interested nor amused me. I left them alone and moved on. This one was worth sticking with, if only for the quoted words above. It is a rare occasion that I will laugh aloud when reading, but JB's words prompted that very reaction.

Given the passion that this thread has engendered, it's probably time for the weather to improve and for readers to get back on their bikes and ride.

By the way, I think Mike Tyson is the bomb. And I still think Pluto is a planet.
Hi Mike...

I think your dog is cool.

Yeah, it's (almost) Friday all right. Is for me. Our 9/80 off Friday is tomorrow. Where's my Scotch?



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No, you misunderstand. Allow me to clear this up for you, humor aside. I find your self-serving rhetoric boring and obtuse. My guess is that many on the forum do as well, save a few weak-minded proselytes who have chimed in with insolent and turgid remarks I think it's arrogant, really, to attempt to manipulate opinions of others with impertinent proclamations of academic achievement rather than with substance and sincerity. In any case, I don't judge others by the degrees they may or may not have and, unlike you, I refrain from making crass remarks about another's perceived lack of education. My commentary was not mean-spirited nor was it camouflaged; it was just my personal observation. Well, I've enjoyed this senseless and unproductive banter with you and your apostles but I think I'll leave it there....in one paragraph.
Yeah, well my DICKtionary is bigger than yours. :p

BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.
You're tense is off. What ever happened, is already done with. The light just hasn't gotten here yet.


BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.
You're tense is off. What ever happened, is already done with. The light just hasn't gotten here yet.

I don't see anything to indicate he is tense in any way.. :blink: You really should refrain from alcohol an' car tires :blum:


And I still think Pluto is a planet.

Shows what you know mike. Pluto ain't a planet ya *******,


Some people! :rolleyes:
OK, if you know so much, what the hell is Goofy?


BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.
You're tense is off. What ever happened, is already done with. The light just hasn't gotten here yet.

I don't see anything to indicate he is tense in any way.. :blink: You really should refrain from alcohol an' car tires :blum:


I was telling my shrink about these recurring dreams I've been having. One night I dreamed I was a wigwam.


Next night I dreamed I was a teepee.


Told me I was two tents.


Good read JB. Thanks for the entertainment !
Thank you, fjrchooser.

…I confess that it is firmly in the realm of possibility that JB is a completely, utterly, and hopelessly pompous ass.
It’s a fact I’m afraid. :yes:

By the way, JB, your cat has time on his paws, not his hands. :p

I'm a JB groupie and proud of it! :assassin:

Enjoyed reading this JB. Don't let the naysayers bait you. Fizics is pretty cool stuff once you understand what you're looking at. BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.
Thank you. That’s cool stuff. When my son was at Berkeley he got to work on the Supernova Cosmology Project (as an undergrad). Those are the folks who are so full of themselves that they discovered that, not only is the universe expanding, it's accelerating apart!

I love this physics stuff, which BTW is why I went to the lecture that….ZZZZzzzzz…… I hope you have a lot of beer on hand. It might be a couple more weeks before that thing lights up. :D

Oh,an as for JB? Well, not only does he posses a talent with the pen, the guy is plain out awesome with his hands. No you fukers, not that way :rolleyes: dinks! Dig through his past posts and check out some of the artistic gems he's created..

Yer a pretty good skate in my book Hans. :good:

Thank you for all those kind compliments. You’re my new best friend. :friends: (Don, get outta my bed! :glare: )

Consider me a member of the JB fan club.
May I just say, consider me a member of the Penguini fan club. :clapping:

Given the passion that this thread has engendered, it's probably time for the weather to improve and for readers to get back on their bikes and ride.
Truer words were never spoken. And with that, good night, and good luck.


Thank you. That's cool stuff. When my son was at Berkeley he got to work on the Supernova Cosmology Project (as an undergrad). Those are the folks who are so full of themselves that they discovered that, not only is the universe expanding, it's accelerating apart!
I love this physics stuff, which BTW is why I went to the lecture that….ZZZZzzzzz…… I hope you have a lot of beer on hand. It might be a couple more weeks before that thing lights up. :D
Ah...could that be Guth & co then? I thought he was with MIT. Need to go look now. It was an interesting bit of a shock for me when it seemed the fizical laws were not always the same everywhere and everytime.

I think it was Bethe who stated that one of the greatest achievements of mankind was the ability to sit in an armchair and imagine through the inner workings of a star and then see those imaginings borne out by experimental evidence. In this he was unapologetically tooting his own horn (his Nobel was for stellar nucleosynthesis). But even that doesn't detract from the validity of the statement.

BTW, I also enjoyed the Cern Rap. That was a hoot.

Keep looking up.


BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.
You're tense is off. What ever happened, is already done with. The light just hasn't gotten here yet.

Well, only if it happens within the next 600 years. The window is (we read) w/in the next millenium. So it may not have happened yet, and if not, it'll be a lotta nights looking up. But, hey, I'm an optimist. I'll be out there again tonight.



Hey, I enjoyed the post.

Reminded me of a instructor in a college class I took years ago. That guy had the most boring monotone speaking voice I had ever heard. I also caught him giving us bad information a couple times. But I couldn't correct him, fall asleep in class, hide in the utility closet, or just leave. He was head of IT for a company our sales weasels were working on (over?) to try and sell them our services. I had to be extra attentive and show a good example for "The Company".

At least I was able to get the sales weasels to pretty much do my final class project for me. :yahoo:

