JB takes in a physics lecture, walks out on it

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Well JB, I think it very considerate of you to leave, before the snoring disturbed the lecture.

I think of escape routes and notice obvious dangers others seem oblivious to, especially when I have to be someplace I don't wanna be. Thought I was the only one that weird ! :p

Good read JB. Thanks for the entertainment !

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phys·ic   [fiz-ik] Show IPA noun, verb,-icked, -ick·ing.


1. a medicine that purges; cathartic; laxative.

Now, why would anyone want to go to a lecture about physics? :eek:

Nothing is more debilitating than some pompous professor trying to entertain. They become so indulged in self-importance, they forget they have an audience. I'll never forget when my daughter graduated from St. Norbert's and the speaker was the head of the Library of Congress. He was a total bore. People were laughing at him. We would have enjoyed a lecture of exploits by a street whore rather than listen to his hollow ramblings.

Actually, that sounds damn interesting. :lol:

As those of you who have met me already know, I'm not the sharpest tool nor brightest bulb.

But everyday I get to talk with incredibly brilliant folks whose minds are, well, intact and above average. I work at a University as a tech geek.

I really enjoy discourses with those profs who can appreciate my 'level of understanding' and describe complex topics in my limited way of understanding. I thank them for being kind, and remember them when I have to fix their stupid computer issues that even an idiot could understand. Of course, I use terms that are nice, and describe complex issues in a manner they can understand.

Somehow, it all balances out.

Edit -

I wish I could work with guys like the one described to make his presentation POP and be appreciated by all in the audience. The most unlikely of friends are those of most significant differences.

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Sounds like the lecture was the polar opposite of Neil deGrasse Tyson's NOVA show last night, The Pluto Files. The way he can teach and draw interest to his topic is amazing. I'm sure if we had more high school science teachers like him we'd have many, many more students interested in the sciences. And I'd be willing to bet he showers every day.
I saw that that was on but opted not to watch it. If I’d had your comment earlier I’d have watched it. But I’ll look for the replay.

What is LHC?
:blink: dunno but try this .....

That would have been very appropriate--kinda burst the bubble of hot air in the room.

So I take it “quite full of himself” means educated, erudite, reflective, thoughtful, alive, engaged, thinking, and of course handsome.
You forgot modest. :rolleyes: I'd say you're a bit wordy, but there's that pot/kettle thing. :unsure:

Neil deGrasse Tyson is awesome. He can teach/inform/upgrade knowledge of just about layperson, at least one who understands English. @LD, there is a way to find out if he showers every day. Stalk him at his home for a while, and get a good look into his shower area. Maybe set up a camera?

(Disclaimer - no JB groupie here. In fact, I pretty much know nothing about the guy.) BTW, why folks gotta hate on someone who types more than a few words on a interwebz forum thread, especially if he's the OP? Damn, iffin you don't like it, don't read it. No reason to denigrate the dude. Having said all that, I confess that it is firmly in the realm of possibility that JB is a completely, utterly, and hopelessly pompous ass. I'm not really sure either way. Of course, maybe the disparaging reply was a joke, and I'm admittedly dense when it comes to the subject of internet sarcasm.

The title of this post got my attention. I made it half-way through the second paragraph before I realized your post was actually 13 or 14 paragraphs long. About that time, I concluded that you are quite full of yourself. Then I remembered one other of your posts that left me with the same impression. Kudos to anyone who actually managed to finish the read You must have ample time on your hands and the patience of Job.

I see you’re a long-timer BJ so I expect to get some flack from any lingering groupies you may have. Peace.

Wow. It's not often one is exposed to the ramblings of one so unencumbered by the normal social conventions of civility and politeness. I've highlighted my favorite part. Thanks for telling us that the only reason one could possibly object to this mean spirited drivel camouflaged as critique is because we're JB lackeys. And here I thought it was because you're an idiot. You're making a big deal out of something that takes two minutes to read? That's your definition of the patience of Job, having to read 13 or 14 paragraphs?

PS - Peace.

If I understand correctly, according to your metric, anyone who writes anything more than one paragraph is “quite full of himself.” Well, then I’m in good company, including Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Marx, Plato, T.S. Eliot, every journalist on the planet, and my children, just to name a few. So I take it “quite full of himself” means educated, erudite, reflective, thoughtful, alive, engaged, thinking, and of course handsome.
I’ve always felt that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. But for those who have weak minds, I can recommend Sesame Street. It’s on TV, so you don’t have to read anything at all, or even think. You can just watch the images dance on the screen in front of you, kinda like my cat. My cat has a lot of time on its hands. I don’t. So I read and write, among other things.

It also appears that anyone who can read more than one and a half paragraphs receives your praise. I can imagine such praise would be highly sought.

I had a pithy response prepared for FJRless, regarding the horror of having someone assume he could read 13 or 14 paragraphs (in a ROW!),

but then I saw JB-BJ had dispatched him nicely.

By the way, JB, your cat has time on his paws, not his hands. :p

Otherwise, We need another picture of the Parthenon.

Some people have no humor...but instead exist to make critical comments of others. It's easier to tear down than to build up. It's a sad way to live.

Damn, son.... Who peed in your Wheaties?


Lighten the **** up, Francis.


No, you misunderstand. Allow me to clear this up for you, humor aside. I find your self-serving rhetoric boring and obtuse. My guess is that many on the forum do as well, save a few weak-minded proselytes who have chimed in with insolent and turgid remarks I think it's arrogant, really, to attempt to manipulate opinions of others with impertinent proclamations of academic achievement rather than with substance and sincerity. In any case, I don't judge others by the degrees they may or may not have and, unlike you, I refrain from making crass remarks about another's perceived lack of education. My commentary was not mean-spirited nor was it camouflaged; it was just my personal observation. Well, I've enjoyed this senseless and unproductive banter with you and your apostles but I think I'll leave it there....in one paragraph.
BTW - too long, didn't read.


I just got through listening to a podcast about the LHC. Pretty cool stuff. All the drama and controversy surrounding it is pretty amusing/fascinating.

Enjoyed reading this JB. Don't let the naysayers bait you. Fizics is pretty cool stuff once you understand what you're looking at. BTW, saw a very interesting piece the other day...the Star Betelguese (Alpha Orionis...Orion's shoulder) has shrunk its diameter 15% in as many years. Likely on the verge of going super nova soon (core collapse). It may have enough mass to avoid the fast spinning neutron star phase and end up creating a black hole. I sit at night on my porch now checking my watch every so often...waiting, waiting. It'll be brighter than the moon when it goes.



I've avoided posting on this thread, but barely. Started a couple of times and then cancelled, in fact.

I come onto the forum for some good information about the bike, farkles, upcoming rides and gatherings and a little socialization with people I've come to think of as friends, whether I've met them or not. Not everybody, of course. Some kind of set themselves apart. Too bad.

FJRless, I think that's what you've done with your divisive and uncalled-for criticism. You don't have to read the post; you don't have to comment on the post. But you stuck yourself out there just to . . . what? I wouldn't care to ride with you at this point. You just don't seem like a very pleasant person.

By the way, I think Mike Tyson is the bomb. And I still think Pluto is a planet.
