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...But now ionbeam says I have a smelly exhaust. :unsure:
I can tell when Fred is going to pass cars because my eyes start to water and my nose puckers an instant before the rolled on throttle begins to produce visible acceleration :lol:

One characteristic of an overly rich engine is that it boggs under acceleration. Any time you add extra gas over the stoichiometric point the engine starts to have a softer performance edge. As anti-American as it may seem, more gas isn't always the secret for better performance. One reason the FJR responds so well to a rich PC map is because the bogging takes the edge off of the lean abruptness of Yamaha's fuel mapping in the ECU. It isn't just adding more fuel to achieve the perfect stoichiometric ratio, usually a map like the Smoothness map takes the engine into mild bogging. We perceive this bogging as engine smoothness. Fred will find the worse his engine's exhaust stinks the smoother the engine will seem to run under cruising conditions. At some point, when too much fuel is added you will also notice that roll-ons no longer have quite the snap that you remembered.

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I think what you guys are talking about is the lean stumble that happens at idle and during "cruise". It also happens (on my 1st gen) right on up to ~4000 rpm when under a light load (steady throttle). It's the cause what is often referred to as "surging".

That is, until I installed a PCIII. You know, that thing that doesn't do anything... :rolleyes:
My second Gen 1 seems be "jerkier" than my first...where I noticed not much at all. I was riding with my son on his XJ600...and that little on/off thing happening under steady throttle is definitely there. I am willing to live with that for economic reasons (gas mpg, cost of commander).

However, yesterday when I went to pass under heavy load (rpm at 5.5k...towards the beginning of the pass), I felt something like an off switch for a millesecond. :( Not something you want during a pass. This isn't related to the low rpm jerkiness is it? I quickly looked at my voltmeter to make sure THAT wasn't happening again...but all was well and good on the volt thing.

I guess I should sync the throttle bodies and see if that's been over a year since that was done.

BTW: it's good someone put a subtitle below the title of "Jerkiness" :D
Sounds more like a misfire, not related to this lean map thing.

And Alan, you've changed your story on me.

You told me before that it was on decel into corners that you were getting stunk up.

Same phenomenon, just different effect. I added fuel in the zero throttle column so the off to on response is smoother. I didn't add much fuel in the larger throttle columns, and in fact there are some negatives in the middle columns.

PS - nobody noticed (or commented on) my stinkiness this weekend :p

I had the same reaction on my '08. The G2 tube made all the difference in the world.
I just bought my 08 FJR early august and joined the forum noticed your post about the G2 tube and throttle response I thought yamaha corrected the problem but you really reccommend the change? I also felt the return spring much harder the my suzuki gsxr 1000 even after the unwind mod thanks in advance :blink:

New rider, "new" holdover 2007AE. Horrible jerkiness at throttle on and throttle painful to hold off for long.

Did the throttle release--problem solved for LD riding, no change for throttle surging.

Did TBS--smoother but no change in surging.

Did the 2007 ECU altitude swap--slight help with surging.

Added PC-III (dealer had in stock), with Bill's adaptation of the Wally Smoothness map--surging gone unless I want it!

YMMV, but these mods helped this neophyte a great deal. Just back from a 3200 miles ride and no problems, whether endless straight Montana roads or twisty little US 21 in Idaho.

well I am trying to decide if i want a FJR looking at an 07 and an 08 but tou guys have just about scared me off of one wit this thread . Can the problem really be as bad as you make it out to be??

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well I am trying to decide if i want a FJR looking at an 07 and an 08 but tou guys have just about scared me off of one wit this thread . Can the problem really be as bad as you make it out to be??
Seems more of an issue with the 07's (my perception from reading here). Not an issue with my 08. Yes the throttle is a bit stiff, but not to the point I even worried about the throttle spring release. Most have found resolve with the minor tweaking (throttle spring, G2, and if those failed the PC-III or V) None of which breaks the bank if thats your only concern toward buy or bail.

If possible, a test ride should answer your questions rather quickly.

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well I am trying to decide if i want a FJR looking at an 07 and an 08 but tou guys have just about scared me off of one wit this thread . Can the problem really be as bad as you make it out to be??

Hell no. You'd be surprised at the amount of "my (insert name/device here) makes my vagina hurt" goes on with most of these wusses.

It's a friggin' motorcycle. It's not supposed to be as creamy, velvety smooth as a damn Rolls Royce.

"I need a new seat, my butt hurts!"

"I need a new shield, my hair's getting mussed up!"

"I need highway pegs, my legs are getting cramped!"

"I need a GPS, I'm too lame to read a map!"

"I need a redesigned side-stand, I'm too stupid to work the one that came with the bike!"

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

"I need...I need...I need...I need!"

What most of these ovary-totin' bastards need is to man-the-****-up. What MOST of them need is a shot of testosterone. And what most of them need is learn how to control the right hand/throttle connection.

Buncha damn sissy crybabies. <_<


That's an example of what a less kinder, gentler 'Howie might have written. But my recent EEO and Sensitivity training leads me to day "yes, the FJR may NOT be for you. Unlike all the other brands, it is not 100% perfect, but it's so high in the 90+ percentile, it makes other brands look like ass-cheese in overall comparison. It would be a shame to not experience the joy that is the FJR just because of opinions expounded by some folks who can't seem to learn how to deal with a direct connection between their right hands and 145 horsepower."

Hope the use of "ass-cheese" doesn't offend. I'm a better person than that.

well I am trying to decide if i want a FJR looking at an 07 and an 08 but tou guys have just about scared me off of one wit this thread . Can the problem really be as bad as you make it out to be??

Hell no. You'd be surprised at the amount of "my (insert name/device here) makes my vagina hurt" goes on with most of these wusses.

It's a friggin' motorcycle. It's not supposed to be as creamy, velvety smooth as a damn Rolls Royce.

"I need a new seat, my butt hurts!"

"I need a new shield, my hair's getting mussed up!"

"I need highway pegs, my legs are getting cramped!"

"I need a GPS, I'm too lame to read a map!"

"I need a redesigned side-stand, I'm too stupid to work the one that came with the bike!"

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

"I need...I need...I need...I need!"

What most of these ovary-totin' bastards need is to man-the-****-up. What MOST of them need is a shot of testosterone. And what most of them need is learn how to control the right hand/throttle connection.

Buncha damn sissy crybabies. <_<


That's an example of what a less kinder, gentler 'Howie might have written. But my recent EEO and Sensitivity training leads me to day "yes, the FJR may NOT be for you. Unlike all the other brands, it is not 100% perfect, but it's so high in the 90+ percentile, it makes other brands look like ass-cheese in overall comparison. It would be a shame to not experience the joy that is the FJR just because of opinions expounded by some folks who can't seem to learn how to deal with a direct connection between their right hands and 145 horsepower."

Hope the use of "ass-cheese" doesn't offend. I'm a better person than that.
Well now that you put it that way seems very clear.

I go in to buy a suit. I find one that I like. I try it on. OK not bad, take in a little in the seat, let out a little in the waist, shorten the sleeves and the pants a touch. Ah! Perfect. Same principal with the Feej. Just my $.02. ;)

I go in to buy a suit. I find one that I like. I try it on. OK not bad, take in a little in the seat, let out a little in the waist, shorten the sleeves and the pants a touch. Ah! Perfect. Same principal with the Feej. Just my $.02. ;)
Oh come on, fastpappy. "Take in a little in the seat" is the equivalent of adjusting the tire pressure or shock rebound, NOT spending $400 on a PC III or V.

Shortening the sleeves ain't exactly the same as dropping seven large on a Russell saddle.

I bet you smooth-talk the ladies real good, too. :p

I go in to buy a suit. I find one that I like. I try it on. OK not bad, take in a little in the seat, let out a little in the waist, shorten the sleeves and the pants a touch. Ah! Perfect. Same principal with the Feej. Just my $.02. ;)

With less than $600 added on to my 07, about $350 for the PC-III, this bike is close to perfect for me now. Why, for a HD owner $600 is just a chromed air cleaner! I consider myself fortunate to be able to optimize an FJR, where comfort tweaks are needed but mechanical and engine "upgrades" are not necessary.


I forgot my secondhand Mayer seat. Make that $1000 total in farkles or improvements. For all that I could get one of those chromed aircleaners that stick way out and forward for a HD. But then I would need to add a really really long slider too. [SIZE=8pt](See my sig)[/SIZE]

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OK now that I figured out this is a FI problem many other FI bikes may share I am not as worried now for the test ride

I guess I'll add my 2 cents worth. I have an 07 bought with 7K on the clock. I first added the G2 throttle tube -- helped some but not enough, new ECU to correct altitude sampling rate --- no noticeable effect. Increased the idle speed to 1200 rpm -- helped some but still had abrupt transitions off/on throttle in corners. So, I installed the PCV with PCIII maps -- per fuelmoto, a smoothness (power) map and the economy map. I just got back from a test ride and can say it's was worth every penny. I wasn't certain of which switch setting was the power or economy, but riding it I discovered that the power map doesn't so much as burble or pop when decelerating from 5k down through 2k. However, what I take to be the economy map does burble and and very softly pop on deceleration. My bike has the stock air filter, intake air box and exhaust system. YMMV :evo:

I go in to buy a suit. I find one that I like. I try it on. OK not bad, take in a little in the seat, let out a little in the waist, shorten the sleeves and the pants a touch. Ah! Perfect. Same principal with the Feej. Just my $.02. ;)
Oh come on, fastpappy. "Take in a little in the seat" is the equivalent of adjusting the tire pressure or shock rebound, NOT spending $400 on a PC III or V.

Shortening the sleeves ain't exactly the same as dropping seven large on a Russell saddle.

I bet you smooth-talk the ladies real good, too. :p
The Feej has so many low cost or no cost adjustments that can be be made I haven't spent any serious farkle bucks as yet except to upgrade the sadedles and my GPS. I really think a lot has to do with living with the bike and getting used to what it takes to get her to do what you want the way you want. Yea kinda like the ladies. ;)

I go in to buy a suit. I find one that I like. I try it on. OK not bad, take in a little in the seat, let out a little in the waist, shorten the sleeves and the pants a touch. Ah! Perfect. Same principal with the Feej. Just my $.02. ;)
Oh come on, fastpappy. "Take in a little in the seat" is the equivalent of adjusting the tire pressure or shock rebound, NOT spending $400 on a PC III or V.

Shortening the sleeves ain't exactly the same as dropping seven large on a Russell saddle.

I bet you smooth-talk the ladies real good, too. :p
The Feej has so many low cost or no cost adjustments that can be be made I haven't spent any serious farkle bucks as yet except to upgrade the sadedles and my GPS. I really think a lot has to do with living with the bike and getting used to what it takes to get her to do what you want the way you want. Yea kinda like the ladies. ;)

What kind of adjustments are you talking about I test rode an 07 FJR and an 09 connie back to back today and as much as I disliked the connie and liked the FJR the connie was the one I was must comfortable with as far as the throttle control went .


I just bought an 07 a little over 3 weeks ago. I would do it again. It does have an issue with low throttle input, BUT if the bike's fuel injected (FI) and the FI responds in a discrete manner (i.e. ON/OFF) then it makes sense that this happens. Think about it. "Ignite" 145 horsepower and 100 lb/ft of torque underneath you and you would expect this. I already ordered a G2 tube as I am modulating well with the stock setup. If not, then yes I'll spend another 400 for a PC. It's all relative. We dump around that much on a new seat, radar detector, or more if you go from a FJRa to a FJRae,but in the end when you get what you wanted and it works - THAT IS PRICELESS.

Today I did the engine/final drive fluid change (will do coolant tomorrow) installed the iridium plugs. GPS power, PCIII with stock map, (and I already have the G2 tube). Bike runs MUCH better now. Almost like its totally different. I have to now get used to the bike NOT jerking me around. I am MUUUUUUCH happier. I may keep this scooter yet!

Honestly, I think it was either the fluid change, or the GPS plug that did it. :blushsmiley:

Now plot the rout for my first camp out on this puppy next weekend. But first, its time for a little

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