John Ryan Attempts "Ultimate Coast to Coast"

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
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Tri-Cities, WA
John Ryan is an FJR rider and at the time of this post in the Edmonton B.C. area of Canada above the pace needed to break the 96 hour record for Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Key West, Florida. According to one report he rode the first few hundred miles of dirt road at a BBG pace!

Currently being covered on the BMW MOA forum. Watch "higdon". He's DEFINITELY in the know. ;)


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Crazy MoFo! I wish him the best of luck.

So, after reading that MOA thread, I am wondering about a couple things.

Why did he do the Dalton overnight during the dark? Not being familiar with the road or that country, I think I would want the visibility of daylight, and would think the critter problem would be worse at night. Less truck traffic? Or is it light 24/7 right now?

Apparently, he did the Dalton in the rain. How? Everything I have read says that rain makes the road slicker than snot due to the 'stuff' they put on it. I have been told that rain makes it damn near impossible for a dual sport to ride it, much less an FJR. So how did he do it?

Boy, he had some problems before the start - flat tire, holed oil pan, need to fabricate a windshield bracket, radiator, cracked wheel? That sure is an unforgiving part of the world.

Apparently, he did the Dalton in the rain. How? Everything I have read says that rain makes the road slicker than snot due to the 'stuff' they put on it. I have been told that rain makes it damn near impossible for a dual sport to ride it, much less an FJR. So how did he do it?
Boy, he had some problems before the start - flat tire, holed oil pan, need to fabricate a windshield bracket, radiator, cracked wheel? That sure is an unforgiving part of the world.
He's better than you, me, and odot....put together. ;)

Guy's a riding animal and a different breed.

Not sure about the logistics up there, but I can see why people attempt that part first. You make it to B.C. and it makes the rest of the ride turn from one of rider ability and bike robustness to one of managing fatigue.

Crazy MoFo! I wish him the best of luck.
So, after reading that MOA thread, I am wondering about a couple things.

Why did he do the Dalton overnight during the dark? Not being familiar with the road or that country, I think I would want the visibility of daylight, and would think the critter problem would be worse at night. Less truck traffic? Or is it light 24/7 right now?
Sunset in Fairbanks now is 2:20AM and it a full moon to boot so light shouldn't be the big problem. Rain on the other hand... :huh:

Apparently, he did the Dalton in the rain. How? Everything I have read says that rain makes the road slicker than snot due to the 'stuff' they put on it. I have been told that rain makes it damn near impossible for a dual sport to ride it, much less an FJR. So how did he do it?
Boy, he had some problems before the start - flat tire, holed oil pan, need to fabricate a windshield bracket, radiator, cracked wheel? That sure is an unforgiving part of the world.
You better figure it out SkooterBoy, you too Iggy. You should have noticed in that same thread a mention of Dean and Lisa coming back from Deadhorse. I hear Purdoe Bay is lovely in August.

I'll see you boys in Spokane

You better figure it out SkooterBoy, you too Iggy. You should have noticed in that same thread a mention of Dean and Lisa coming back from Deadhorse. I hear Purdoe Bay is lovely in August.
I'll see you boys in Spokane
Higdon is supposedly playing a roll in I did take notice of that trifecta of deviousness being involved in this endeavor. Chance doesn't seem very likely. ;)

But the mechanics of it all are troubling. L.A. is the second checkpoint, Spokane is the finish line 99 hours later. Unless they do some blue pill sort of option 6700 miles for that leg alone just isn't doable.....but maybe '09 will be the purple pill option. ;)

Does anyone have a link to his Spot Tracker?
Been looking and can't find one...and thinking it's not being shared with the general public. I know I wouldn't if it were me. ;)

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That is one helluva ride he is riding so far. I liked that he took the time to wash mud off the bike iin Fairbanks before heading back out. So far haven't heard any of the usual wisecracks about clean bikes around here.

It seems as if someone on the BMW board (link provided elsewhere here by Beemerdons) has access to info from his Spot (either direct or second hand)


(Note to self: Well, duh, Joe, see post number one this thread)

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That looks like it would be a blast!!!!!!!! He sure has big balls to ride a wet gravel road at 69mph!!! Did you see the dirt on both of them at the car wash? That's an amazing feat should he complete it in under 96hrs. Hats off to him :fans:

That's just nuts! I could never do that. That is so cool. Good luck, and ride safe John!

Look forward to hearing of his success in beating the record... safely.

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UPDATE!!! From the other site...............This guy is flying!!!!!



Join Date: Jul 2007

Location: Alaska

Posts: 865

At 1500 hours, Alaska time, or 42 hours into the ride John is approaching Moose Jaw, SK. He is roughly half way by my estimation.



In the Greater Fairbanks Metroplex

07 RT / 93 GSPD


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Halfway through he's done a hell of a ride already. Any forum members along the way or at the finish line, please take some pics for our fix here!

I just found out about this attempt today while surfing. Talk about AWESOME. I hope he makes it for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that it would be yet another feather in the cap of the FJR as a fantastic machine. As for the rider, he is obviously a monster of a machine.
