Just got the phone call I've always dreaded about a fellow PGR member...

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Isabella is Lazarus
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
Metairie, LA suburb of Ole Nawlins'
I mentioned today in other threads I was going to a PGR mission for a young PFC Marine from Denham Springs, LA 60 miles from my home in Metairie, LA which is a suburb of New Orleans. Mike Barris, my friend, and a real big heart for Veterans, was assertive enough to read an obit for a Vietnam Veteran he didn't know from Adam, call the funeral director or the Pastor of the church the service was being held, explain what the PGR was all about, and ask them to think about asking the next of kin / family for permission and an invitation for us to serve and honor their deceased loved one. Out of 5 obits in the last year he felt lead to pursue, 3 of them were made into missions by the widow's invitation. He and I were twice the only 2 to be able to show up on a weekday morning as we are both retired and our time is our own besides family committments.

We brought flags to hold on poles, and twice, my extra flag I carry brand new in the package was used to drape the casket after asking the funeral director if we could. He asked the family. Mike and I, just the two of us folded that flag and presented it to the next of kin right after I played echo taps from my MP3 and Goldwing speakers for all to hear.

Well, Mike didn't make it home from the mission today in Denham Springs to his home in Independence, LA. He was killed on his Harley Softail; no details yet, but the RC today is a Baton Rouge LEO and will find out.

Services to be either Thur, Fri, or Sat.

Please pray for Mike Barris's widow, for me (my CMA group and I lost our Chaplain 9 months ago riding his bike on River Road crossing the double yellow line and hitting a pickup truck), and all the Louisiana PGRers. I'm getting paranoid as in 2004-07, I knew no-one who went down, and in '08, I know 15 who went down with 1 fatality. Now this in Jan '09.

Thanx much to my cyperspace and extended family,

Mike in Nawlins'

PGR New Orleans Ride Captain

black armband, in mourning and pain :cry:

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Sincere condolences on the loss of our brother. Prayers sent from the Ca PGR.


Let us know when his PGR forum topic is online.

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Like others, sorry to hear of the passing of a close friend Mike. The last couple of years have been very tough with fellow bike riders leaving us. Alot of us here can relate. Prayers going out to you Mike, the Patroit Guard members, and to the Barris family.

I can relate to the paranoid part as there was a time not too long ago when I just couldn't get on a bike because of all that was happening. But had to realize there is therapy in the ride and to just keep the memories of our fallen friends when we do. Blessings, and thanks for all your hard work. Del a.k.a. Painman. <>< Mounted Messengers, Chp. 745, CMA. Antioch, Ca.

Sincere condolences on the loss of our brother. Prayers sent from the Ca PGR. :rip_1:

Let us know when his PGR forum topic is online.
Geez, thank you all for your sweet, kind words. It means everything to me.

Shared joy is double; shared sorrow is half...


I'm in direct contact with Karen, his widow. She is taking solice in the many "extended family members" in the PGR that loved and respected Mike very much. When the arrangements are made, we will create a mission for Mike's wake/funeral.

I will post that thread, as well.

This is new for me after coordinating 60+ missions of all types in the last 3 years.

It's a real bitch, and real painful, to go through this process I've done for a mission dozens and dozens of times. Before, I was moved every time, but once it was done, I walked away with the emotions subsizing. I'm embarressed to say I had no emotional stake in these situations. I was a big shoulder for folks to cry on, but my tears dried up as soon as I mounted my bike to head for home.

This time, Mike's image is burned into my head with his crooked smile, loud laugh with jiggling belly, disheveled vest, and scarcastic arrows shot at me and my obsessive compulsiveness and being anal. All done with love and bonding. Always had a suggestion or two on how things could be done better.

I can't walk away from this one without being devastated for a long, long time. I was the co-RC for the last mission he rode yesterday. I hugged him hello and goodbye not having a clue it would be the last time I would touch his warm body. Geez, sigh.

CRAP, he was so looking forward to my annual New Orleans Ride Eat event in March. He did love to eat, that's fur sur. Sigh.

Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it blows. Such is the circle of life. God help us all.

Mike in Nawlins'

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Sorry to hear the bad news. He sounds like a good man, and there are fewer and fewer like him. Hope his family and friends can get thru this and be comforted by the fact that he led a good and productive life.

Sorry to hear the bad news. He sounds like a good man, and there are fewer and fewer like him. Hope his family and friends can get thru this and be comforted by the fact that he led a good and productive life.
Thanx Jay...'preciate it...Mike believed in God and I believe he's in a better place receiving his just reward...

BTW, I'm heading to Best Buy to buy a new screen (monitor)...

I broke mine just now trying to kill that damn bug crawling all over...

My condolences go out to you and Mike's family.

You and Mike have brought much comfort to folks and I hope you and Mike's family find some comfort in the thoughts and prayers offered in the forum.

We'll keep you in our prayers.


Mike's to the far right with the blue doo rag

RIP my friend
