Just Mounted a 190/55/17

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Well, I've got a 190 rear on my VFR and the front looks like this..

1/4" c/strip... no c/stip on the back...
The rear rim on the VFR is a 17" x 6" wide (a full half inch wider than the FJR's) and actually comes with a 190 width tire stock. With the wider rim the tire profile would not get pinched into a higher than intended profile.
Yes Fred I know that, the no c/strip for the rear was just a side note...getting the front c/strip down to ~1/4" a little more challenging.

Normaly w/ PRIIs (180/55) I'm at the edge of the raer, w/ 'bout 3/16" cs on the front, 'bout when the pegs are scrape'in. With a 190/55, I'll get to the edge of the front w/ 'bout 5/8" cs on the rear.

Luv the 190/55 makes the bike streer quicker, butt like the 180/55 in the winter.

Theoretically if you have already updated the suspension and have the rear of the bike at the proper ride height putting the rear higher would further steepen the fork angle and may cause some loss of straight line stability. It would be interesting if Richard could supply some sag measurements and ride height from the ground both with rider on and off the bike for comparison with those of us with upgraded suspensions.
It would be nice to have a speedo that reads accurately though.
It'd be purdie hard ta make a long wheelbase, lazy geometry FJR unstable. Butt, not only duz it raise the rear, but it also raises the axle a tad, altering it's relationship ta the swing arm pivot.

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Okay so wider tire in the rear what about wider tire up front or taller? Still running stock air pressure? Also saw on american mototire site the PR3's come in regular or "b spec" which is a higher cost. Says they are specifically made for loaded or two up touring... Worth the extra cost or no?

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<snip> Also saw on american mototire site the PR3's come in regular or "b spec" which is a higher cost. Says they are specifically made for loaded or two up touring... Worth the extra cost or no?
IMHO, not worth the extra bucks. Based on experience with the PNW gang, tread life doesn't last any longer and don't note any increase in stability two-up.



True, but if you are never spending any time on that already purchased rubber it cannot possibly help extend the longevity of the other tread. Besides it looks so ghey to have inch and a half chicken strips on a sporty looking bike like the FJR...
I tried to give KJ some beef about his wide chicken strips (with the big meat on the back) but I don't think he was getting it.
the non ridden edge (gap) actually looked less on mine than most 180/55's (at least on the bikes I examined at Nerds anyways).

I guess I just like my bikes rear a lil bigger, and my woman's rear a lil smaller.

True, but if you are never spending any time on that already purchased rubber it cannot possibly help extend the longevity of the other tread. Besides it looks so ghey to have inch and a half chicken strips on a sporty looking bike like the FJR...
I tried to give KJ some beef about his wide chicken strips (with the big meat on the back) but I don't think he was getting it.
the non ridden edge (gap) actually looked less on mine than most 180/55's (at least on the bikes I examined at Nerds anyways).

I guess I just like my bikes rear a lil bigger, and my woman's rear a lil smaller.

Pffft... Without picture proof that's just hot air. And no, I did not take a picture of your fat rear end.

But it was your rear tire that got me thinking about this whole thing (bigger stripes on the fatter tires)

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Pffft... Without picture proof that's just hot air. And no, I did not take a picture of your fat rear end.

But it was your rear tire that got me thinking about this whole thing (bigger stripes on the fatter tires)
Well there ya go... thinking again!

It'd be purdie hard ta make a long wheelbase, lazy geometry FJR unstable.
When people complain about getting front end wobbles during deceleration that is what they are complaining about; Loss of stability, usually accentuated or brought on by crappy or worn tires. This is accentuated by the front fork compressing and sharpening the steering angles, which is why it shows up during decel.

Anyone with aftermarket fork springs is probably running at a higher (smaller) fork sag, and with a higher spring rate that doesn't dive as much on decel, so their bike is already going to be more stable at all times.

Butt, not only duz it raise the rear, but it also raises the axle a tad, altering it's relationship ta the swing arm pivot.
A bigger rear wheel diameter will raise the axle and the frame of the bike exactly the same amount. The angle of the swingarm to the bike will be identical, albeit all raised up a little bit from the ground.

The swingarm runs (mostly) parallel to the ground, so is perpendicular to any bump inputs to the suspension. The swingarm relationship to the ground will change a very small (insignificant) amount by raising the axle as the bike pivots upwards on the (fixed) front wheel. The angle can be calculated just knowing the amount that the axle is raised and the wheelbase of the bike. In this case the wheelbase is long and the amount raised is small, so the angle will be very shallow.

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