...just signed for a new 08 FJR-A. Did I pay too much?

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Active member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Hello everyone!

I just plonked down an advance for a new 08 FJR-A and here is the cost breakdown:

Base: 10,537.00

Freight & Destination: 289.00

Assembly & preparation: 245.00

Admin Fees: 129.00

Sales Tax: 300.00

Total: 11,500.00

Is this a fair price or have I been gouged out? I do have to drive out about 5 hours one way to get the bike but I am not factoring that into the cost of aquisition.

Thanks in advance for your responses.

It depends...

Do you like the bike? Do you plan to ride it? Do you plan to keep it for a few years at least? If so, then you are fine. If not you are screwed.

Welcome aboard.

The price looks fine. It's the extras you got screwed over. You don't say where you are, but if you are in the Southeast, buying an '09 from D&H probably wouldn't be much more money.

All three of the 'extras' the dealer collects are pure gravy . . .

You also get $400 in customer cash - make sure your dealer doesn't grab that too. You can use it to buy an extended factory warranty (Y.E.S.) plan - should set you back $389 and will extend the warranty to five years.

You mentioned a 5 hour drive to collect the bike. Is it in the same state? if not, you don't pay sales tax.

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The price looks fine. It's the extras you got screwed over.
All three of the 'extras' the dealer collects are pure gravy . . .

You also get $400 in customer cash - make sure your dealer doesn't grab that too.

You mentioned a 5 hour drive to collect the bike. Is it in the same state? if not, you don't pay sales tax.
The total price is after taking the 400 into consideration.

Also, yes, I live in a different state... but if I pay sales tax in one state, wouldnt my total tax in my home state be reduced by that amount? ...which brings this question into focus... what happens if my staste taxes are lower than the state of sale?

thanks for your replies...

He doesn't collect state sales taxes - he provides you with a temp plate to ride back to your home state and pay taxes when you register it. If you are trailering it, then you don't need the temp.

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You should not be paing the sales tax for the state you bought it in. You should be paying the sales tax for where it will be registered. If they withheld for the state you bought it in, then ask them to fill out the exempt paperwork and to refund what they withheld. If they withheld for your state, just make sure that it is very clear on your paperwork so your license plates don't get held up.

My immediate response to your question, price unseen, was "NO!" because it is such a great bike at any price! :p

If you think that price isn't good, then you should try buying one in Canada! They rob us blind up here! :blink:

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thanks y'all!

I'll go back to the dealer and get him to take away the 300 - which will bring the cost of the bike to 11,200 OTD + TTR.

thanks again!!

thanks y'all!
I'll go back to the dealer and get him to take away the 300 - which will bring the cost of the bike to 11,200 OTD + TTR.

thanks again!!

Probably not gonna fly. Sales tax is collected at the merchant's address, not the purchaser's. Buying out-of-state can lead to any number of registration issues in some states. Florida used to have a really nasty "impact fee" for out-of-state purchases by residents, but it's been killed.

Generally, if you collect the bike at the dealer, you pay the dealer's sales tax. You took it out his door, he has to pay it to the state regardless of where you live. If he ships it to you then you pay your state's tax when you tag it. Your state may have other fees they need on an out-of-state purchase, though. Florida's fee was killed mostly because it violated free trade between states, IIRC.

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thanks y'all!
I'll go back to the dealer and get him to take away the 300 - which will bring the cost of the bike to 11,200 OTD + TTR.

thanks again!!

Probably not gonna fly. Sales tax is collected at the merchant's address, not the purchaser's. Buying out-of-state can lead to any number of registration issues in some states. Florida used to have a really nasty "impact fee" for out-of-state purchases by residents, but it's been killed.

Generally, if you collect the bike at the dealer, you pay the dealer's sales tax. You took it out his door, he has to pay it to the state regardless of where you live. If he ships it to you then you pay your state's tax when you tag it. Your state may have other fees they need on an out-of-state purchase, though. Florida's fee was killed mostly because it violated free trade between states, IIRC.
How is buying a motorcycle any different from buying a car?

When I b ought my truck in Texas, I paid NJ taxes only as I was living there at that time and I drove the truck back home too!

This one, I am going to trailer it home to my state... so I shouldnt be expected to pay sales tax twice... right?!

I never heard of any state collecting sales tax on a vehicle that is sold to a buyer from another state. As Auburn said, you pay the sales tax when you register he vehicle, in your home state. The state where the buyer resides gets the tax, not the state where the seller is.

Yes, it's a good buy. Is it the best?.. who cares; second guessing yourself after signing brings only remorse.

Go enjoy the bike, it's worth it no matter what you paid.

In my experience, purchasing a car in Minty-soda, I didn't pay sales tax at the dealer. I think I had to sign some fancy form for the dealer as some sort of tax exemption paperwork. When you register it in your state, you pay the sales tax, just like if you were registering a used car. There might have been a bit of paperwork, maybe just a copy of the minty-soda tax exempt form, that the dealer gave me along with the title (on which HE filled in the sale price) that had the sale price on it, but the DMV here never asked for it, I guess they trusted that I hadn't filled in a lower price on the title to get out paying some of the tax. I mean, who would do THAT?

When I bought my Intruder, I got a great deal. I went in several times to look at it, was in no rush, and got them down to what I wanted to pay. When I bought my FJR, I went in and said I want this bike and need it in 5 days. I was in no position to haggle. The closest one was 300 miles away in a crate. I paid $13,200.00 For a new 07 in June of 07. I overpaid but don't regret it one bit. I picked the bike up (waited for them to finish putting it together) on June 15th 2007 and rode it from the dealer in

Columbus Ohio to southern Illinois, Hog Rock rally, about 9 hours away. The memories from that long weekend were well worth the extra I paid. It's all supply and demand, I had big time demand and they had no supply.

Yes, thats a good price. Not bad at all, I paid 11,200 out the door for my 07 in the summer of 08. You will not pay any taxes if the sale is out of state. Get it back to GA and get her tagged, I think its still 30 days... Be ready to pay the sales tax right then.

I usually end up buying out of state too.

I bought mine in Alabama and was going back home to Alpharetta, GA and instead moved to NC for work and then it was SC and I'm actually back in Alabama with it and living 30 miles from the selling dealer. Alabama DMV was easy on the check book, NC was not too bad except for the insurance and GA is like NC DMV wise. GA sales tax sucks though, it was 7% last time I checked in Fulton county... Have fun!

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that is dirt cheap compared with what we pay in new zealand.

price for a new 08 fjr here is equivilant to "19165" usa dollars.

and we have no option of yes plan , just 2 yrs warranty

Generally, if you collect the bike at the dealer, you pay the dealer's sales tax. You took it out his door, he has to pay it to the state regardless of where you live. If he ships it to you then you pay your state's tax when you tag it. Your state may have other fees they need on an out-of-state purchase, though. Florida's fee was killed mostly because it violated free trade between states, IIRC.
This would be true for sales tax, but the vehicle tax is collected for the state the motorcycle will be titled and registered in.

$300 on an $11,200 is about 2.68% vehicle tax, that would be ridiculously low around here. Ohio is 7% give or take a little depending on county, WV 5%, PA 6% (IIRC). You could call the titling agency for the state you're buying the bike from to verify the laws, that is who usually collects any vehicle taxes.

Now in Ohio, if we sell a bike with accessories that aren't "installed" on the unit, then the customer is required to pay sales tax to Ohio for the amount of the accessories, just as they would if they walked through the doors to buy the accessories to take with them. But then you wouldn't pay any vehicle tax on the amount of the accessories. Make sense?

I would definitely have the dealer explain. Without knowing more it looks like just another "fee'...

Oh and FWIW, looks like a decent deal.
