Kawasaki GTR1400 - Son of Concours

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It definitely does not wig my waggle...the FJR had a pretty clean design out of the box say FIVE years ago. And this is all Kaw can do five years later?

I may be biased but I love my FJR :yahoo: :yahoo:

No really...I do.

Man, most don't seem to care about the performance just that the brake light if ugly? Go figure. The black does it for me. after it gets trashed just have some ghost flames painted on it.

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Kawasaki should ditch the "ribbed-Testarossa" saddlebag for the smooth look like our FJR's IMHO.

Man, most don't seem to care about the performance just that the brake light if ugly? Go figure. The black does it for me. after it gets trashed just have some ghost flames painted on it.
I'm just joking around with paintshop, and I believe I said, "It seems to me that with how many appearance design corners were cut there may have been just as many performance corners cut too. Then again, maybe all the focus was on performance and function rather than on appearance...one can only hope!"

We don't know what the performance is. The video looks neat, but who knows what kind of speed control they utilized in the editing room. The fact is that until we get this on a private dyno and some private responses are made concerning its performance, we won't know much about this bike. Therefore, I focus on the questionable design decisions they made that affect the appearance, and perhaps the performance.

For example, the brake hose wrapping behind the front fender; it is ugly, it is going to catch dirt and therefore it's gonna catch air too. Could they have designed that better?

For example, the ABS speed sensor disc on is exposed. Could this eventually be impacted by something hitting and adhering to the wheel? I dunno, but it's ugly too.

For example, the brake light under the rack; in a vulnerable place, why have it obstructing air when it could be tucked away, and it's ugly.

Performance is one thing, but useability is another that has to be factored. Would you enjoy cleaning under the hose around the front fender to find the paint being rubbed off by it? Would you like to slip with an aftermarket topcase and crack the rear brake light?

Appearance can impact performance, useability and reliability. Part of the reason streamlined things are so nice is that by their nature, things are tucked away cleanly, safely and with care. The GTR, in my opinion, is a good example of slapping something together without a whole lot of thought, care, or consideration of useability, dependability, and appearance. It'll take 3 years on the market and some really good reports from riders for me to bother venturing in the direction of the GTR.

Until then, I have my '05 FJR that I'm really happy with.

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Yea if it was anyone who would put me down it would be you. Guess I don't get an opinion with the rest of the general concensous about Kawisaki. Sorry for living.

Yea if it was anyone who would put me down it would be you. Guess I don't get an opinion with the rest of the general concensous about Kawisaki. Sorry for living.
Get back in line dude.

I guess I better too...I concur with you despite Mike's Concours.

The bottom line is that vehicles are a lot more dependable than they used to be.

Kawasaki should ditch the "ribbed-Testarossa" saddlebag for the smooth look like our FJR's IMHO.
Silly, they're ribbed for her pleasure... ;)
Now...that's just ******* funny. :lol:

The early-80's Testarossa styling is just to dated. The bags look silly. The exhaust pipe is downright ridiculous (looks like a manufacturer overrun for the Warrior.) The faux BMW rear suspension. I shall wait for the '08 FJR. Hopefully Yamaha will go to as much trouble in soliciting feedback as they are with the new VMax.
The new Team Green GTR/Concoors/whatever the hell they are going to call it... :lazy3:
I have put my photochop skills into action and have cleaned up all the visual short comings that the bug eyed connie has. Kawi sales should now increase significantly.


Much better now! :D

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The early-80's Testarossa styling is just to dated. The bags look silly. The exhaust pipe is downright ridiculous (looks like a manufacturer overrun for the Warrior.) The faux BMW rear suspension. I shall wait for the '08 FJR. Hopefully Yamaha will go to as much trouble in soliciting feedback as they are with the new VMax.

The new Team Green GTR/Concoors/whatever the hell they are going to call it... :lazy3:
I have put my photochop skills into action and have cleaned up all the visual short comings that the bug eyed connie has. Kawi sales should now increase significantly.


Much better now! :D

Perfect! Don't change a thing. Hey, wait a minute. That bike looks strangely familiar. Very funny Skyway, no WONDER that bike looks so damn good!

Yea if it was anyone who would put me down it would be you. Guess I don't get an opinion with the rest of the general concensous about Kawisaki. Sorry for living.

Are we a might thin-skinned today? I've seen a lot of Concours with mega-miles on them and many that are 15 years old. It might just be that the Connie owners, as a group, maintain their bikes better. I dunno. Generally I'd aggree that in terms of fit and finish (and perhaps lasting quality) the theoretical list would be: 1.) Honda; 2.) Yamaha; 3.) Suzuki; 4.) Kawasaki. This theory has yet to be long-term tested for the bikes produced in the last 3-5 years.

I think that as the sales numbers increase across the board for the Japapanese bikes the overall quality of each manufacturer improves and Kawasaki's quality control may have improved since the semi-merger with Suzuki that is now defunct.

All of this discussion is moot until we hear what the selling price of the GTR1300 is. If they are far above the FJR in asking price, say closer to the ST or the Beemer, then thought processes may go through some interesting and convoluted contorsions.

If Kawisaki misses the mark on some of the spec of the bike or the price they could very well be sitting on a big loss. This bike could very well be a hit, if things are right or a big miss if the bike gets too heavy or the price is too high.


Much better now! :D
Christ almighty....

Kawasaki has already shot themselves in the SportTouring foot if they put that gay-ass color on the GTR1400. The only thing that could possibly be uglier would be some kind of purplish-red/black color.

Jeezus...who picks the color for these damn things anyway?

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Today, the dealer had an '06 AE on the floor along with an '06 Connie. Both boasted a sales tag featuring '$1,000' off, in big, fat red Sharpie. The salesman walked over and asked if I was interested in either. I said, "No, but to be honest, I can't wait to see the new C14."

His reply? "I can wait. Ain't gonna be making too much profit with that coming in and the end of the PDP."

Call me Sharky. I smell blood! Heh, heh, heh!

Well, they've certainly enjoyed getting phat off their customers. I'd say it's now a buyers market...and about time.

What's that old saw about the wheels of justice grinding slowly but finely? :rolleyes:

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so how much is this beast going to cost us . ?
Did a ride with some guys from the local Concours Owners Group. He said he spoke with one of the reps from Kawasaki and he was very tight lipped, however, he did offer the following when asked about the price.... (paraphrase) 'we lost a lot of customers to the FJR and we're going to get them back'. Response to the rep (paraphrase) 'so, somewhere in the $12-$13K plus a little more for the ABS version?'. The rep just smiled.

The early-80's Testarossa styling is just to dated. The bags look silly. The exhaust pipe is downright ridiculous (looks like a manufacturer overrun for the Warrior.) The faux BMW rear suspension. I shall wait for the '08 FJR. Hopefully Yamaha will go to as much trouble in soliciting feedback as they are with the new VMax.

The new Team Green GTR/Concoors/whatever the hell they are going to call it... :lazy3:
I have put my photochop skills into action and have cleaned up all the visual short comings that the bug eyed connie has. Kawi sales should now increase significantly.


Much better now! :D
WOW! now I would buy that, uh wait a minute....I already did. :yahoo:
