Kawasaki GTR1400 - Son of Concours

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Based on the sales pitch, err specs that have been published methinks my '06 FJR just became a veritable boat anchor! Oh sigh, from the pics the saddle on the Kaw looks like it might be comfy, something I wouldn't accuse my FJR's stock saddle of being after @ 1 hour of riding.

The hyper performance my '00 ZX12R delivered was truly impressive, so this bike with a version of their ZX14 mill...oh oh! Competition...gr8 stuff! Except for the cost; that sounds like it might make the FJR still a overall "bargain". For that matter I've never come close to using ALL the speed she is capable of anymore than I have my 350hp LS 1 powered C5 Corvette...yet the standard C6 has 400 hp. How much is enough? DFO :blink:

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The bikeland shots are real - I ought to know, I posted them there. I got them from a COG industry liaison who was at thd eealer show.

So it IS real. It does exist. It will be shipped early in '07, but badged as an '08

But there is no firm pricing, no published specifications, no cruise control and no word on whether it has self cancelling turn signals.

It DOES have the transponder key system, electric windshield, power outlet, gear indicatoprs and so on plus it has the tire pressure readout.

They'll have had a year of real world experience with rhe ZX-14, so they ought to be able to catch any major engine issues.

I know from having ridden one that ther ZX-14 is extremely smooth. That implies that the ZG1400 (model designation) in either the ABS or 'normal' model will also be smooth. I mean glass smooth.

The photos show the tireas a Battlax BT-021 - that means special rubber - and ZX14s drink premium and go through tires like the more hygenic among us change our drawers.

Then there are issues related to insurance costs - is a bagged machine that has 160 horepower rated a s tourer or a sport bike?

Keep in mind that the projections call for 160 HP. That's only about 10% more than we have on the FJR.

I for one will sit tight and wait to see how it all pans out.

These aren't production pictures guys, just marketing shots. Who knows what it will really look like when it becomes available.
You are a fickle bunch of riders. :lol: It's not even real yet and you're ready to buy one. :rolleyes:

T"he Concours 14 may be a physically impressive machine, but as soon as riders flip the side stand up, they’ll be astonished at the bike’s lightweight feel. "

That sounds like marketing speak for "it's heavy like a pig" Only when we see the specs and people ride the bike will the truth be known. Maybe it will be great, or maybe it will just be another ST-1300.
Um...no...these aren't marketing shots, these are the actual bike.

what -- no factory GPS or cruise? come on now -- i think they're missing the farkin' (or is it farklin;) point!

Some interesting fairing design mods there....

1) Windshied has a hole similar to the CalSci shield.

2) The fairing is tight to the tank so no heat ( if there's any ) is thrown on the riders upper leg / crotch.

3) The front tiangular "nose " fairing is wide open behind the front wheel, air flows right through the headers.

4) Glove box is at the front of the tank ??

5) rear rack is HUGE !!

and the calipers and wave rotors are too cool, and the statement of the lean angle being the same as the ZX is a big plus!! :D

These aren't production pictures guys, just marketing shots. Who knows what it will really look like when it becomes available.

You are a fickle bunch of riders. :lol: It's not even real yet and you're ready to buy one. :rolleyes:
UMMM>>> did you click on the link Ari provided and see the actual pics of the actual bike at the actual bike show??????????????????? Did think so>>>>>take foot out of mouth now ! :D

I've got to say that I'm usually not impulsive ... But DAMN !!!! This thing rocks !!

Throttle bodies are fitted with sub-throttle valves that are controlled by the ECU to provide smooth, precise response similar to constant velocity carburetors

Variable valve timing

Tetra-Lever Shaft Drive - Unique four-link design significantly reduces driveline lash during sport riding

Tire pressure sensors

etc .....

I love my FJR, but I'll be the first to admit that it has issues ... the biggies for me being the driveline / throttle injection. While I've done all the good things this site talks about, it still isn't as smooth as the ZX14 I test drove. That motor was absolutely butter smooth and linear :dribble:

I'll wait to see the real thing ... but in the mean time I have to contribute to the hyperbol:

Damn !!!!

Its interesting to note that the big 3 manufactures about 3 years ago said "not sure if we should bring this style of bike to the USA there just isn't the maket share" So yamaha and honda step out with a tentitive bid. Yamaha gets massively good reviews on this "new" style of bike and creates a market share. So kawasaki it seems let honda and yamaha do all the work. Then they offer a heres one better bike and get an immediate response from the yamaha contigency. I think I should buy some Kawasaki stock.

Where there is a market others will jump in! Think I'll just stick with my "slow" '06 FJR! Those Art Deco speed lines on the Kaws' bags don't do anything for the visuals except look busy. DFO :p

Nice bike but I don't see it as a step ahead of the FJR. Neither is the K1200GT, more bells and whistles but does it really do anything better?

They have done the standard "detune" so power will be similar to the FJR

What is the perceived advantage?

Yamaha invent this category and so far everyone else is still playing catch up.

I am sure Yamaha will respond if necessary.

I'll jump on a Kaw 1400 3 years after our tech leaders have created their websites with the farkle instructions and fixes. I bought my first FJR this year, and thanks to them its a better bike and I get questions answered fast through you guys. Best sit tight for a while. Here, near the city I can't use the 145 hp I have now. My $0.02 and a little butt kissin'

See - Iggy got my mind right! Thanks again! XOXO


Hrms... I think it might be uglier in real life from those photos... But it still looks very very attractive.

Anyone guess yet as to pricing?

Bruce I'll jump on a Kaw 1400 3 years after our tech leaders have created their websites with the farkle instructions and fixes.
Someone has to go first... :yahoo: If we all did that, then where would we be eh?

Wonder what PO-lice departments will think of them? They've been big Kawasaki buyers for years.


Finally, the FJR will play second fiddle. :clapping:

Musta finally got kicked of the other boards.

From the picss here is what I note.

BMW placement of mirrors

FJR 06 curved radiator -

with the lower (behind tire) cowling removed for airflow as some 03-05 guys did for heat relief.

Small shield (how far will it go up?) with a notch at the bottom (buffeting? fix)

wave rotors

a glove box on the tank?



Highlander already mentioned some of these

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Some pics it looks nice........ others... well we'll have to see it in person.

More plastic looking than the Effy for sure. Looks like they aimed squarely at the ST/RT crowd when they designed the fairings. Someone posted a side by side of the FJ and the Connie and I think the Yam still looks alittle better to my eyes. More motorcycle and less scooter looking.

Really looking forward to the specs on this thing and how she runs.

How long can it be before Honda gets back into the market? (smirk)

Ack! Friggin' fugly can... and the side case storage seems to be compromised on the right side, too. Still, wery intalestink (in my best Artie Johnson-behind-the-hedge voice).
