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This is very bad news to hear. So sad.

Godspeed Larry... and I wish your family well in this, the hardest of times.


Man, it is always a shock to read about such a loss. I only knew Larry from reading this forum. I pray that the family will be able to find some comfort as I cannot imagine what they are going through, I think about my family in thier place and it makes me feel sick.

May God be with you all and keep you and bring you peace.

Let us all endevor to ride safe as we remember our fallen.


All my condolences and hopes to Larry's family, especially his wife and chldren.

Why, oh why does something so wonderful have to be so dangerous?

My wife brought me a photo over the weekend. A young couple, in their 30's, were killed here in NJ on their Aprilia when a 17 year old, in an SUV cut them off. They left 3 children. It's sobering.

Very sad about Larry's sudden death. Our lives are a bubble, they can end in the wink of an eye. We should celebrate Larry's life knowing he embraced his passion and it was recognized and acknowledged by his family. To have a passion is to live life. When we throw a leg over our bikes in the days and weeks to come, let's think of Larry for a moment and invite him along for the ride.

My sincerest blessings for the family and friends he has left behind.

How is it that a sport we all love so much be so dangerous but make us so full of life at the same time.

Then takes it before it's time.

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We all share a common passion and a tragedy like this hits us in a personal manner.

I have never met Larry but am very saddened with this news. My condolences to his family.

Didn't know you but you were one of us and will be missed, Godspeed and may you always be able to ride the perfect roads now...

Steve, hope you are doing as well as you can be, given the circumstances


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To Larrys family....

Deepest sympathy to his family & friends.



I have a pain in my heart and want to thank you all for being here to help it go away.

Peace and safe riding brothers of the wind,

Flint <sigh>

"And I thought my job was bad.

Life can change in an instant

Never let your family doubt you love them. "

Let this be Larry's epitaph.

He posted it to this web on 3-14-06.

Good-by and Godspeed Larry :bye2:

Maybe someone who knows his family would like to direct them to his quote above.

It's in his list of posts.

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I am at a complete loss for words ......

I consider myself to be a strong man, but I have been reduced to tears on this one. Not only for our loss of a fellow FJR rider, the pain felt by his family and friends, but additionally for the support and the kind words shared by this group. I am proud to be a part of such a tremendous group of people.

My deepest sympathy to Larry's family & friends. God Bless and Keep you in this time of sorrow.


I'm out in the Golden area. I was going to email Larry to see if he wanted to go riding this past Saturday. I hadn't met him personally yet, but did correspond with a few emails.

This really did come as a shock. Of course, it always does. I regret you had to go through the trauma as well.

If you need to talk, feel free to give me a call: 303 -232-3915. I can be reached at this number on Wednesday (working out of the house) or M-W-F in the evening or weekends. Otherwise, I can be contacted at work: 303-273-3613.

I'm thinking of Larry and you, both,


I've already posted up my heartfelt feelings for Larry and his family but it has been on my heart though if we as a group in some way could honor Larry at WFO in Reno this year. From some of his posts I know he was really looking forward to attending this event . And I know this would be appreceiated by him, his family and us. I am available to do what ever I can to make this happen. This is a suggestion I hope will continue on in memory of Larry. Sincerely, PM. <><

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Very Sorry to hear of this loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. :rip:

I'm sorry to read of Larry's death.

I signed the guest book for his Obituary.

These ocurrences always make me reflect about myself as a rider, and as a

husband. But then, I get on my bike and ride to work on I-95 in South Florida traffic,

and I realize that we're all crazy and there's no sense dwelling too deep 'cause

we're all just like junkies.


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