Learn BaseCamp in one day

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pg 10, step 6 had me totally lost. I "make sure the Temp folder is selected". The contents are shown in the lower pane as described. But I can't use that data to pick a waypt on a map. Then I figure out using the pop-up box that folders cannot be used. I must use a list. Whew! You led me astray there.
Maybe it's not very important to you but to me definitions are not interchangeable. If you say to select a folder, I select a folder. When it doesn't work, which it doesn't, I think again, WTF?? Why doesn't my shit work?

I don't understand. In the beginning I right clicked the toolbar and set it up EXACTLY like you said to. I went back and checked again- it is still set up EXACTLY like you said to. But I have no insert tool. Or move, erase, and divide tools. These things don't exist on my computer. WTF??
Try View>Toolbars and try to set it up that way.
When I do View>Toolbar I get EXACTLY the same results as I do when I right click the toolbar.
I just tried it as written and it worked fine for me. It also has worked as written for the 100 folks that I have taught this to.
Really? When I attempt to use the Temp LIST FOLDER, BaseCamp pops up an error saying, "You have a list folder selected. List folders contain and organize lists of data, but can't contain the data themselves. Please select or create a list in Temp to put your data."

So- are you selecting the Temp LIST FOLDER, as the agenda says to or are you selecting the Temp LIST as BaseCamp tells me to?

This was on of my major sticking points in trying to learn BaseCamp that E.Ed has been helpful in clearing up. That little word difference, LIST FOLDER vs. LIST, makes all the difference whether BaseCamp works or not. I never understood that before.
You can not put data into a List Folder. Data must be put into a List. You can, however, access data that has already been put in a list if you click on the List Folder that the List is in. For Example, if you have a List Folder called TEMP and a List called TEMP in that list folder then you can access anything in the List if you click on the List Folder. In my example, you put scenic waypoints in the TEMP List. Click on the Temp List Folder and you should see everything in the Temp List (and any other Lists in the Temp List Folder).

I suggest that if your BaseCamp is not working as described in the agenda then you should consider deleting BaseCamp and reinstalling the latest version. I just did everything in the agenda again as written and it worked perfectly.

You can not put data into a List Folder. Data must be put into a List. You can, however, access data that has already been put in a list if you click on the List Folder that the List is in. For Example, if you have a List Folder called TEMP and a List called TEMP in that list folder then you can access anything in the List if you click on the List Folder. In my example, you put scenic waypoints in the TEMP List. Click on the Temp List Folder and you should see everything in the Temp List (and any other Lists in the Temp List Folder).
I agree to disagree with some of what you've written. In the agenda you said "make sure the Temp folder is selected". I can't access anything in the Temp list by highlighting the Temp folder. I can see the data in the list by highlighting the folder but I can't use the data in the list by highlighting the folder.

I suggest that if your BaseCamp is not working as described in the agenda then you should consider deleting BaseCamp and reinstalling the latest version. I just did everything in the agenda again as written and it worked perfectly.
I already thought of that. And did that. What I did find is that the insert, move, erase and divide tools were grayed out in the tools menu. Why? I dunno. But once I made the route in step 6 they became usable but still did not show up in the tool bar. So I went back and right clicked toolbar, unchecked edit features then checked it again and voila there they are.

You can not put data into a List Folder. Data must be put into a List. You can, however, access data that has already been put in a list if you click on the List Folder that the List is in. For Example, if you have a List Folder called TEMP and a List called TEMP in that list folder then you can access anything in the List if you click on the List Folder. In my example, you put scenic waypoints in the TEMP List. Click on the Temp List Folder and you should see everything in the Temp List (and any other Lists in the Temp List Folder).
I agree to disagree with some of what you've written. In the agenda you said "make sure the Temp folder is selected". I can't access anything in the Temp list by highlighting the Temp folder. I can see the data in the list by highlighting the folder but I can't use the data in the list by highlighting the folder.

I suggest that if your BaseCamp is not working as described in the agenda then you should consider deleting BaseCamp and reinstalling the latest version. I just did everything in the agenda again as written and it worked perfectly.
I already thought of that. And did that. What I did find is that the insert, move, erase and divide tools were grayed out in the tools menu. Why? I dunno. But once I made the route in step 6 they became usable but still did not show up in the tool bar. So I went back and right clicked toolbar, unchecked edit features then checked it again and voila there they are.
I think that you hit the nail on the head. YOU cannot access temp items when you select the Temp folder. I can.

Thanks Easy Ed, I also plan to learn something from this information. I have had great success fumbling through this process in the past. Now I might be able to understand what I come up with

You can not put data into a List Folder. Data must be put into a List. You can, however, access data that has already been put in a list if you click on the List Folder that the List is in. For Example, if you have a List Folder called TEMP and a List called TEMP in that list folder then you can access anything in the List if you click on the List Folder. In my example, you put scenic waypoints in the TEMP List. Click on the Temp List Folder and you should see everything in the Temp List (and any other Lists in the Temp List Folder).
I agree to disagree with some of what you've written. In the agenda you said "make sure the Temp folder is selected". I can't access anything in the Temp list by highlighting the Temp folder. I can see the data in the list by highlighting the folder but I can't use the data in the list by highlighting the folder.

I suggest that if your BaseCamp is not working as described in the agenda then you should consider deleting BaseCamp and reinstalling the latest version. I just did everything in the agenda again as written and itworked perfectly.
I already thought of that. And did that. What I did find is that the insert, move, erase and divide tools were grayed out in the tools menu. Why? I dunno. But once I made the route in step 6 they became usable but still did not show up in the tool bar. So I went back and right clicked toolbar, unchecked edit features then checked it again and voila there they are.
I think that you hit the nail on the head. YOU cannot access temp items when you select the Temp folder. I can.
I wonder why the difference. No matter, I'm working through the agenda with the couple work-arounds and so far so good. I'm learning a lot. In fact, I was so inspired I accomplished something I've wanted to do for a long time and could never figure out how to do- extend my laptop monitor. It's easy to plug in an extra monitor, anybody can do that. What I could never figure out is how to use it. You know, how to make it show something other than the blank background desktop screen of my laptop monitor. Help, help, and more help was totally useless. I could find plenty of instructions of how to hook it up, how to change the settings, etc. but nothing on how to actually use it. Took about 3 hrs of trying and trying and trying to finally figure it out
and it turned out to be so simple. I repeat-

So now I have the agenda on a big old monitor above the laptop and BaseCamp on the laptop so I can see read the instructions and see the pictures and work with the software all at the same time.

Thanks E.Ed! It's taken me about 10 hrs but I've successfully made it to step 9. WooHoo!!

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You can not put data into a List Folder. Data must be put into a List. You can, however, access data that has already been put in a list if you click on the List Folder that the List is in. For Example, if you have a List Folder called TEMP and a List called TEMP in that list folder then you can access anything in the List if you click on the List Folder. In my example, you put scenic waypoints in the TEMP List. Click on the Temp List Folder and you should see everything in the Temp List (and any other Lists in the Temp List Folder).
I agree to disagree with some of what you've written. In the agenda you said "make sure the Temp folder is selected". I can't access anything in the Temp list by highlighting the Temp folder. I can see the data in the list by highlighting the folder but I can't use the data in the list by highlighting the folder.

I suggest that if your BaseCamp is not working as described in the agenda then you should consider deleting BaseCamp and reinstalling the latest version. I just did everything in the agenda again as written and itworked perfectly.
I already thought of that. And did that. What I did find is that the insert, move, erase and divide tools were grayed out in the tools menu. Why? I dunno. But once I made the route in step 6 they became usable but still did not show up in the tool bar. So I went back and right clicked toolbar, unchecked edit features then checked it again and voila there they are.
I think that you hit the nail on the head. YOU cannot access temp items when you select the Temp folder. I can.
I wonder why the difference. No matter, I'm working through the agenda with the couple work-arounds and so far so good. I'm learning a lot. In fact, I was so inspired I accomplished something I've wanted to do for a long time and could never figure out how to do- extend my laptop monitor. It's easy to plug in an extra monitor, anybody can do that. What I could never figure out is how to use it. You know, how to make it show something other than the blank background desktop screen of my laptop monitor. Help, help, and more help was totally useless. I could find plenty of instructions of how to hook it up, how to change the settings, etc. but nothing on how to actually use it. Took about 3 hrs of trying and trying and trying to finally figure it out
and it turned out to be so simple. I repeat-

So now I have the agenda on a big old monitor above the laptop and BaseCamp on the laptop so I can see read the instructions and see the pictures and work with the software all at the same time.

Thanks E.Ed! It's taken me about 10 hrs but I've successfully made it to step 9. WooHoo!!
I am glad that you are making progress. Stick with it, the effort is worth it.

You should explain the refresh options button in the find options box. I was wondering why when searching for fuel in Elgin, SC there are 11 little blue bubbles on my map but only 1 fuel station in the find box. I've been to Elgin, there's lots of gas stations there. So why only one in the list? Until I accidentally stumbled across the refresh curly arrow. Poof!! There they are.

OK E.Ed, I'm thinking I should call you Special Ed for either creating such a useful tool or successfully using it to teach us slow kids. I went through the entire agenda, most of it twice. Then it was time for me to see if I could really do it. I found the actual 'make a route' very similar to MapSource that I've been using for quite a while. The things that historically threw me for a loop- the Library/Pane/No Save things, the different symbols, Unlisted stuff, folders vs. lists, remove vs.delete, etc.- you explained well enough to get me comfortable. So I started mapping a route from my home in NC to Mobile, AL for a US Navy reunion in June. Lo & behold & I'll be damned, it works! The routes on the gps are exactly what I want, it really is no harder than MapSource, which I found moderately easy, and I haven't inadvertently deleted one. That tip about working from the Temp List- man that's a big, big time saver 'cause I still had the "master file" in the created List Folder for when I totally screwed the pooch on it.

Can't thank you enough S.Ed. And fellas, if I can do it trust me you can too. It's a great agenda, just do it.

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OK E.Ed, I'm thinking I should call you Special Ed for either creating such a useful tool or successfully using it to teach us slow kids. I went through the entire agenda, most of it twice. Then it was time for me to see if I could really do it. I found the actual 'make a route' very similar to MapSource that I've been using for quite a while. The things that historically threw me for a loop- the Library/Pane/No Save things, the different symbols, Unlisted stuff, folders vs. lists, remove vs.delete, etc.- you explained well enough to get me comfortable. So I started mapping a route from my home in NC to Mobile, AL for a US Navy reunion in June. Lo & behold & I'll be damned, it works! The routes on the gps are exactly what I want, it really is no harder than MapSource, which I found moderately easy, and I haven't inadvertently deleted one. That tip about working from the Temp List- man that's a big, big time saver 'cause I still had the "master file" in the created List Folder for when I totally screwed the pooch on it.
Can't thank you enough S.Ed. And fellas, if I can do it trust me you can too. It's a great agenda, just do it.
It makes me happy to hear success stories. I spent an obscene amount of time putting the agenda together and teaching people until I got it right. Good luck at the reunion. I was Army Korea in the 70's.

I'll be taking the time this week to learn BaseCamp inspired by the feedback to your original post. I've been using Moto GoLoco ( motogoloco.com ) out of the UK and find that there are things I'd like to do aren't doable there. What is worse is that I don't document my difficulties and write to the developers so they can explain where I have gone wrong.

I'll be taking the time this week to learn BaseCamp inspired by the feedback to your original post. I've been using Moto GoLoco ( motogoloco.com ) out of the UK and find that there are things I'd like to do aren't doable there. What is worse is that I don't document my difficulties and write to the developers so they can explain where I have gone wrong.
I think that you will like it. Let me know how you do.

I use Basecamp and Tyre. I prefer Tyre, mainly because it's easy, but still use Basecamp from time to time. The one thing that annoys me with Basecamp, is that when viewing the map, every route I have shows up on it. Anyone know how to only see one route, or two?

I use Basecamp and Tyre. I prefer Tyre, mainly because it's easy, but still use Basecamp from time to time. The one thing that annoys me with Basecamp, is that when viewing the map, every route I have shows up on it. Anyone know how to only see one route, or two?
It is easy. It is in the agenda that I posted.

I have used this agenda to teach a number of BaseCamp haters to use the program in a few hours. They like the program now. I have completed the PC agenda and am currently working on the Mac agenda: https://www.newenglandriders.org/Learn_BaseCamp.htm
Thank (insert diety here) someone has done this.

I have found Basecamp to be unintuative and a PITA to use.

Really appreciated :)
