license plates

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This discussion made me I'm downloading the form and going to attempt to get either "twisted" or "tw1st3d"

ooooor I could get one on the cage and the other on the bike...hmmmm


I have vanity plates my Mini Cooper Ss - INIM and MINIMAL, but I think maybe a vanity plate on a bike is not such a good idea. They make it a lot easier for John Q. to call the local LEO when you pass at 100 mph on the other side of the double yellow . . . :~)

FJR: 7706

Might not sound so great but Delaware has a fascination with low digit tags like that video which was posted about some country in the Middle East. My neighbor paid $186,000 for the right to use car plate 9 on his car 12 years ago. I thought he was crazy but car plate 6 is going up for auction and they are expecting $1-2 million.

FJR: 7706
Might not sound so great but Delaware has a fascination with low digit tags like that video which was posted about some country in the Middle East. My neighbor paid $186,000 for the right to use car plate 9 on his car 12 years ago. I thought he was crazy but car plate 6 is going up for auction and they are expecting $1-2 million.
Ready to launch my dinner, ...but I won't violate any forum rules here.

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My bike ZOOOM

Jim's bike ZOOOMM

When were side by side it's "zoom-zoom" like the Mazda commercial.

I've had vanity plates in the past. At some point I decided it was better to not "stick out" with a plate that's easy for someone else to remember... as I'm passing them on the inside... at twice the posted limit... on only the back wheel... while flipping them off.

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Mine is currently JAKRBT for the FJR ... was gonna use FKNFAST or FKNQUIK , but then I didn't want to explain it to my Mother or grand-daughter ... :rolleyes:

