Lowest temp you have ridden 10 plus miles in

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Being a Central Calif rider, I think I had to ride once when it was 55 or so - brrrrrr.

Ya gotta' love a Mediterranean climate!

Snow, what is that?

Feb 2008 rode in 19,5 to 28 for an hour and a half at 70+ mph. Bishop Ca. to Topaz Lake, Nv. But it was a dry cold!

Didn't see any other bikes but did get looks from the cagers.

My coldest ride was 2 years ago, It was 15ºF when we left the warm garage, And headed 7 miles to Starbucks to warm up!

It was 12º on the ride home!

We have some crazy people here in SWMO, And they have ridden in 0ºF weather on a dare. lol

I once rode in below 60 degrees in SoCal-brrr. Then I moved to the PWN and now I've got to htfu, because 60 is a warm summer day.

1974, 19 miles, on a Kawasaki S2 in -15 F. Yes, that is Minus 15.. (into a 20 mph winds) Average speed was 60 mph.

Spent 2 hours in a bath tub thawing out.


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35 mile 45 minute commute with a max speed of about 60mph (posted 55). I ride unless it's below zero provided the roads are clear. My coldest so far this year is 6º. My Gerbing's would allow me to ride in colder weather still for that short distance, but around 0º it becomes impossible to keep my face shield from fogging up. Even if I just crack it open a notch for ventilation, my eyes start watering too bad when it's that cold.

Before I had heated gear, I'd ride until the morning lows were around 10º but I had to wear big, bulky gloves that made riding difficult.

The lowest temp on this bike (it has a thermometer, after all) - 24 F, for 60 miles. Many trips in the 20's + 30's. I don't have heat, but use a full set of leathers and two layers of thermals.

I plan on doing a LOT LESS riding like this, during this coming winter.

The lowest temp trip I've ever made... I dunno. I was younger. One night I was coming home, 120miles or so, with a handlebar-style fairing on a Honda CB750, wearing an Air Force cold weather exposure suit. It was so cold, I had to lay on the bike, and hang my toes over the exhaust pipes. On the straightaways, I was putting my gloved hands under the tank onto the engine, and steering with body english. I will NEVER be out in temps like that, again.

The worst cold-weather trip I've made wasn't even very cold. Low 50's to mid 40's. The trip was 80 miles, I'd just purchased the bike (a Triumph Tiger), and I wasn't dressed for the weather. The slacks and light jacket I was wearing were fine on the K1200LT I'd just sold (providing the rear drive didn't fail and kill me), but were unsuitable for my new bike. I actually got home, a tad hypothermic. My wife soaked me in a hot tub, wrapped me up, and monitored my temp for hours. It was a week before I would go near my bike (no matter what anybody tells you, hypothermia is painful).

About 15 degrees from last year on the way home from work. It was a little warmer going in. After that I put the bike in storage. This year I am definately breaking that one. Bikes are staying home with me in the garage ready to go. :yahoo:

I try to keep it to 'above' freezing, and positive road conditions. But I've ridden as low as 20 degrees for an outing.

If dirtbikes count, then below Zero on multiple occasions. Only supplemental heat required was adrenalin.

36 mile commute to work last fall in 16 degree temps. Not that bad, but all the gear makes it hard to move well on the bike.

I know I've ridden in 18° weather for at least 100 miles. There are other times where I didn't know the temp but when dawn... er... dawned, there was ice formed on the running water of a small river I passed on my way to a national park some 400+ miles from home (hence the need to leave at about midnight to get there when they opened).

I am not sure what the temps were my whole trip, but I rode to Jeff Ashe's place this past January. It was in the low 30's when I left my house but got colder... a LOT colder. So, I'd say that I rode 205 miles in low 30's to mid 20's for several hours. I like riding in cool weather... but that was a really, really cold ride & not in a hurry to do it again.


2 degree ride for a 32 mile commut to work on my Shadow 600 (with no windshield). Needless to say by the time I got to my exit snot had frozen on my baclava and my hands were so numb I had a hard time shifting.

5 degrees on my FJR for the same ride but much more comfortable behind the screen and plugged into the gerbings! :)

I demolished my previous record of 26F on my way home from work this morning. 5 deg. F. Wearing a Tourmaster mesh jacket... with rain liner, insulated liner, and Gerbings heated liner. My torso actually got too hot (with V-Stream full up). The Gerbings gloves barely kept up cranked all the way. The only part of my body that got cold was my thighs. The bike acted a little funny though. The bearing grease crackled audibly when straightening the bars from their parked position. I only did it for the same reason I rode 142mph once; to know I can. I'll be taking the car tonight.

Not sure how far exactly, but somewhere between 90-110 at 28 degrees. No heated clothing, but I did have snowmobile mittens and a rain suit over my regular gear.

It got to 70 degrees at about 250 miles.


Today (01/17/09) in York PA at ouround 10am it was 11F with a minus 3 F windchill. Road for about an hour on the freeway. Gerbing heated gloves make a HUGE difference!!!!!
