Lowest temp you have ridden 10 plus miles in

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Don't know how I missed this thread earlier. This fall it was 13 one morning for 22 miles on the way to work. No heated gear. Just the fingertips were getting chilly. A few years ago, 10 degrees, 10 miles on an '82 CB650 to fill up the tank. Should have seen people at the gas station stare as I pulled in.

Today, actually. Before Patriot Guard, I definitely was a habitual fair & warm weather rider.

Left home at 0530 and 34 degrees which for me is a miracle. 2 pair thermals, overpants, shirt, sweatshirt, fleece pullover,

Firstgear 3/4 winter coat, bacalava, silk glove liners, polyprop liners, ski gloves, 2 pair wool sox. By sun-up, 65 miles later, it was a balmy 48 and by afternoon - day's high of 58. Was peeling off stuff all day as it warmed up.

Down here, that's about the extent of very occasional cold and it scares this thin blooded deep southerner.

Mike in Nawlins'

I've made the ride to work at 25 degrees, seven miles, all in town. Highway ride, coldest is low 40s.

But really, how often do I get a chance to ride in anything colder???? :p

Now back when I was a schoolboy at Auburn in the late '70s on a 12-speed, I'd been out in singles and teens quite often. Different when you're cranking the horses out yourself, though. you bundle up for the cold, don't want exposure for fear of frostbite, then you work up a drenching sweat pedalling 15 miles to class.

(Yeah, bicycle in a college town. Those were the days! I was actually hit by a car on three separate occasions, twice badly enough the driver had to fork over for a new bike!!! But never even injured other than scraped hands. I fell on ice once and hurt my shoulder, which is still funky, though.)

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This past Friday, 9 degrees when I left the house. 5 miles to the hwy, a little over 10 miles on the hwy and 5 more miles to the job. On the hwy run there is a section over a river dam that is dead at 5am..........140mph short blast is the only thing that bothered me.


JR 5.0 jacket with liner and all pads.

1 long sleeve shirt over short sleeve shirt

JR 5.0 gloves

Jeans with 1 pair of thermals

1 pair Alpine Star thermal socks

General insulated work boots

Windshield up, grips on high!

Us Canuckistanis don't seem to count cold weather days on account of how we have so many of 'em...

But if I had to guess the coldest, it would probably be -15C (that's 5F in American) for a 30-odd mile run to move the old Nighthawk from where I got stranded by the snow to home... it was DAMNED cold, but the road was mostly clear and the snow had stopped. No electric clothes and no fairing or windscreen... I think I max'd out at 20 mph.

I'm older and hopefully somewhat wiser now. Coldest temp on the FJR was -7C (about 19-ish F) for around 40 miles on a day last February when I HAD to get a riding fix. Stayed reasonably warm except for the feet.


I rode my bike today to work here in Denver. The temp was 64 degrees.

Is this cold enough? :rolleyes:

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The thermometer at the bank said 9º as I was pulling out for a 40 mi round trip ride. Started off a little cold, but, then I went home and changed out of my shorts and t-shirt and it was much better. In hindsight, probably should have changed out of the open toe sandals, too.

40 minutes at 7 F.

I missed a chance to break my record this past Saturday morning as it was 2 F, I didn't have to work. :dribble:

Coming back from a trip last summer there was a unexpected storm I was caught in going over the passes on I-70 back to Denver. The temp was in the single digits and the snow was so bad I couldn't see much of anything. Only made it by trying to see the tail lights of the semi's creeping along at <10 mile an hour speeds. Had heated vests and heated grips, but was so wet and cold it was a scary/miserable experience. Earlier in the trip on the way back through Utah there was another unexpected storm that brought enough slush that broke tree branches onto power lines and caught the trees on fire. Nothing like seeing burning trees in a snow storm... Made it back safe, but I'm hoping my trips this year are a bit more uneventful in regard to weather.

I did a 60km trip home in -16C ( 5 F ) last year. They had just sprayed the hwy with that brine mix we canucks seem to love :angry: . That was insane!!!! My head actually froze to my helmet on the inside................I think it took me two days to warm up. :blink:

Old record of 2 degrees on my shadow without a windscreen was broke last week when we got to -5 and I did the 30 mile commute to work on the FJR.

November 2007 had a morning commute (11 miles) to work at 12 degrees. Of course, my dash read 16 deg. (which is its minimum). Stock screen with no heated gear. My max speed was 75 mph or so. It was misery.

-18 F on the trails for 6 hours at night in Northern AZ, ShowLow

mid 30s around town but thats about as cold as we get here in the Valley of the Sun Stroke

Thanksgiving, 1980...172 miles in upper 20's to low 20's in falling snow flurries from Oklahoma City, OK to Sherman, TX...in inadequate riding gear. <read "stupid'> ...Leathers and jeans and not much else.

New Years Day, 2004...400 miles of mid 30's into SW WI and back on the FJR in relative warmth. Dressing for it made all the difference. :clapping:


Cold. Very cold. But I was dressed for it so it wasn't that bad. The worst I've felt was a 100-mile ride home in 55º or so weather with a sweatshirt, mesh jacket, golf windbreaker, and latex gloves under motorcycle gloves. Thought. I. Was. Gonna. Die.
