Lunch at Big Bear

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One thing that I try to do before I get involved in any ride of this size is insure that the reading material I have about group riding is sent to the entire group that has agreed to ride. It is recommended reading and not mandatory to participate, but it is all good reading and it never hurts to spiff up your knowledge and what was I trying to say here....I learned this stuff at Two Wheel Nut's memorial ride and service and I had been riding for several years already. I had never heard of the pace or even how lack of sleep and fatigue can play into your ride and increase your chances of making one small mistake with huge consequences.

I learned all of this from riding with the more experienced and some not so experienced riders I have met here in SOCAL and some from NORCAL. The one take away from the ride is that I learned something new again as I do on every ride. I know that the kid that went down learned a huge lesson, and thank God was able to get up, brush himself off and get back on it and finish the ride. Yes, he made a mistake or road conditions were just not right or whatever, but I really believe that he learned from it and also from all of you that helped him and encouraged him after the crash. The other thing I have learned over time is that when you see a post on either of the forums that most of us frequent that has some wisdom in it. Copy it, paste it into word and save it for future reference. I have a little book of such wisdom that I have started to compile over time. Another thing that I have done is to get myself into the MSF Experienced Rider Course and soon the Sport Bike Course to hone my knowledge and learn what it takes to be safer and still enjoy the ride. I am like Slappy in the sense that I like to push the edge of my comfort zone from time to time and see just what I can take. This can cause the pucker factor to rise swiftly but I learn something new about myself every time I do it.

As far as name tags go, I guess we could do that, or, as you are introduced to a new person, ask them what their handle is. Get to know more about them. You may only remember a few details but over time you will remember more and who it is you are riding with and how they ride. I continue to meet more great folks on these rides and continue to be amazed at how big the list continues to grow. It is good to be able to call some of you friends now. I think my only regret when the groups get larger is that I don't get to spend as much time with those I already know as much as I would like to. It is really funny though how there is always a core group of us that ride together though. Take care and once again, thanks for making this ride a great one. I had loads of fun.

I rode up with Slappy. Great PACE to turn & look. Done the 'back route' a number of times at a more spirited pace. This time I realized how nice the scenery was! Like Slappy, whom I tailed, I stayed with just the throttle hand, most of the way. Kept my eye on the rest of the pack, cause that's just what I do. Slappy, you're one smooth rider!!On the way down, I split off at the 18 / 330 junction & did my own thing on the way down...this time with both hands!!

Oh & by the way...I did wear by name tag on my hat, indicating both, my handle & my name. So I concur. Name tags would have been nice. Count me in nxt year. Dont care which group.

Oh Salty I wish I were a smooth rider. I blow more turns than I can count. I am usually early on the apex and a lot of time I am to fast into the turn. I would love to be able to control my speed and hold my lines like PegScraper does and that is with a Pilion. I know what to do but I just get out of "my ride" and try to do what others do but that doesnt work for me. I have only been riding on and off for 15 years. I still have a long way to go.

Just and FYI for eveyone, Go from Banning to Idylwild. After the climb up there is beautiful new asphault. Its like butta and really holds the tire and it goes almost all the way into town. Get there before the bad weather comes.

Hey everyone,

Tonyrob, Trip and I arrived home safely. Tony nursed his bald front tire all the way to Mission Motorsports without incident.

Thanks to Slappy and Dave.

Great to see everyone.

Great brownies.

Shame about the spill but glad he's OK. It kinda shook me up a little, I thought he was gonna take me with him for a second, but Jeff and I managed to avoid him and the GIXER.

I like the idea of an annual event.

Cheers everyone.

One other thing... On what planet is 80 MPH on a two lane mountain road a Moderate Pace??? B)
OK I was being a smart ass. Dave "Low Level FJR Pilot" anounced his group was a moderate speed. Well the only time I

saw him was at rest stops. Then again I was stuck behind, if you will excuse the expression, a


I ride with sport bikers all the time, I never go past my comfort zone, because I'm not in the habbit of carring spare shorts with me. :lol:

Besides I know I'll catch up sooner or later.

I just thought I'd bust Dave's chops.

Greg and I sat at a table with a lovely couple, Joe and Shirley from Palm Springs, I have no idea what Joe's handle is. I saw them in some

of the pictures with no mention of who they were. (God help me if I got the names wrong) But this is why I think it would be nice to not only put

names with faces but include their handles as well.

Oh Salty I wish I were a smooth rider. I blow more turns than I can count. I am usually early on the apex and a lot of time I am to fast into the turn. I would love to be able to control my speed and hold my lines like PegScraper does and that is with a Pilion. I know what to do but I just get out of "my ride" and try to do what others do but that doesnt work for me. I have only been riding on and off for 15 years. I still have a long way to go.
Just and FYI for eveyone, Go from Banning to Idylwild. After the climb up there is beautiful new asphault. Its like butta and really holds the tire and it goes almost all the way into town. Get there before the bad weather comes.
Slappy, I've been riding 40+ years & I still blow more corners than I nail! Yet at the track it used to gel...must be the split personality thing!! None the less, I'll ride with ya'all anytime. Just count me in. destination don't matter!! :rolleyes:
