Man, Don't Know If I Can Watch A Second Time

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Ari Rankum

NAFO Karting Champion, 2012
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
The following link is safe for work. Not pleasant to see, but safe.

FJR Crunch (now with 10% REAL fruit juice)

The analysis he provides at the top right is pretty interesting. It's worth a read, and references a few things recently discussed here. Also of note is the ride he taped just moments before the wreck, above.


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I starred in an identical video except I was doing 50km/hr approaching the exit ramp of a bridge... $6500 (Cdn) in damage! I went down just as quick as that. Damn fuel oil in my case!

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So what happened? Grabbed too much front brake when he got to the puddle? or was there something in the road that I couldn't see in the picture?

Edit: Oh, fuel oil. That'll do it.

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So what happened? Grabbed too much front brake when he got to the puddle? or was there something in the road that I couldn't see in the picture?
Edit: Oh, fuel oil. That'll do it.
In his description of the crash, he said it was water on paint, plus a little algae, not fuel oil. (No, it was not me. Don't know if rider posts here - I think not, though).

The following link is safe for work. Not pleasant to see, but safe.
FJR Crunch (now with 10% REAL fruit juice)

The analysis he provides at the top right is pretty interesting. It's worth a read, and references a few things recently discussed here. Also of note is the ride he taped just moments before the wreck, above.

Plastic street paint + water = ouchies. That blows.

I go thru' a turn every day going to work that has alternating blocks of that thick, slick (when wet) white polymer paint in a cross walk. Each block is about 2 feet wide, with about one foot between blocks, across 2 1/2 lanes (some shoulder on each side, but not a whole lane-width), and whenever it's raining, I take great care to aim for... even to the point of target fixating on... the non-painted sections to get thru' it.

Hate. Painted. Surfaces. On. Street.

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:blink: Was there anything a person could of done not to have that accident?

Should we all avoid standing/running water over white road paint?

Would he have gone down if he was going straight over the road paint and not a slight lean to the righat as he stated?

Now, I'm beginning to get a little hinky feeling everytime I see some kind of road paint and moisture. :unsure:

Wasn't there a previous thread on paint on the road and an accident last month?

Geez, sorry the bike got banged up, didn't sound like it had any sliders.

I must have watched it 5 times...

aaand ii'mm ssttill shhakeyy!

Sorry about the FJR...and it's almost time for bed...thanks Ari for the sweet dreams....

That wreck could have happened to anyone I guess? The Marsh Creek Road video is one of reckless inconsiderate riding and being 18 years old and riding a bike with this much power doesn't work for most in the real world. It's people such as that that give all of us a bad name. You wouldn't believe the number of motorcycle deaths and injuries on that road over the years. Also, there are way too many cages on that narrow streach of asphalt especially around commute time. Ride safe, PM. <>< :angry:

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Didn't need to have hit the brakes at all. It's possible to go down just like that if you cross that kind of paint on the road at anything other than upright and 90° to the direction of travel. When it's dry it can be slick. When it's wet - watch out!

Always set up that kind of encounter to stay off of it if at all possible. If you have to cross it, prep so you can be upright until past it. Minimize contact.

He was gearing down into first and had just applied the brakes by the sound of it, and was probably preparing for the corner rather than the water and slick. Poor bastard. When it happens it happens fast.

Came around a cloverleaf off ramp a couple of months back, and I could smell the diesel before I got to it. Lucky I had dumped most of my speed fearing the worst. If I had the been cooking around that bend the way I have and still do, I would have been crunched into a concrete divider. Use all your senses all the time.

The water is actually running constantly from a break in the asphalt, moving across the slick white stripe, so there's ALGAE in the middle of the arrow (black area in video). It was like I hit ice.
I'd be in touch with an attorney if I were that guy.
Whenever I'm riding in the rain, I keep talking to myself saying, "Stay off the painted lines, stay off the painted lines" :)
