Mature Riders and FJR's

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I propose an "FJR ELDERS" breakfast at WFO Saturday morning. Only riders over 60 allowed. We can trade stories and dis all the young whipper-snappers.
I think that is a great reason to plan a breakfast meeting. I'm up for it, maybe we can create an annual breakfast meeting of " FJR 1300 60+Vintage Riders" Seems like a patch is in order also. :yahoo:

I propose an "FJR ELDERS" breakfast at WFO Saturday morning. Only riders over 60 allowed. We can trade stories and dis all the young whipper-snappers.
I think that is a great reason to plan a breakfast meeting. I'm up for it, maybe we can create an annual breakfast meeting of " FJR 1300 60+Vintage Riders" Seems like a patch is in order also. :yahoo:
Someone needs to put together an agenda so we can remember why we're there????


You young'uns should thank us old guys for helping keep the FJR insurance rates down. After all - we are more responsible and the bike is rated like a Goldwing. ;)

When I bought my FJR, I was 28. Now, I'm 34 and still very happy with my FJR. I think it does have something to do with money. All the old peeps seem to have a compulsory new-FJR purchase reflex. The way things are going, my bike will be considered old long before I am... :yahoo:


Is it a generalization to say that the majority of FJR riders have acquired many miles in the seat and in life. It just struck me after looking at pictures I have taken with other FJR riders. I have to admit not too many squids run out and buy an FJR for their first bike. Maybe it's an aquired taste. I'm 63 and after riding mostly sport bikes I find sitting behind the windscreen of the FJR a good fit. Any youngish riders on the FJR?
66 and love my AE. Been riding sport bikes before they put plastic on them.

5600+ hits on this thread and only 226 riders mature enough to respond with a comment? I know that out of 5600+ hits more than 226 riders can read and write. (spelling is a different matter) After all, this is a FJR site not a HD site. (Just kidding)

This is becoming one of the longest (and most interesting) threads on this site.

Where is Mr. or Ms. 227, 8 & 9? Come on you can do it!

Let's not be bashful. :blush2:


59, soon to be 60.

Have an 06AE and love it.

Had an 04, but the heat problem in

AZ. was just to much.

5600+ hits on this thread and only 226 riders mature enough to respond with a comment? I know that out of 5600+ hits more than 226 riders can read and write. (spelling is a different matter) After all, this is a FJR site not a HD site. (Just kidding)
This is becoming one of the longest (and most interesting) threads on this site.

Where is Mr. or Ms. 227, 8 & 9? Come on you can do it!

Let's not be bashful. :blush2:

Wow, this is a long thread, so long I cannot remember if I have replied to the original question. :lol:

So here it goes. I will be 46 next month. So I guess that makes me a young whipper snapper compared to some here. :rolleyes:

Whipper Snapper...What old people, generally your grandparents, call "youngsters". The word is derived from the term "snapping your whip" which means getting a boner. So basically your granddad is calling you a whipper snapper because you can get it up and he can't. The term has been used less frequently since the development of viagra. :lol:

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5600+ hits on this thread and only 226 riders mature enough to respond with a comment? I know that out of 5600+ hits more than 226 riders can read and write. (spelling is a different matter) After all, this is a FJR site not a HD site. (Just kidding)
This is becoming one of the longest (and most interesting) threads on this site.

Where is Mr. or Ms. 227, 8 & 9? Come on you can do it!

Let's not be bashful. :blush2:

Wow, this is a long thread, so long I cannot remember if I have replied to the original question. :lol:

So here it goes. I will be 46 next month. So I guess that makes me a young whipper snapper compared to some here. :rolleyes:

Whipper Snapper...What old people, generally your grandparents, call "youngsters". The word is derived from the term "snapping your whip" which means getting a boner. So basically your granddad is calling you a whipper snapper because you can get it up and he can't. The term has been used less frequently since the development of viagra. :lol:
Oh my gosh! Maybe that's why my seat seem so hard after only a few miles. Think I could be leaking??

Acutally, I don't take Viagra. I am 64 and it all me!

I only use what God gave me. ----- And remember,
"What God give you, he can take away! Slowly by surly!

Now you know what a "Half Shaft" really is!

BUT, if I ever get a real good one again, I'm going to varathain it!


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Loved, the video, Jill. My brother actually plays in a band called "The Fossils." While not quite geriatric, there is certainly a lot less hair than when these guys started. Their promotional materials describe their genre as "Authentic Hippie Rock." It is and they do it very well.

too much info there superman... :blink:

I thought it was a "Super" post. Your just going to have to learn to handle a large amount of infromation.

(They have adult (mature) ed. classes for that kind of stuff)

I would agree that being "Super" All I've got it a lot more than some guys can handle!!!


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54 here and been riding since I was 12.

Really like the FJR and owned over 20 bikes over the years.

Will retire in 4-5 years and can't wait to start really living.

Working on getting into shape so that the last 30 years can be spent in the saddle and in bed (but not for sleeping)!!!



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