Maybe the FJR ain't God's gift to motorcycles after all

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Wow! This is GREAT!!! :yahoo:

If there wasn't anyone bitchin', I wouldn't learn anything! Every man's bitch is another man's (or woman's) farkle!!!! <-- That is a great line! :D Yep, made it up myself!!! :clapping:

Oh, my bitch: There is too much Cobalt in my Cobalt Blue...

Maybe the '06, in it's "fixes" was trying to be even better and being the best bike at coming close to doing everything the best. The FJR isn't the fastest, doesn't handle the best, isn't the most comfortable, but as one reviewer put it, "Perhaps the FJR comes 2nd place in all areas, and no other bike comes as close to being the best Sport Touring bike in all the reviewed categories."

Well, when you are trying to sell a bike that appeals to sport minded people, LD riders, vacation touring, etc., etc., you are selling to people that want an awful lot. Is there any way to make someone happy by making the bike that best at every category? It's probable that being 2nd in all categories is the best anyone can do, even though people will surely expect more!

After my little episode yesterday, I figger the bike saved my sorry ass. I ain't bitchin' no mo 'bout nuttin'.

Oh, except PayPal, mockingbirds and that odd odor wafting about skooter.

And leave it to Howie to bitch about the bitchers. Way to go Howie! You da man! :grin:

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I think most just over analyze everything frickin thing on this bike. Just ride the f@ckin thing, and adjust to the bike..... My bike I bought/traded from Sparky was loaded with farkles. Shit, I have removed and sold most of them. Is it is it perfect for me....Hell yes. I have own three of them... Ride...repeat...ride...repeat...ride...repeat....ride... :yahoo: You get the idea.... Smitty

Ok, I'm gonna stop my bitching an just wait for HONDA to come out with a Super Sport Tourer....Besides, knowing my FJR will be in my garage for only another year or two should not only help me to tune out the buzz, but will definitely be a big mental relief knowing I won't have to deal with those idiots at the Yama dealership much longer either..

That's certainly one way to cure things!!!


Well -- you can all blame yourselves for the bitchin'!

See -- the more you read about buzzing, ticking, and how the freakin' sidestand don't work -- the more you go out and ride -- then say "hey -- those panty wastes were RIGHT -- the bars DO buzz! never noticed before -- glad they pointed it out" or whatever.

You have sewn the seeds of the bitch plant, and now it's growing. :(

Hey -- I also found a solution to those who read about ticking, and now notice it at idle. Just have the dealership replace your clicking fuel injector solinoids with carbs.. ticking at idle gone.

BTW -- mine? glad you asked....

Throttle works fine, doesn't hurt my limp little wrists. :insertedgayasssmilie:)

No surging, no barbarian mod, no off-idle stalling, no issues with the kick-stand.

Doesn't whistle, MPG works fine, diff splines were lubed properly by the factory, oil drain didn't strip, steering bearings properly lubed and torqued by the factory. Mirror's move, but less than any other bike i've owned.

all-in-all? damned good motorcycle so far. :yahoo:

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If I thought there was a better bike for sport touring, I'd buy it! Even with cost differentials aside, the tranny on the beemer GT is crap in comparison.

I can bitch about any thing, find me a machine, I can find fault, I can pick it apart. and just to set the record straight, after 40 years on a motorcycle.. 06 FJR BEST ONE YET! :yahoo:

So far I LOVE this thing... All I have is questions and differences that I need to adjust too. I aint bitchin bout nuthing yet, hell it aint even all the way broke in.

It's down right the best Sport-Tourer I've ever been on, just the right amount of sport & tour. Not too much of one and not the other, just right.

So yeah, you'll miss a little of one and some of the other but it's better than missing a whole lot of one, or the other. I've been that route already and didn't like it, nope.

Feejer forever... :yahoo: at least until I buy something else.

Mine will be four years old on the trip back from Reno. Never had any complaints that I couldn't address on my own. Doesn't do any good to whine to the whole internet world anyway.

Great bike.

OK, so it eats tires. :lol:

I started out in 1967 on a 1966 Triumph(about 40HP) about vibration...batteries vibrated themselves to death, bulbs shattered, zenier diodes quit in the middle of nowhere, etc, etc. Then I moved into the Harley mystique, a 1961 rigid Harley panhead(also probably about 40HP), can't even number the amount of problems with that one, but it was what it was.

Now we're in a new century and all these bikes without exception are a world apart from the old days. My last of two Ninjas were as hot as the FJR(which can be fixed) "buzzed" the same if not more at certain RPM's but was mechanically trouble free.

The problem seem is that the "newer" rider never had the pleasure of riding any of the older generation bikes and are expecting Lexus or Mercedes perfection in a motorcycle, they forget that the FJR is putting out 145HP from 1300cc, power is going to generate heat and obviously some vibration.

Guys, IT'S A MOTORCYCLE!, you're gonna get HOT, you're gonna get COLD, you're gonna get WET. The bikes we have today are powerful, handle beautifully, stop great and for the most part are mechanically dependable. If you gotta keep nitpicking about the little stuff maybe you should get a car.

I agree with NYPete, nothing mechanical is perfect. I've only had my AE for a week and think it's the best

thing since sliced bread :yahoo:

To all the whiners and gripers! lol


I just sold my Royal star tour classic and my 05 fz6 to get my 05 fjr. I have had it 10 days and am over 50. this is my first post. and this is not a bitch. I love this bike and so does my wife. so that makes this 1 post 1 pos comment from an old fart over 50. There I think that covers it. lol :p

I just sold my Royal star tour classic and my 05 fz6 to get my 05 fjr. I have had it 10 days and am over 50. this is my first post. and this is not a bitch. I love this bike and so does my wife. so that makes this 1 post 1 pos comment from an old fart over 50. There I think that covers it. lol :p
