Medivac / Lifeflight Ins??

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One thing to make sure of is do they haul you out of the ditch to the hospital to begin with. I just called Medjet and they do not. That is probably a greater financial consideration than from hospital to hospital or home. From the several helicopter rides that I have heard of you are looking at around $15,000 for a ride. I was lucky in my spill last year that an amublance was adequate and it was $450 for the pickup and $10 per mile for the ride.


This past weekend I got to see my cousin after about 30 years, and, met her fiance. Turns out he rides (VFR) and, is in the medi-vac business. We spoke briefly about it, and it comes down to all the companies that sell the policies are brokers, the actual 'copters are bidders on those contracts. Depending on where you are, any number of companies handle the actual flying.

He's coming up here riding this summer (wow, somebody in our family who doesn't ride a hog!). Anyway, if you like I can get his companies contact info - they're worldwide. Interesting guy to talk to, having flown in everything from Canada, States, Australia, Sudan.. and on and on.

I Know a guy who who lives in VA and crashed in AK....really screwed up his leg. He was treated great on his intermediate flight and then back accross the country. His bike was palleted up and flown home also. Needless to say he has nothing BUT positive things to say about them.

This coming from someone who has been in the biz awhile, be sure to read the fine print. You may purchase an inexpensive membership thinking you'll be covered, but if the EMS folks call another helicopter service instead of the one you've got a membership with, tough luck. As posted earlier, some providers have reciprocal agreements, but check that out ahead of time. Buyer beware!

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I haven't activated my SPOT yet, but if I remember from when I read the paperwork, life flight was an option pretty cheap. I'll try to find the papers unless somebody else knows.
