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Well the newest addition is a foster named Buford or as my daughters calls him Boo Boo.

He's on loan from the Looziana Basset Rescue

Here's Buford


Gus was our foster before Buford and now is living in a permanent home in New Hampshire.

We bonded deeply and he would follow me around and want to stay in the same room with me most of the time.

I miss my Gussy Bear very much and will never forget him.


Walker may have just had his way with Jenni Lynn !!!



Mike in Nawlins'

Gus was our foster before Buford and now is living in a permanent home in New Hampshire.We bonded deeply and he would follow me around and want to stay in the same room with me most of the time.

I miss my Gussy Bear very much and will never forget him.


Walker may have just had his way with Jenni Lynn !!!



Mike in Nawlins'
You're a good man, Mike :)

Had Bassets for years. Just lost my old girl, she was 16 which is really old for a basset. Will be looking for a replacement soon to go along with the 3 yr old and the weiner dog.

Had Bassets for years. Just lost my old girl, she was 16 which is really old for a basset. Will be looking for a replacement soon to go along with the 3 yr old and the weiner dog.
How did I miss this? I'm sorry to hear about your pal.

I know where you can a great looking guy with flexible lips ;)

Weird timing on the bump, Mike. Wow.

We just had to put Jan's therapy dog to sleep tonight. I call it her "therapy dog" because Jan went through an episode some years ago where she was mortally afraid of just about everything that existed. She just knew the Apocalypse was upon us, and that she was about to be punished for some unimaginable set of sins.

I've never been around that kind of delusion before, but it was real to her, and meds have brought it under control. We also got a small dog to stay in the house with her, a Pomeranian that came to be known as Butterfinger.





The dog kept Jan sane for a long time, somehow the only thing Jan would let herself count on at the time. During that time Jan was never able to really trust any of us, always afraid of some imagined (but very real to her) deception or scheme, but the dog was always there for her, and she was always accepting of the dog.

Butterfinger has been mopey and lethargic for a month or so now, and has been eating less and less, and dropping weight. Vet treated some kind of infection, but antibiotics didn't do much for her, and the vet said had she been younger she could have offered surgery (which we probably couldn't justify $-wise anyway.) We stayed with Butterfinger while the vet did what needed doing, and Butterfinger kept eye contact moving between me and Jan right until she drifted away, which was as gentle and peaceful as you could hope for, nothing more than laying her head down. She was a month shy of eleven years old.

We've gotten other animals in the meantime, another dog, 2-year-old Papillon named "Gizmo," a black cat (I mean jet dark black!) named "Midnight" (not my idea,) and a calico/something kind of cat named "Mocha."



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Weird timing on the bump, Mike. Wow.
We just had to put Jan's therapy dog to sleep tonight. I call it her "therapy dog" because Jan went through an episode some years ago where she was mortally afraid of just about everything that existed. She just knew the Apocalypse was upon us, and that she was about to be punished for some unimaginable set of sins.

We've gotten other animals in the meantime, another dog, 2-year-old Papillon named "Gizmo," a black cat (I mean jet dark black!) named "Midnight" (not my idea,) and a calico/something kind of cat named "Mocha."


Beautiful 'family' ! Very sorry to hear about Butterfinger. Here's hoping that Jan will be ok without her.

Gizmo's cute as a button :)

We just had to put Jan's therapy dog to sleep tonight
So sorry to hear that. We had to put a dearly beloved cat to sleep last year and had no idea until then how much it hurt. Since then, we've got a couple of dogs and learned even more about unconditional love. How wonderful that Butterfinger was able to help Jan, when others couldn't. I'm sure that dog will leave extra-special memories for both of you.

Sending healing thoughts for both you, and for Jan.

1 dog: Rosie (Border collie rescued from the pound)

3 cat: Magellan (Stray), Mackie (Feral) & Fruffle (Feral)

1 bird: Snak (Gouldian finch)

13 box turtles: I can never remember their names!

Wow, tell Jan I'm very sorry.

Dad took my beloved Buffy to the vet when she got too old; had her when I was eight till the end, I was 20.

The first two rescue fosters we had survived the extremely bad heartworms and heavy dose treatment to suffer with a cancer probably from their immune system being compromised. They were the only 1st hand experience being with a doggie as they pass on.

Real point is I suffer with bipolar and before meds worked real well, I cycled down and stayed that way about a year in '03. Stayed in my bedroom most of the time feeling anxious about going out. It was the pets who came in "to check on me" and who I talked with and petted and scratched which was a uplifted whenever they were in the room.

Best news is current meds are working wonders compared to no or less effective ones.

So, I think I can relate and my heart goes out to Jan and your good sef.

A toast to all our unconditionally loving pets,


in Nawlins'

I just got my Annie dog certified for therapy work. We should be able to start doing visits at nursing homes next month. :yahoo:

After we do visits for about year we can start going to a program called "Reading to Rover". Kids with learning disabilities read out loud to the dogs. It's proven that kids with learning disabilities learn better and faster with the dogs being there. Dogs are non judgemental unlike adults so there is no fear with embarrassment reading in front of a dog. Also kids and dogs have a specal connection. Dogs really do have a special connection with us, sometimes much more than drugs and doctors I think.



And here's our newly adopted Chessie Chillin while we were out!!!!


Man I love this dog!!! :yahoo:

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