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Get rid of the cats, get a couple more dogs. :rolleyes:

I've always been a dog person though I don't have any pets at the moment.

That being said I'm quite allergic to cats. My most recent 'ex' (were still great friends) had two cats. Whenever I spent the night at her place their was about 50/50 chance I'd have to bail out around 3am because I couldn't breath. Eventually, the bedroom became a no-cat-zone. This worked out much better, but I would still on occasion have a problem breathing in the the middle of the night.

One day I go over and she goes.. "Guess what I got!"

I'm think to myself.... please don't say Herpes...

She goes.. "I got another kitty!"

Greeeeat... Though I will admit to actually liking this cat. It instinctively knew I was allergic to it and would pounce and dig its claws into me, triggering ENORMOUS welts.

My last dog, a 125lb Siberian named Tuk. BEST. DOG. EVER. When she passed away, I cried like a little kid. Shit. Now I'm bummed.
Quit being bummed and go get yourself another Sibe, for crying out loud! They're still the best dogs ever.

rough collies rule!!!

no, I mean it, they house, my kids, the cat, me

*hangs head*

Years ago, I had a cat named Snufalufagus (Gus for short.) ...
That is the long story; I have two cats and a dog. I am sad to say, the dog now gives Michelle a excuse to fart in the same room as me since she can blame it on him.
OMG! this made me :lol: !! Has to be true 'cause you couldn't make that stuff up :p Where are photos ?!

My last dog, a 125lb Siberian named Tuk. BEST. DOG. EVER. When she passed away, I cried like a little kid. Shit. Now I'm bummed.
Been there, done that - when I lost my goldie, Gaby. I cried like a little kid - for (many) days ......

We have 4 cats and a dog. It was just me and my cat for years before the GF and I moved in together. She brought her 3 cats with her. They 'tolerate' each other. Course now my boy has developed an annoying habit of pissing on the bathroom rugs. :eek:

Then we got a dog. A very nice fluffy Golden puppy who has grown into a 75 pound bundle of energy. :D

Bo and Sydney live with me. Oh, wife does too.


let's resurrect this one for the new folks and some who didn't post the first time.
Now we have a foster Basset named Gustav after the hurricane he was found roaming after in Lafayette, LA

Gus is laid back and a joy - my youngest daughter calls him Gussy Bear

pics to follow


Mike in Nawlins'
Gussy and Jenni


My son & daughter




Well a ah, couple of ladies came Monday to check out Gus and all three bonded immediately

Gus being a foster was always available for someone "qualified" to adopt him...he is a Basset Rescue doggie

He's our 5th foster...we adopted Walker, two doggies passed away from cancer brought on by heart worm treatment (both very bad heartworm problem), and Lucy who was adopted by a family in Massachusetts.

Gus is on his way with the couple to their home in Vermont.

We've already notified the Rescue we are ready for another foster.

Bye Bye were such a joy to be with us...have a GREAT life in Yankee land...

sniff, sniff

Mike in Nawlins'

Maurice and Cornelius:

I'm a single daddy / bachelor who travels a lot for work. So for my daughter to have some kind of critters that can be left alone for a week at a time, we have two funny & very sociable corn snakes. They're like the labradors of the reptile world. Very gentle and they're actually outwardly curious & friendly.

And they're a hit with all the local kiddies, of course. I work from home and my desk is right beside the patio door so it's happened more than once that I'm on the phone with customers and a local kid comes-up hoping I'll pull out the worms for them to play on the grass.

hey, worms are people too ;)

re: hey, worms are people too ;)
realizing how silly it must sound to hear "funny', 'curious' and 'friendly' when talking about worms.....

when they don't associate people with being poked-at with a stick, they ARE funny & friendly. This guy likes everyone, even dogs


This guy wants to check EVERYONE out


and this little fella always cracked everyone up


yes... I need to get out more, lol

Ok, home now so I can post a picture of my doggy. She is much bigger now than in this pic. Color has not changed through. Got me a blonde Golden Retriever......


My wife and I just added a new 5 month old Australian Shepperd / Boarder Collie mix to the house hold. Her cat of 13 years has already made it self known with one very large smack with a paw with no claws up side the head of the dog. I heard the hit from the other room. The dog now avoids the cat.

