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1 Basset

1 genetic freak 135 pound English Chocolate Lab

1 ankle biter Chihuahua

1 recently acquired, was on a year long waiting list....... Dogo Argentino

1 16' Burmese Python

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1 Basset1 genetic freak 135 pound English Chocolate Lab

1 ankle biter Chihuahua

1 recently acquired, was on a year long waiting list....... Dogo Argentino

1 16' Burmese Python

Wow a Dogo...That's a commitment. Good for you, and congrats!

Dogs are nice to have if you live alone like I do. Beside the companionship they provide there's a great deal of comfort knowing that your castle will be protected while your away.

Here's a picture of my airedale Dodger in full castle protection mode


Dogs are nice to have if you live alone like I do. Beside the companionship they provide there's a great deal of comfort knowing that your castle will be protected while your away.

Here's a picture of my airedale Dodger in full castle protection mode
That's kinda like my golden. He'd meet the perps at the door with his Kong in mouth, wondering which one was gonna throw it 1st...*L*

Mind you, they'd have to get past the cute collie. Now she would eviscerate on sight. She rawks!

Here's my dog Duke, Pop got him out of the dog pound and rescued him from the death penalty! I took him after pops alztimers got bad and made a bag for him to ride with me over to visit pop, he's becoming one of the most photographed dogs in the world!


Ok, Ok, so technically they are not actually pets
but they sure act like animals sometimes


bros in the penalty box together, what are the odds

Colin (11) 2 minutes - checking from behind

Ian (13) 2 minutes - tripping

Nancy and I have decided to try for a third..........(not really)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

let's resurrect this one for the new folks and some who didn't post the first time.

Lucy, or fostered Basset rescue pure bred female has gone on to her permanent home in New Hampshire of all places

She was born and bred here in the New Orleans area and was 9 months when she left us.

Below is what I whispered in her ear just before she left:

1) love your new family like you loved us

2) Yankees talk funny, but that's OK

3) Table scraps anywhere else but New Orleans aren't as good, but that's OK, too

4) get USED to snow !!! (hopefully those really big paws will act as snowshoes)

Now we have a foster named Gustav after the hurricane he was found roaming after in Lafayette, LA

Gus is laid back and a joy - my youngest daughter calls him Gussy Bear

pics to follow


Mike in Nawlins'

Happy was my Mom's companion dog in the eldercare and moved in with us in 2002. You can see she's a sly pooch and now with the bifocals, we don't have the heart to turn the old lady out.


With that smile, what a professional grade mooch! :rolleyes:

We have two Bernese Mountain Dogs.

"Cash" is 9 years old and "Katie is 12.

Ch Best Bets Cash Advance CGC NDD, which means he is an AKC champion, has passed Canine Good Citizen test, and has a Novice Draft Dog title.


Ch Gaitways Kiss Me Kate,


We have two cats, Zack and Irene. It is their bed and they let us use it to sleep in.

Two fish, fish one and fish two. The fish belonged to my daugher, when she left, the fish stayed for some reason.

I hope this thread never dies ! Gorgeous dawgs :) I have a nice one of my girlies - I'll try to post it up

I hope this thread never dies ! Gorgeous dawgs :)

My girlies (taken 2005): Gracy the GR will be 10 in May. Molly was 9 this month


let's resurrect this one for the new folks and some who didn't post the first time.
Now we have a foster Basset named Gustav after the hurricane he was found roaming after in Lafayette, LA

Gus is laid back and a joy - my youngest daughter calls him Gussy Bear

pics to follow


Mike in Nawlins'
Gussy and Jenni


My son & daughter




