Members Pets

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We have always had a house full of pets – a variety of birds, salt and fresh water fish, cats and many rescued animals. My wife and I both have had horses all our life. My wife had a Sicilian Jackass, no, not a past boyfriend, a very striped dinky donkey..................................
Thank-you for thinking that you needed to clarify for us that the Sicilian Jackass was not her "boyfriend".

You are just sick man. Just sick.

Dixie / Rot / Shasta / Rusty

Boston Terrier / mutt / Brindel Boxer / Boxer-Rotweiller mix

Rusty is in my Avatar...

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Elway the dog. My first dog (I'd always had cats growing up) and he's been wonderful. Here he is enjoying his first snow and living up to his name sake by being a Bronco fan. He's also something of a celebrity with his own blog :




Good on ya, for rescuing the Greys. Got any pics?


Your guys look like my two!! Could only find these two crappy photos - gotta dig out the old PC and see if there are some better ones.

Anyway, the blue brindle is Ruff and the multi is John. Really miss these two.


I think there are more of these couch potatoes in our future - maybe when we retire.

Dave,Your guys look like my two!! Could only find these two crappy photos - gotta dig out the old PC and see if there are some better ones.

Anyway, the blue brindle is Ruff and the multi is John. Really miss these two.
Wow! That's pretty spooky. Your two guys had the exact same markings as ours. What are the odds of that?

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Here's Douglas; He joined our family for Christmas 2007. Kinda a rescue deal, he was abused by the 1st owner, given to our neighbor, then somehow ended up in our minivan when we left for Christmas vacation...


Ok, Ok, so technically they are not actually pets

but they sure act like animals sometimes


bros in the penalty box together, what are the odds

Colin (11) 2 minutes - checking from behind

Ian (13) 2 minutes - tripping

Nancy and I have decided to try for a third..........(not really)


After being "dogless" for a year and a half, I got a new pup today. My brother-in-law raises Black Mouth Curs for squirrel hunting, but she's scared of gunshots. So she's basically a rescue...

No name yet.


Here is our newest addition. Got "Charlie" lasat Tuesday. He is a 8-1/2 month old golden retriever and lab mix rescue puppy.


Had him down in the shop the other day and started the chop saw to cut a piece of wood. He didn't even flinch. Good sign. Just got to get through the chewing stage and we'll be fine.

okay, finally figured out this photobucket thingy...





..and the cats are too cranky to pose, go figure?
