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Here is “the chunky monkey”, Thor, being humiliated for Halloween.
gawd, that's priceless

I think my bassets would leave home if I even thought to...


Maggie and Terre. Sweet, loving, cuddly. Sleep with us at night, always finding them on our laps when we least expect it.

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Oh boy, Madagascar Hissing Cockroachs! Now there is a couple of fine pets that puts those doggies and kitties to shame. I sure hope those belong to some lucky little girls. How cute! What's even better is they don't lay those boring eggs you have to wait forever to hatch, these are 100% live bearers.

Meet Domino (Springer Spaniel) and Freyja (Shepard mix). Both weight 55 lbs. They are great companions and guard the house well.


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My turn....My turn!!!!

I grew up with both dogs and cats, but have always been much more of a dog lover. After I moved into my house I acquired the beast shown below through adoption.


Thumper (I know, he's not a rabbit - he came pre-named) was 110lb of pure chocolate lab, or so I was told. My suspicion is that Thumper's mom was a should we say it delicately.....promiscuous.


Thumper turned out to be really, really good at only one thing...................being Thumper. Go Figure!!

He was nothing more than a brown mound of love.

Since I'm a bird hunter, that led me to procure beast #2 pictured below.....


Dixie was 8wk when this pic was taken and she's my little hunter.

What, you may ask, is the orange flag for? Look closely at the ground below said flag and you'll see another brown mound......but it ain't love I can tell you that!!

Dixie is the inspiration behind the back half of my forum handle and is also my avatar.


Dixie grew up happily chewing on Thumpers' ears until I sadly had to put Thumper down last July. He lost his hips due to his weight and he developed diabetes that we managed with insulin for about 9 months before he went to the big doghouse in the sky.

Now I'm left with Dixie.........


She's 6.5yr now, 85lbs and does a pretty good imitation of a pointing Lab don't you think? (this is play mode......her favorite racquetball is just out of frame ahead of her).

She is a pretty good hunter despite my training her and is still gracious enough to let me share the house with her.

She goes by her official name "Ashlands Dixie Dew" (AKC-registered yellow Lab from Ashland Kennel - Fort Valley, GA), "Dixie Doodle", or because she is a blonde - "Ditsy".

We also have a 55gal freshwater aquarium with a variety of Tetras and sharks.

All in all, it's a good life! :yahoo:


My girlfriend and I have 3 cats. All of them were stray cats. The black tuxedo cat was the first to arrive. He is a great hunter and will often bring gifts into the house for us. He also loves to cuddle and sleeps with us. His name is F@#%stick.



The next one to show up here was an orange and white tabby, Orangie. We think he was a true feral cat. It took him years to trust us enough to come in the house. Last winter was tough on the guy. Cold weather is hard on the ears.


The picture looks worse then it really was. He cleaned up ok and has since become a true house cat, and affectionate too. A trip to the vet to fix an infected paw and a neutering has helped him fit in.


There's a 3rd cat around here now too. A very young female tabby that must have escaped or been kicked out of a very abusive home. If I have anything in my hand like a stick or rod she runs for cover and I wont see her for hours. Kind of sad really. She gets along good with the boys (cats that is) and I think they're helping her with learning to trust again.


We try to keep an eye on them when they go outside. There's more than cats in the woods behind the house.


I actually have 2 cats. They never leave the house, ever. The best way to lose a cat is to let it run loose. After a while, they will not leave even if given the opportunity.

These are our two critters.



The green one on the left (Nanday Conure) is Chi-Chi, the yellow one on the right (Sun Conure) is Pepper. But we really call them Damien and Beelzebub. Good names for vampires, doncha think?


Siggy. 8mths old. Shepherd/Rottweiler


Emily - OK, so I don't cook very often.


Tommy and Winston. They stopped sleeping in the crate after we brought the puppy home.

Finally getting rid of Alex, a semi related teenager that showed up at our door about 3.5 years ago. We are shipping him off to his grandparents in Idaho claiming a combination of disgust and 'we're too old for this shit'. We managed to get this beast to sometimes actually do his homework and ocassionally even remove the ear plugs attached to his IPOD for a brief interaction with the real world. We attempted to teach him the difference between uninformed glib responses and others based on an unstrained connection with documented reality, to very little effect. For example, last night attempting to enlighten us about WW2, he said that the Germans managed to defeat the French by attacking though Poland ignoring both history and geography in one swift blow. His circle of friends never questions his neverending stream of fun facts, and when we questioned these associates, late last year, not one of them had ever heard of Sarah Palin.

He will be sadly missed but we plan to compensate for his absence by listening to talk shows on am radio.

He will be sadly missed but we plan to compensate for his absence by listening to talk shows on am radio.
I think you could compensate for his absence by tuning to a spot between stations on an am radio, and enjoying the buzzy static.
