Michelin Pilot Road-2

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At NAFO I did a day of canyon runs two up. I pushed the PRII's pretty hard, and loved 'em. This weekend was the first time since then I have had a chance to push them again, and they were slipping when pushed hard (front and rear) with just me on the bike. Could be any number of reasons why I got the two different experiences, but I would say that there was at least a 20 degree difference in ambient temperature.

It's a twenty minute ride to twisties for me at speed, which has been enough to warm any other tire I have run. Maybe they needed to warmed more, but Jeff's report confirmed for me what I was already thinking.

I have also noticed some cracking inside the treads on the rear, which doesn't look normal to me. Not very deep, so not concerned, more of a what is that about? Still, I might get another set for riding long distance with some twisties in between (ala NAFO).

Great write-up Jeff, much appreciated! :clapping:

I'm currently running Pilot Power 2CTs but I'll try the PR2s sooner or later.


I always enjoy reading about another set of tires getting abused by Jeff Ashe.


About your regard for the Pirelli's, a question:

Do you like the Strada front and rear, or the Corsa III front with the Strada rear? I think I remember reading something about this, but can no longer locate the thread.

Thanks again for the informative write-ups!

PR2's are my favorites since the Azarro's left town. Original PR's suXored. 021's, well, don't get me goin'. The 2's work great for me, as I am not capable of running 100% on the street anyway. Call it a desire to greet tomorrow with the same hardware I have with me today, however bad a condition it may be in.

I Love those Pilot Road 2's when Ashe is running them!! I could actually get ahead of him by a few turns!! :p


I was leaning towards the PR2s until I read your post. I wanted to try something where I could get very good mileage. I don't consider myself an aggressive rider as I came over from cruisers and not sportbikes but I need to feel confident that when I do push it if by choice or emergency, my tires will perform well. So after reading this I ordered another Strada and E for the FJR from SWmoto.

Based on your description of your tire needs, the PR2s sound like they would be perfect.

Worst tires ever were the D220s, by the way.
Dude. The D220s ROCKED!!!

I don't think you ride enough for it to make much of a difference. At the rate you accumulate miles, it will be 5-6 years before you replace your OEM tires. By that time, there will be totally different tires out there. :)

Skoot & Rad, Please don't work together, you're crackin me up . . . . :rofl:

My findings also on the PR2CT Jeff. I found the dunflap roadsmarts to wear extremely fast for me with about 6k to death while having front 40-50 mph wobble (no hands) getting worse & handling went to hell for both ends... Thanks Jeff for your real world testing .

Like Jeff said, it an opinion & everybody has one.

For me the PR2’s seem to have the perfect combination for my type of riding.

They withstand the daily highway commuting that I do, they are unbelievably good in the wet (even at very low tread depths) & work great for me in the 2-3 times per month I get in the twisties, normally a 300-500 mile day of abuse.

I was able to get 6,800 miles out of the front & now have 7,600 miles on the rear, it’s bald, but has held it’s shape better than any tire I have had on any bike.

They steer great, they handle bumps well, they are unbelievably good in the wet, & they provide more traction than I am willing to use on the street, which is why I am staying with them. :)

I was leaning towards the PR2s until I read your post. I wanted to try something where I could get very good mileage. I don't consider myself an aggressive rider as I came over from cruisers and not sportbikes but I need to feel confident that when I do push it if by choice or emergency, my tires will perform well. So after reading this I ordered another Strada and E for the FJR from SWmoto.

Based on your description of your tire needs, the PR2s sound like they would be perfect.

I explain in the post that in case I do push it or in case of an emergency (where I have to lean hard fast, or go over oil or anything else that is unexpected), I'd rather have the tire that will recover the fastest.

While all the other things in my riding style point the the PR2, the most important to me is performance. That alone outweighs the benefits of the other tires for me. Maybe it is piece of mind. I don't know maybe it is senseless tire replacement at lower mileage than I actually need. All I know is the most dangerous part of my day is merging onto the carpool lanes and too many times I've had cars stop in front of me for no reason while I'm looking back to merge. I need to be able to stop quick and change directions quickly and do so over uneven payment with grooves or with dust or with other objects or over painted lines or dividers (for when I split lanes). I've never ridden the PR2s but knowing that the Stradas would recover quicker is why I buy them. Even if everything else in my style says try/buy the PR2s.

I need to resist the temptation to turn this into "just another NEPRT tire thread" as anyone. This is not the place for me to recommend tires for a particular person. It's the place where I have hopefully posted a somewhat objective and hopefully informative opinion.

If anyone needs clarification or wants to discuss opinions about what suits them best, please PM me and I will do my best to respond intelligently.

I'm full of a lot of things, including opinion.


I don't think you ride enough for it to make much of a difference. At the rate you accumulate miles, it will be 5-6 years before you replace your OEM tires. By that time, there will be totally different tires out there. :)
What's your freaking problem with me? Somehow I don't think you're as stupid as your comments make you look, but if you don't have something positive to contribute, just shut the **** up. And although you call yourself a clown, you're not funny at all. And if I take 5-6 years to replace my tires (I actually take 1), you'd take 10-12 riding like a scared grandpa. Going to the ignore list, so don't bother to pollute this thread even more. Sorry gang, but I've had it with this *******. Why is it so difficult for some retards to post only when you have something positive to say, instead of attacking people for no reason at all? Geez.


EDIT. Can't put this creep on the ignore list because he's a mod. Nice example. Time to take a hike, I guess.

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Thanks for the great report on PR2s. I only had one time I rode hard enough to have the rear step out. It was when I was tired of following slow cars on a beautiful winding road. I went WOT to pass, on a blind corner across the double line while dragging the pegs. MY BAD.

Skoot. The scared grampa. Right.


Friday already?

Oh, sorry Ig. Harumph.


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Roads must be made of different stuff out there. Never once in the 3k that I have put on my PR2's have they given any indication of sliding or slip. Been predictable in every corner at some really good speed and lean angles deep enough to plant the foot pegs.

I do ensure that there are some miles on them and there is heat in the tire before canyon dancing. My first impressions were that listed in the initial post but once heat was in the tires, WOW, they stuck like glue and provide some nice stability in the corners. I for one would by them again, and will.

Thanks for your opinions. Always good to know about other options. Don't know till ya try them.

Excellent review, Jeff; Thank You! My 2003 FJR came with Bridgestone and my 2005 BMW R1150RT came with Dunlop 220's.

I thought they both were great tires, until I rode down to Mexico with vectervp1 and SkooterG and they mentioned Michelins.

Went with the Pilot Roads on both the bikes and I really thought they were super. Now both bikes are running the PR2CT's.

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