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Somebody say they have a goat? Oh boy!

BikerGeek and the Missus: It was great meeting you. Erm, right up to the point where you pinched my man-boob. Ya got a little wild there big boy. ;) :unsure:

Great to meet ya last night even if you were running around with OM.
Thanks! It was great to meet you, too.

And, yes, even OM, although OM was looking a little green around the gills this morning. The ol' guy just can't hang with a stud like me.

I'll bet you are so thanking the guy that led you down that QC gravel road for the experience gained................ ya right!!
It all worked out for a reason, Ray!

BikerGeek and the Missus: It was great meeting you. Erm, right up to the point where you pinched my man-boob. Ya got a little wild there big boy. ;) :unsure:
Great meeting you guys as well! We both had a really good time. Hopefully you're not scarred for life nor sporting a bruised moob.

Continuing July 14, 2010 – riding the Going To The Sun Road.

We timed our exit from Logan Pass so there weren't any other cars around us, so we could just futz along, drinking in the sights.


We did catch up to traffic a little ways up, though, and at first couldn't figure out why the cars were stopping. You can see them stopped ahead in this shot.


Once we got up there, we found out why the cars were stopping. Check out the mountain goat with the cute lil' baby with it.


Then, just a little bit farther along, these two were walking right along the side of the road!


VERY cool!


All in all, the weather this day was perfect! Breezy and a little cool, but very fine weather indeed.


You hear people say that pictures don't do this place justice. They don't. They can only convey a small portion of what we were seeing, all around us, all the time. You can't get that in a cage, either. You're isolated. On a bike, though, you're a part of it. There's just nothing like it.


More snow. Dirty snow, at that.


Another waterfall right along the road.



You can see water coming down a little ways ahead.


Man I love this stuff.


We felt the spray off of this one. It was cool and refreshing even though it wasn't terribly warm out.


More borrrring scenery.



Sooze got this shot of these falls as we were riding by. I didn't see 'em because (a) they were way to the right and way up above us; and (2) I was busy making sure nothing silly happened, like rear-ending the car in front of us or riding off a cliff or anything. You know, silly stuff.


When we decided to ride this road, I told myself to make damn good and sure to pull over often for picture opportunities, because chances are, no matter where we stopped would be a good photo op.

Uh, yeah. I just happened to pull over around the corner from those falls. Better to be lucky than good, I guess.


A kind soul who also happened to stop took this one for us.



What happens after the falls.


I think this helps to give perspective on the road itself, hewn right into the side of the mountain(s).



Now, remember way back when in something like the first post in this thread, I said there would be tons of pictures? Told ya, didn't I!




Oh wouldn't it be nice if we could all be there (just not all at the same time)....but this is the next best thing.

Put me in the "keep 'em coming" grooup on these reports. And I'll go back to work tomorrow wondering where my priorities are...



It was great to share a frosty beverage with ya at WFO! Thanks for the updates on the RR, which has got to be one of the best yet.

Ride safe and keep it coming!


Thanks again, guys.

Greg - it was great meeting you as well, and thanks for the beerzsz.

We have an uncharistically trbl neenerweb connection tonight so no good updates.

We were going to head to Denver tomorrow, but today's 550 miles in 95-ish degree heat has us changing our plan since we'd be looking at about another 550 in this heat.

Updates will come as soon as I can. So tonight I'm spending some quality with my book I'm reading - Neil Peart's "Ghost Rider."

on a side note: got an unexpected call from my mom tonight. Found out an old family friend just passed away. I really only remember him from when I was a kid, but if you're always making excuses to NOT take your dream ride, this guy was diagnosed with leukemia 2 weeks ago. He was 46.

Got a dream ride? Go make it happen. We never know when our time is up.

Ride safe,


Andy, I see you on this thread! We made it home safe and sound, deMistressCarver's longest day EVER including lane *sharing* :rofl:

It was such a pleasure to meet you and your loverly..

I love both of your adventurous spirit.. that's something not bought - an incredible and valuable life asset which will enable you through out your me, I'm old and I know, and I ain't done yet!



Hugs n' Kisses


Much more betterer neenerweb cornexion tonight so I should be able to get proper update or two done.

It was such a pleasure to meet you and your loverly..
Hiya, Don! Great meeting youz guyz as well.

I love both of your adventurous spirit.. that's something not bought - an incredible and valuable life asset which will enable you through out your me, I'm old and I know, and I ain't done yet!
Aw, shucks...

And yer not old. A tad crazy, yes, but old? Nah. I just wish ya didn't smell like old people...

THAT'S more like it!

I know you all are getting sick and tired of all this stuff from July 14th on the Going To The Sun Road and all, but just bear with me, here, mm-kay?

Yep, there's elevation here.


And, remember, this was the scenery we had in a 360 degree view. Simply amazing.


And, yes, unlike the Pride of Pennsylvania realized, there ARE plenty of spots to pull over to take pictures.


Looking in the valley below.


The clouds were rolling and boiling around the peaks, changing the views, and casting shadows across the peaks and valleys.


All ya need is a camera with a timer, a cheap, compact tri-pod, and a spot to set 'er up.


The bike looking at the road we're heading towards.


As we continued, we came to a tunnel. Through a mountain. Sweet! Unless you're claustrophobic, then it may suck to be you.


But once outta the tunnel...



We would our way to a lower elevation, with the road running along a river / stream.



Which, of course, means time to stop the bike and take more pics. I didn't like the spot where we'd stopped so I moved the bike.


THAT'S better.




The mountain stream wound it's way down out of the mountains.


There were quite a few cars, Rvs, a bike or 2 stopped there as well. Some adventurous souls went down and climbed around on the rocks.


We didn't. We stayed up topside.


Like I said – a camera with a timer, a cheap tri-pod, and a spot to set 'er up.




After a coupla thousand or so miles, including the construction, the bike was getting that “lived-in” look.


The shadows were getting longer as the hour got later. We continued to be rewarded with some spectacular views as we continued our journey.


That, my friends, concludes our ride through Glacier National Park's Going To The Sun Road.

Sure, the construction sucked, and I was ready to Jimmy-kick the Pride of Pennsylvania, but was it worth it?

You're damn right it was.

Rides like this, are Why I Ride.

After our ride, we made our way to Kalispell, Montana, for the night. We checked into our room and went out looking for a place to eat. We found a place called the Winchester Steakhouse.


For you gun nuts, they have some really cool old guns on display.


Even if you're not a gun nut, the history associated with most of them it really interesting, even to someone like me who finds history to be as fun as watching grass grow.


An interesting thing about this place: when we got there, maybe 7:00 or so local time, there were just a couple of other tables occupied. By the time we left, the place was jam-packed, with mostly locals. I guess in Kalispell, they all eat late. I dunno. Hell – at home, a steak house would be hopping at 7:00. We found this little tid-bit just interesting is all.

And, well, ya pervs, here's your food porn.

My beverage of choice: Moose Drool.


Sooze's beverage of choice: some fruity girly-beer. She liked it, so that's good.


I had their steak kabobs, just because they sounded good and I hadn't had kabobs in quite a while.


Sooze had the flat iron.


After our dinner, we retired to our room and prepared ourselves for a lighter day tomorrow.

And that concludes July 14, 2010.

Why I Ride.

I'm a history buff. Between that, a flat iron steak and Moose Drool beer I have to put a return to Montana higher on my list of future rides...

I'm enjoying the hell out of your pictures guys. :clapping:

July 15, 2010.


So, you may be asking yourself, “SELF! Why did the Geek choose to title this ride report 'Milestones?'”

And you may answer yourself, “SELF! That's a durn good question, but I imagine the Geek's gona get around to telling me eventually.”

And you would be right.

Ya see, July 15, 2010 is a Milestone for me.

A birthday.

A special birthday for some.

For me, it's 40. The Big Four Oh.

Damnit all, that means I can't be a stupid kid any more.

Doesn't mean I can't try, though.

So this is the Big Day. A Milestone in life, turning 40.

When I hit 30, it was no big deal.

35 bugged me. Dunno why.

40, though...

Some people through a big party. Some guys trade in their wife on a newer model. Some guys go get a Corvette.

As this day was approaching, I really thought about what I Really Want To Do for this Milestone. Sooze and I had been talking about this for a long time.

A party? Maybe.

New wife? Me? No way – I've got one of the bestest ever.

'Vette? Someday.

Hmm... Let's go for a ride!

Sooze and I both work for the same company and started talking with our respective bosses 6+ months ago starting to plan for this trip.

It all worked out.

I'm riding on my motorcycle with my wife across the country to places we've never seen, taking the longest motorcycle tour – hell, longest vacation – of our lives.

So, let's admit one thing here – topping the Going To The Sun Road is pretty damn tough to beat, so why try? Instead, we had a room for another night in Kalispell, Montana, and decided to just go for a ride and see where the front tire leads us.

Since we didn't really have to be anywhere, and, after being on the road since July 10th, we were ready for a light day, riding-wise. We slept in a bit, lolly-gagged around at breakfast, had an extra cup of coffee, and got our crap packed and loaded, since we were changing hotels.

South of Kalispell is Flathead Lake. I love lakes, and decided that just taking a little loop of the lake would be a pleasant way to spend the day. The morning was, once again, crisp and clear, prefect for riding.

This ride is quite scenic – it's a purty lake, has some neat islands (that I'd love to bring my boat to to explore!), and the mountains are in the background.



Once south of Kalispell and in the vicinity of the lake, the road itself goes from being right along the water to going through woods and cut-through rock.


I did not have a set route for the GPS this day. We were just kinda riding around. Watching the GPS, I saw a greeny-splotch that usually means a park, and this greeny-splotch was right along the water. Hmm...

We saw a sign for a park, and wheeled in.


I was cautious, thinking that this may be a gravel road. Thankfully, it wasn't, and we rolled down towards the water.


There were a dozen or so parking spots along the water, with one other car in attendance.


The views.... Makes me think of the lake in Michigan where my family has gone for years. Sooze and I prolly won't make it up there this year, and this gave me pangs of yearning for that lake in Michigan.


My attempt at an artsy-fartsy picture. The green in the plants with the flowering purple, rock and water in the background.




A private-residence boathouse adjacent to the park.


And looking the other way, the dock by the boat ramp. If any of you are bored, looking to ride somewhere, and want to see cheap entertainment? Go the the closest park around you with a public boat ramp. Just trust me. There's usually tons of cheap entertainment to be had.


I love that little island out there.


This kinda made me laugh. Bears?!? There are BEARS around here?!??!?!


Sooze checking out the rocky shoreline.


The other car that was there was owned by a Canadian couple who were down on holiday trying to avoid the crappy weather they'd been having at their home. The wife was kind enough to take our picture. Note behind us – the water is so clear that you can clearly see the rocks under water going away from shore.


The gal that took that picture had tested the water in the lake to see how warm it was. Let me just say that if a Canadian says the water is cold, it's cold.

But see how clear it is?


This little lake lap is starting out quite nicely.


As we were rolling out of the park, we came across this plaque. Kinda cool.


We continued our lap o' the lake.


Did I mention I like lake views?


There were plenty of lake views to like around here, that's for sure.


We made a stop for fuel, smokes and something cool to drink. I'd gotten a Going To The Sun Road sticker and decided to go ahead and put it on the bike before we left in the morning. Sooze noticed and took a picture.


I make this look goooood....


I didn't really know where we were going, but I figured as long as I keep the lake on the left, we'll be OK.


There were several of these signs and they made me laugh: “Be Polite. Do Not Tailgate.”




You've been where I've been and I'm lovin' the replay....... so are you going down 93 from Missoula towards Denver....... careful, you might like it.

Lake on left = all is right.


The boat you see was a dude out getting a swimming platform thingy ready. Notice the wuss isn't IN the water – he's doing it from his boat. OK, he's either a wuss or really smart. Like I said – if a Canadian says the water is cold...


Wig-wam house that's a real fixer-upper!


My name is BikerGeek and I am a beer snob. So is Sooze. We love micro-breweries. At last night's dinner, I'd had a local IPA that was pretty good. As we were riding along, we passed this place and had to turn around and go back.


All hail!


When we walked in, the bar area was empty except for the bar tender. Sooze and I both ordered a sampler. Hell if I can remember the beers I had, but they were pretty good.


We ordered some appetizers to munch on, and here is where things got... Well, awesome.

As we were sitting there, a local couple walked in and started chatting up the bar tender, who was alternating between talking with us, talking with them, and talking with a co-worker who was trying to get their credit card machine thingy working. (It was Windows-based; I made a comment from my geek days: “Oh, no wonder. It's Windows-based. Whattaya expect?” I heard crickets – they weren't terribly amused. Guess they don't “get” geek humor.)

The local couple that had come in started chatting with us – their names were John and Marguerite (or however you spell it: pronounced “mar-gur-EET”).

John and I sat and chatted about all kinds of stuff: motorcycles, road trips, boats, the military (he had served in Vietnam and had interesting stuff to say), kids, getting older (this being Milestone day for me and all), more motorcycles, more boats, the local “vibe,” the lake... You name it.

We didn't get their pictures, but that's OK. I remember 'em. It was just one of those moments that happen so rarely, and seemingly only on a motorcycle road trip, when you bump in to a total stranger who knows you are On The Road, and can chat up about anything.

I coulda stayed there and just kept chatting with them, it was just such a pleasant, relaxing, enjoyable time meeting those guys.

But, I couldn't sit around and get drunk since we were a ways from our hotel (mental note: there is a little motel right next to that place....) and Sooze had picked out a place to take me for dinner. So, we bid our farewells, and moseyed on. I left with a smile on my face and a happy heart. The beer had nothing to do with it.


...As we were sitting there, a local couple walked in and started chatting up the bar tender, who was alternating between talking with us, talking with them, and talking with a co-worker who was trying to get their credit card machine thingy working. (It was Windows-based; I made a comment from my geek days: “Oh, no wonder. It's Windows-based. Whattaya expect?” I heard crickets – they weren't terribly amused. Guess they don't “get” geek humor.)...

Awesome ride report. I'm on a rest day here in Iceland after a pretty special day myself. Being a fellow geek I offer the following Microsoft slogan as seen on a tee-shirt once:




It still cracks me up but man am I ever dating myself. The again I still know how to use a sliderule.

Keep up the great reporting and pics. You guys are my inspiration for mine.


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We rolled through some small Montana towns.



I love this stuff.


The clock tower. Makes me think of the movie “Back To The Future!”



I grew up in that town. Lewistown Montana. Nice to see it in a ride report. As I followed your adventure and you got closer and closer, I wondered if I'd see any pics of familiar landscape.
