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Great Falls can be cold. Ran through that area last year after WFO -- at night it was cold and rainy for me. Windy too, come to think of it. Nothing like you described, but I can't say it was a fun ride that evening. Glad you made it through.
Shit! How scary can 3 MPH be on a tricycle?

You is a puss ain't ya?

Kiss dolly G'night and head off to bed ya sissy..


I'm enjoying this ride, and it's bringing back memories........ I'm hoping from here you're headed to Missoula, then south on 93 to the Idaho border and a bit more, then turn around come back.... then take 12 west of Missoula.... better of course on an FJR.....

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Great Falls can be cold. Ran through that area last year after WFO -- at night it was cold and rainy for me. Windy too, come to think of it. Nothing like you described, but I can't say it was a fun ride that evening. Glad you made it through.
name='Bustanut joker' date='Jul 15 2010, 06:22 PM' post='763602']

Shit! How scary can 3 MPH be on a tricycle?
Positively terrifying when it comes from your ass. :dribble: :skull:

You is a puss ain't ya?
Only when it will get me some puss -- ya wanker.

Kiss dolly G'night and head off to bed ya sissy..
Is that all you do with her? I know how to show her a GOOD time

Hugs and kisses,


I'm enjoying this ride, and it's bringing back memories........ I'm hoping from here you're headed to Missoula, then south on 93 to the Idaho border and a bit more, then turn around come back.... then take 12 west of Missoula....
Hiya, Ray! Thanks for checking in!

Not 100% sure yet where we're gonna go next, other than we're heading for Seattle and we've got 2 days to cover a bit over 500 miles.

better of course on an FJR.....
Depends on the road, my friend. Scoff all ya want at the 'Hog, it's a fine bike.

Day 5: July 14, 2010.

Why I Ride.

I'm sure you all get the same questions from family and friends who don't ride, maybe even from those who do. “That sure looks dangerous.” “No way you could get me on one of THOSE things.” “My (insert twit olympian relation or acquaintance here) took me for a ride when I was 'X' years old and scared the bejezzus outta me. Never again!” “Where would I put my 5 pairs of shoes I need each day?” “What do you do if it rains?” “Hell – it's all I can do to drive my car while I'm talking on my daily morning conference call for work, drinking my morning latte, reading the paper, and taking the kids to day care. No way I could actually ride a bike.”

If you're reading this, you ride. You know the questions.

Chances are, you also know the answer. Riding in town for a day ride with your buddies will elicit one set of answers. Riding cross-country for 3 weeks, with your wife riding pillion, may elicit a different response.

I came across a saying a while back that has stuck with me. It goes thusly:

“Taking a road trip in a car is like watching a movie. Taking a road trip on a motorcycle is like being IN a movie.”

This morning, after yesterday's scenic ride ending in 120 miles of brutal, punishing wind, we awoke to a sky still cloudy from the overnight rains that had mostly through, damp pavement, and a clip in the air due to the humidity and the still-present wind which, while still present, was more subdued.

Yesterday left us drained, so we chose to sleep in a little, relax a little, and get back into Road Trip Mode.

After a light breakfast and quick update to this ride report, we packed up our stuff and loaded up the bike.

We had an omen.

Close to our hotel in Great Falls, Montana, was the airport. As we were packing up, we heard what sounded like a herd of 747's taking off. It was a sound of some serious jet engines shaking and rattling and rolling.

While loading the bike, I heard an airplane sound that commercial jets don't make. Overhead flew a group of first 2, and then another of 3, military aircraft, F18's, I think. They flew over and came in for a landing at the airport over the crest. If you ask me, they were giving us our own personal fly-over, just as they do at NASCAR races.

Sweet. Today's gonna be a good day, to hell with the trials and tribulations of yesterday.

Enough with the blabbering on. Let's ride, shall we?

Now, there's one thing that Sooze and I have noticed out here. Casinos. They are EVERY where. Even at this little hole-in-the-wall, there's a casino!


A little ways up the road, I saw this and just started laughing. Check it out – this is a reindeer farm:


Right next to a camel farm! I couldn't make this up if I had to!!


Only in Montana.

The morning was still overcast and chilly. I put the face shields on our helmets to keep the winds off our faces. The temps were in the mid-to-low 50's starting out.


The scenery was as it was yesterday.



For my buddy J.D.


The winds came back for a while. Ugh. I was really hoping to get outta that crap, but it was still there. I tried my best to just gut it out, hoping that we'd eventually ride through it.

After a while, the scenery in the background started to change.


Hmm... That be looking like snow on dem dere peaks out there!


Yep, pretty sure that's snow.



Complete with clouds boiling over the peaks in the distance.


I don't think there is anything to match either riding in the mountains or riding the coastline to help one forget about the mundane aspects of life.

We continued to wind our way towards the mountains.



There was a nice-looking little spot to pull off, so I did, and we took some pictures.


One thing that doesn't make it into these pictures is the wind. It was very windy right here.


Sooze didn't even take her helmet off. Yep, it was a bit brisk. Notice a smile here?


Wildflowers with the mountains as a backdrop. There's nothing like it.



'Strom coming down the road.


I made 2 bad choices stopping here. First of all, the surface was loosey-goosey gravel crap. Second of all, I parked on a grade to the left – it was about all I could do to get that bike off the side stand! Sooze gracefully hopped on the bike and we continued, but not before...



They were right along the road. A 'lil baby cow was going back and forth in the road, either playing or being indecisive. “Why did the cow cross the road?”

I was pretty wary of what these things were gonna do. I was hoping they'd just stay where they were, and they did.

This one, just as we were riding past her, let loose with a huge “MMMOOOOOOOO!!!” I think she was letting us know that she didn't like her kid playing in the street. Or maybe she just felt like moo-ing. Cows do that, ya know. Just moo. It's their thing.


We were both geeking out about the scenery. Ahhh....




I had a ride planed to Glacier National Park this summer and it got canceled. Your trip is my way of getting out west this year so keep those great pictures coming. I'm enjoying every post.

Keep safe,


I'm enjoying this ride, and it's bringing back memories........ I'm hoping from here you're headed to Missoula, then south on 93 to the Idaho border and a bit more, then turn around come back.... then take 12 west of Missoula....
Hiya, Ray! Thanks for checking in!

Not 100% sure yet where we're gonna go next, other than we're heading for Seattle and we've got 2 days to cover a bit over 500 miles.

better of course on an FJR.....
Depends on the road, my friend. Scoff all ya want at the 'Hog, it's a fine bike.
I wasn't dissin' the Hawg, just sayin' those is sport tourin' roads, and ya might be missin' a bit off the bottom of the floorboards when you get done!

Kickass Geeks!

Were heading in opposite directions though..your heading West and I'm heading East... I'm in Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia a hotel room right now.. the Cabot Trail is beckoning me! Spent a great day with MEM and her riding buddy Mark getting the grand tour of Bay of Fundy. I won't scarf your thread though!

Life can be good can't it Andy!

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As we continued, the snow capped peaks seemed to be getting bigger, but not closer.



I like this picture. The lone green tree, the barren, leafless trees, and the summit in the background with the clouds rolling over the summit.


Another one for ya. Yeah, everyone should see this in their lifetime.


Months ago, when Sooze and I really started working on this trip, Sooze started talking about the Going To The Sun Road. If you're not familiar with it, it's a road which winds through Glacier National Park in Montana.

Is it touristy? Yes.

Is it congested? Yes.

Is it free? No.

Is it worth it?

You decide. But this is Why I Ride.

Yes, we were there. See?


We entered the park on the east side and headed west. After paying our $12 PER PERSON ransom, we were allowed to continue.



I had a route set in the Zumo but I shut that off so we could get a GPS track of it and see the elevation changes.

Starting out... Note that evelation is the second number down, so we were at 4559' to start.


The long miles and high heat have taken their toll.

More really good stuff to come. Promise.

BG - I LOVE the fact you are posting your HD ride experience on this forum. :rolleyes:

I think it says alot about the 'just ride' attitude of this group - we don't care so much what your ride is that you ride..

...and I have to say this is really triggering my want to make a road trip on my 91 Ultra.. such a sweet, slow, casual, and wonderful ride.

Thank You...

Prolly not going to be able to update for a bit, but we are safely in Seattle for a couple of nights and do not have neenerweb access handy.

So let me share our view.

If we step out on the balcony and look one way, we see Puget Sound.


If we look the other way, we see this.


Life is good, friends.

I'll get ya all caught up soon as I can.


BG - I LOVE the fact you are posting your HD ride experience on this forum. :rolleyes: I think it says alot about the 'just ride' attitude of this group - we don't care so much what your ride is that you ride..

...and I have to say this is really triggering my want to make a road trip on my 91 Ultra.. such a sweet, slow, casual, and wonderful ride.

Thank You...
He's even making me think about gettin a Harley....

Does that make me bike-curious? :unsure:

Lookin forward to the next chapter BG... :thumbsup:


First, let me say to anyone who can keep a ride report going real-time: bravo! This ain't easy and maybe I was a bit over-ambitious to try it, but oh, well. Live and learn.

I'll update when I can. Right now we're having an awesome time, and let me say that Newport, Oregon, is a cool, hip, funky and traditional town. We really like it here.

Here's a few teaser pics for ya.

Watch that first step! It's a doozy!




Montana Highway 135 between Paradise and I-90 is One. Awesome. Road!


Tunnel ahead.


Chillin'. Seattle-style.


That's a volcanically active mountain in the background.


Me & my dad. In Oregon.


I saw the sign and, on a whim, wheeled in here. We payed our $3 and got to see this.


Thanks for stopping back in. We're heading for Kali today. Hopefully I'll have time to make more updates tonight.

In the meantime, go out & ride. There is LOTS to see on the road.

BG & Sooze.

2 of the newest members of Rogue Nation, pledge class of July 20, 2010.

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AHHHHHHHHHHH Newport! Know the Rogue Brewery well! You get 2 free beers and a free t-shirt on your birthday. We start in town, then walk over the bridge, hit the brewery, then on to the distillery for some rum! Back over the bridge where hopefully there are new waiters and more free beer! As a fellow Rogue Nation Citizen I hoist a Dead Guy Ale in your direction.

Will we be seeing the geeks at WFO? I'll buy the first round!


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Will we be seeing the geeks at WFO? I'll buy the first round!
Planning on it! Made a reservation for Friday night a little bit ago. Keep an eye out for us! Looking forward to meeting ya! And free beer. I always look forward to free beerz.

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Man & Lady, this is a awesome trip...Haven't been that far north to any of those states, now some of them are on the list...especially Oregon.

Thanks, keep'em coming.
