Mini-Rant from Reno ..... suggetsions moving forward?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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So, now what to do with these things?? LOL, I'll always be a fan of Staintunes, but I've put this pair in the rearview mirror. I now have a brad new set of beautiful Titanium (Muzzzy) ready to install on the bike. Oh, and worked a deal, got three sets of cores (variety of loudness) so I've got some flexibility and won't be worrying about buying repacking stuff for quite a while.

Johnny ( :clapping: )...consider this for MY needs :blink:

I want to purchase them just as they are...they have, ah, character :rolleyes:

I think they'd be cool mounted to my sliders...I'll move the stebel to one of the forks

Maybe someone can offer up some tubing for a Gen I from the header (goats belly?) and some heat guards

whattada think??? :yahoo:

I may have entered into this thread towards the end, but felt compelled to ad my two cents worth. My daughter once ordered some high priced concert tickets only to get ripped off on them. Because the ad she responded to had the link below attached,

Ebay Buyer Protection

she was refunded her entire amount that she paid for the tickets. I recall it took about 5-6 weeks, but she still got her money back from Ebay. What happened to the seller after that we don't know. She was just happy to get her money back on the concert tickets she thought she was bidding on, not knowing the whole deal was bogus.

If you haven't already, I hope you too get your money back. If this guy has done this much, I'm surprised he hasn't received a real personal type visit from one of his irate customers. Situations such as this have the tendency to escalate really quick when someone is blatantly ripped off.

Good Luck
