Missing 777

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If it went down in the ocean, shouldn't at least some pieces be floating?

I'm going to have to go with aliens.

Has anyone found Amilia Earhart? Very strange to have a 777 heavy just disappear. Apparently the Chinese sattelite image has been dismissed, as was the engine data from U.S. sources that showed the plane continued to travel west after the transponder shut down.

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Has anyone found Amilia Ehrhardt?
Beemerdons has her in his back yard. He takes her to brunch twice a week, and we all know what Don does with a woman before he takes her to brunch.

Back on topic, I hadn't heard there was satellite imagery and engine data showing possible locations. Seems to be a hot topic though, as even my buddies at coffee this morning were talking about it.

Has anyone found Amilia Ehrhardt?
Beemerdons has her in his back yard. He takes her to brunch twice a week, and we all know what Don does with a woman before he takes her to brunch.
I heard Papa Chuy has her for his personal sex slave, she hasn't seen daylight in years! ...rumor has it anyway


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Yinz guys are sick. :finger:

The data sent from the jet does not yield location data, but apparently the search has expanded to include a 10000 mile radius to deal with an additional 4-hours of cruise indicated by the data. Internet geeks are searching DigitalGlobe to find images of the plane and have reported 10000 possible hits being investigated.

From all appearances, this plane disappeared because someone wanted it to...that much is not an accident.

They landed it, shot all the people filled back up with T-n-T, fertilizer, diesel fuel, radio-active waste and it’s flying to DC!! Just my theory....but I’m keeping my eyes open as it’s going show up somewhere .............


I think it went through the bung hole of some life form that exists in a paralell universe! I am however completely dismayed by the loss of life, but there is the slim possibility that we will someday witness some real pioneers upon their return.

It CLEARLY isn't aliens.

Rabid weasels gnawing on the transponders cause their signal to disappear, and then a tiger killed the flight crew.

We will probably never know the real story behind this mess. The conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day.

Yep, hope they find the black-box before it stops sending pings after 30 days. Hope it sheds some light as to what went on.

Considering they spent the last three weeks to tentatively find the first pieces of debris on the surface, I think odds are negligible of finding any black boxes.

What did you ever figure out with the Spot tracker that it didn't report your position and status when you had the deer encounter? Sorry I missed the resolution to that issue.

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