Just a little sand in the mangina.Or is it something else?
Nothing to worry about
Just a little sand in the mangina.Or is it something else?
I don't know how much clearer it could have been.Let's avoid it spinning off into politics, please.
And if you noticed we didn't go into politics. Some days you admins are just too sensitive.This thread skated during the admin hiatus. Let's avoid it spinning off into politics, please.
Shrug, just a Rand-om name that won't move this thread forward in a good way.Who is John Galt?
Willy's brother?Shrug, just a Rand-om name that won't move this thread forward in a good way.Who is John Galt?
Need I say more,
The radar has been described by Lt. Gen Trey Obering (director of MDA) as being able to track an object the size of a baseball over San Francisco in California from the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, approximately 2,900 miles (4,700 km) away.
I thought I was a stud doing an 11 1/2 month cruise on the Enterprise back in the 80's.Need I say more,
The radar has been described by Lt. Gen Trey Obering (director of MDA) as being able to track an object the size of a baseball over San Francisco in California from the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, approximately 2,900 miles (4,700 km) away.
Must be the same place the dropped bolt under the fuel tank goes to.It's that damn fifth dimension that got it. Or a black hole. Something we can't explain yet.
I gotta bunch a socks and a couple gloves there too.
The hard fact is, the airplane is missing, there is no wreckage, no bodies, no evidence and no claim of responsibility. Everyone is apparently in the dark.OK, can anyone here shine any real light on what happened yet? I'm still in the dark.
It is also the same place that every Canadians wallet drops into when you walk in to a tavern with them, you will find this 777 and Amelia Earhart faster than any Canuck who will buy a damn round of drinks! Good luck separating a Frostback from a loonie or a buck, eh! jes' sayin' and nuff said, eh! Hosers, eh!Must be the same place the dropped bolt under the fuel tank goes to.It's that damn fifth dimension that got it. Or a black hole. Something we can't explain yet.
I gotta bunch a socks and a couple gloves there too.