Modify stock muffler

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Active member
Jan 20, 2008
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North Carolina
I while back I seem to remember someone talking about drilling out the mufflers on these bikes .

If I remember correct they took a drill and drilled where the 5 small holes are ( stock these holes don't appear to do anything, but if you drill the part of the mufler behind them it will change the sound of the bike. how many have tried this, and were there any adverse effects.

I worry that doing that may create too much heat on the back cover of the muffler. I don't want to do it and get 300 miles from home this weekend only to find if destroying the mufler.

any advice?

I while back I seem to remember someone talking about drilling out the mufflers on these bikes .If I remember correct they took a drill and drilled where the 5 small holes are ( stock these holes don't appear to do anything, but if you drill the part of the mufler behind them it will change the sound of the bike. how many have tried this, and were there any adverse effects.

I worry that doing that may create too much heat on the back cover of the muffler. I don't want to do it and get 300 miles from home this weekend only to find if destroying the mufler.

any advice?

You can't undo

to each his own but i look at it this way..

LEO are trained to SEE and HEAR speeding motorcycles.

Why would I want to be HEARD?

Why would I want to even give the PERCEPTION of a CROTCH ROCKET by having a LOUD EXHAUST?

I am just a fuddy-duddy riding along on my QUIET motorcycle with saddlebags. Everyone knows those that's not the profile of a speed monger lol...

I while back I seem to remember someone talking about drilling out the mufflers on these bikes .If I remember correct they took a drill and drilled where the 5 small holes are ( stock these holes don't appear to do anything, but if you drill the part of the mufler behind them it will change the sound of the bike. how many have tried this, and were there any adverse effects.

I worry that doing that may create too much heat on the back cover of the muffler. I don't want to do it and get 300 miles from home this weekend only to find if destroying the mufler.

any advice?

You can't undo

to each his own but i look at it this way..

LEO are trained to SEE and HEAR speeding motorcycles.

Why would I want to be HEARD?

Why would I want to even give the PERCEPTION of a CROTCH ROCKET by having a LOUD EXHAUST?

I am just a fuddy-duddy riding along on my QUIET motorcycle with saddlebags. Everyone knows those that's not the profile of a speed monger lol...
Pretty funny!

LEO's aren't "trained" to hear loud cars or bikes.... They just do...

No different than anyone else. The real training and experience is

in their visual speed estimations.. Which, in my State, is all a LEO

needs to write you a speed tag..They don't even have to have a

scientific device (lidar, radar, pace or clock) to back up their visual estimation..

Thats just icing on the cake....


I while back I seem to remember someone talking about drilling out the mufflers on these bikes .If I remember correct they took a drill and drilled where the 5 small holes are ( stock these holes don't appear to do anything, but if you drill the part of the mufler behind them it will change the sound of the bike. how many have tried this, and were there any adverse effects.

I worry that doing that may create too much heat on the back cover of the muffler. I don't want to do it and get 300 miles from home this weekend only to find if destroying the mufler.

any advice?
Well Start by drilling one hole on each side. Then dyno it

If that's not enough drill two holes in each side. Repeat dyno.

So on and so on and so on.


Remove the stock mufflers and replace them with brass tubes. Then you can sound like a Hardly :p

Ok, honestly, I remember reading about this on a couple of forums. What they are doing is "punching" the baffels in the back of the muffler. This allows some of the exhaust to flow straight out without having to go thru the packing that muffles the sound or thru the baffles (not sure whats inside the FJR mufflers). The effect on power is negligable to negative. The effect on sound is a personal preference to say the least. If you want louder, you might want to look into slipons like Holeshots rather than destroy (some would agree, some would argue) the stock mufflers.


i remember a while back (I think on Ebay) there was a pair listed where they were previously drilled out as you mentioned. I remember the pictures of the rear of the cans and recall seeing black carbon build up all over the back of the cans where the 6 little holes are.

I wouldn't do it just for that reason. The FJ is just too damn pretty to purposly give her a blemish.

There's my 2.9 cents worth (inflation went up again since the earlier posts).

On my old Bandit I purchased an aftermarket exhaust. I relly thought it sounded nice when I 1st put it on, but just before I sold the bike I put the stock exhaust back on and said to myself, what was I thinking? On long trips that I-4 hum got really old.

Yes, like the others said, stealth is best. I remember telling a HD rider with straight pipes once that the only one that thought is bike sounded cool was him. Then I realised that was the case with my Bandit.

I have seen the drill out kit, and would guarantee that it will not gain you anything you will notice in performance, but will draw the attention of every police officer sitting at a donut shop when you crack the throttle.

Yes, sound is a personal preference, but have you considered the value of sound to (help!?) with cager attention? (Of course, the idiotic cagers using headsets or blasting their radio (so, now deaf) are beyond help ...)

For example, the nautilus saved my butt big time on two recent occasions. I blasted the sucker and the cagers for a moment stopped in their tracks (the stupid things they were up to ...). Sound can be a friend in such cases.

To deal with the donut friendly crowd, get a V1, watch truckers (slow down), get a CB radio and ride!

Anyway, it's worth considering opening up the holes with provision for closing them when you want quiet. Use them with holes open around town and quiet it for hiways ...

Eric you could wait for it to start ticking :assassin: ....the jihad bike....sorry..friday and all...seriously, buy some slipons and keep the stocks for when ya sell her...the..ahem...mature rider this bike appeals to arent too impressed with noise, there are exceptions but we like breaking laws quietly at our age....I gotta go, the blue tints dry on my mohawk...



The 'stock' cans are not cheap (to replace) so make sure you want what you think you want before drilling. Another vote for stealth from me though.

Don't be cheap & the ruin the stock mufflers. If you are going to mod the exhaust, do it right & get slip-ons or complete exhaust & adjust fuel mixture via a PCIII/Techlusion/etc.

Wow, It never stops amazing me how Young I feel around a group of Rocking chair racers.

I Want the noise for Saftey. I have had loud bikes all my life and only One ticket since 1984.

You can buy used mufflers for this thing on Ebay for a song, so If I don't like it no Biggy.

It seems that this bike invites peole to pull into my lane or look right through me. I don't have that problem on my VTX 1800 with its V&H pipes.

Anyway this is just temporary, I am planning to put an Exhaust on it This winter,and a 40 hp shot of Nitrous :yahoo:

I know all the old farts just clicked close on this thread.

Full Thottle till ya see GOD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Then BRAKE

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Wow, It never stops amazing me how Young I feel around a group of Rocking chair racers.I Want the noise for Saftey. I have had loud bikes all my life and only One ticket since 1984.

You can buy used mufflers for this thing on Ebay for a song, so If I don't like it no Biggy.

It seems that this bike invites peole to pull into my lane or look right through me. I don't have that problem on my VTX 1800 with its V&H pipes.

Anyway this is just temporary, I am planning to put an Exhaust on it This winter,and a 40 hp shot of Nitrous :yahoo:

I know all the old farts just clicked close on this thread.

Full Thottle till ya see GOD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Then BRAKE

That's what they call stealth, Did i tell you how much i like cruising up behind you Aholes and passing you and the look I see in my mirrors is worth a 1,000$$$$$$ while i see them saying what the hell was that!!!!! :ph34r: :ph34r: :assassin:
