Makin' Some Noise
I just saw a B-King up-close-n-personal earlier this afternoon and had a sit-on just to say I did. Holy Mother of Christmas is that thing a beast! It's ugly without a doubt, but, it's ugly in a female bodybuilder sort of way. Weirdly sexy and muscular with an unspoken acknowledgement that, yes, she can indeed rip your cock out by the roots. It's quite the bike. (At least until the new V-Max comes out!)You can hate the Game, gentlemen, just don't hate the Player! :lol:Can I just say that I hate youI friggin HATE you! I'm so jealous.
Not so... that distinction belongs to a different Suzuki. Seen photos of the new B-King? My Heavy Bus is a goddess compare to this abomination:That's the ******' ugliest thing on two wheels currently in production today.