Mother of All Mexico Dirt Bike Rides - March in 2015!

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Chris, since Don cannot make, I wouldn't worry about 30-40 mph. If he was coming, then yes, 70-90 mph is the norm. Besides, I am always the slowest rider, so I I'll always be behind you!

Upon reading the last post, I take part of it back. So as not to go down the dreaded drain hole, I am not "always behind you". This is backroad bob, not backdoorbob, as Don would remind you....

Chris, since Don cannot make, I wouldn't worry about 30-40 mph. If he was coming, then yes, 70-90 mph is the norm. Besides, I am always the slowest rider, so I I'll always be behind you!
My WR450 won't be running much above 65 mph so you boys better wait for me at the corners.

I think I'm dragging all the bad weather with me so hopefully the rest of you should have a decent trip to McAllen.

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Hey guys I am in a jam. On Monday I sent my motorcycle gear via UPS to the hotel in McAllen Texas via 3 day air. It is Thursday night and the gear is stuck in Louisville Kentucky and has not moved since Wednesday at 1:23pm due to the snowstorm. The gear was scheduled to deliver today. The only gear I have at home is a pair motorcycle pants, light summer gloves and my helmet.

Does anybody have have a spare XL jacket, winter gloves in a large size and size 10 boots?

If no spare gear is available my plan is to buy new gear on Saturday take it with me and hope my gear arrives on Monday. I am not really thrilled about the prospect of spending the better part of $1000 of gear. If I don't use the new gear I can return it, but I am not willing to trust my gear will arrive by Monday. After all no gear, no ride - what a pickle.

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Hey guys I am in a jam. On Monday I sent my motorcycle gear via UPS to the hotel in McAllen Texas via 3 day air. It is Thursday night and the gear is stuck in Louisville Kentucky and has not moved since Wednesday at 1:23pm due to the snowstorm. The gear was scheduled to deliver today. The only gear I have at home is a pair motorcycle pants, light summer gloves and my helmet.
Does anybody have have a spare XL jacket, winter gloves in a large size and size 10 boots?

If no spare gear is available my plan is to buy new gear on Saturday take it with me and hope my gear arrives on Monday. I am not really thrilled about the prospect of spending the better part of $1000 of gear. If I don't use the new gear I can return it, but I am not willing to trust my gear will arrive by Monday. After all no gear, no ride - what a pickle.
I think I can come up with almost everything you need.

XL jacket - yellow tour master Transition II - its got a tear in the outer shell on one arm but otherwise in good shape. Could be sealed up with some duct tape.

Size 10 boots - have a couple of choices - Sidi Fusion Rain or TCX (similar to x cube, only older model)

Large winter gloves - cortech winter scarabs in very good condition.

Let me know and I can throw them in the truck.

Hey guys I am in a jam. On Monday I sent my motorcycle gear via UPS to the hotel in McAllen Texas via 3 day air. It is Thursday night and the gear is stuck in Louisville Kentucky and has not moved since Wednesday at 1:23pm due to the snowstorm. The gear was scheduled to deliver today. The only gear I have at home is a pair motorcycle pants, light summer gloves and my helmet.

Does anybody have have a spare XL jacket, winter gloves in a large size and size 10 boots?

If no spare gear is available my plan is to buy new gear on Saturday take it with me and hope my gear arrives on Monday. I am not really thrilled about the prospect of spending the better part of $1000 of gear. If I don't use the new gear I can return it, but I am not willing to trust my gear will arrive by Monday. After all no gear, no ride - what a pickle.
I think I can come up with almost everything you need.

XL jacket - yellow tour master Transition II - its got a tear in the outer shell on one arm but otherwise in good shape. Could be sealed up with some duct tape.

Size 10 boots - have a couple of choices - Sidi Fusion Rain or TCX (similar to x cube, only older model)

Large winter gloves - cortech winter scarabs in very good condition.

Let me know and I can throw them in the truck.
Please throw them in the truck and I really appreciate the help. You pick on the boots. I thought I was being smart to trust UPS on a three day delivery and giving them 6 days to get my gear to McAllen. I am not feeling so smart anymore cause good gear is expensive - I have some good gear and most of is still serviceable. Thanks very much!

Great day at the Barber Motorcycle Museum today.....








Will post more later....

By the time I left the museum it was getting late so I made it as far as Laurel, Mississippi today....


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Mis Compadres, have big fun in Mexico and Papa Chuy Viejo will be there with You in Spirit mis Amigos. Oh Mexico, just so damn groovy I really want to go! Arriba, Ai-Ai!

Earlier this week I thought my luck on this trip was looking like Carver's luck. If Carver didn't have no bad luck he'd have no luck at all.

Maybe things are a changing......

It all started last September when I frayed a tendon in my left wrist playing golf, smacking a 3 iron into the turf, not out of anger but because I am not a good golfer. I took Ibuprofen for six weeks waiting for the wrist to heal - no such luck. By November the wrist had steadily deteriorated and I knew I could not ride this way. I went to a Doc, had a MRI learned the tendon was slightly frayed, got a cortisone shot and wore a brace for six weeks. By mid January the wrist is healed - yes. It would have been nice to wait until January to see the doc when my lower deductible medical plan kicked in but I choose to buy more healing time.

Next dose of bad luck is Beemerdon's can't go on the trip he made possible. We will miss you Don!

I am flying from Seattle to McAllen Tx. I don't want to trust United Airlines with my gear so on 3/2 I sent the gear via UPS to a hotel in McAllen Texas via 3 day air; it is scheduled to arrive at the Hotel on 3/5. Next bit of bad luck is the gear is hung up in Louisville Kentucky for over two days due to a flipping snowstorm. No gear no ride - I don't need this kinda of stress - work is bad enough.

Finally some good luck.

Thanks to the people I am riding with! They come through and offered some spare gear; see posts above. Thanks again! Drinks on me.

Today UPS Tracking has some good news too:

  • Scheduled Delivery Updated To:
  • Monday, 03/09/2015, By End of Day
  • Last Location:
  • Departed - Louisville, KY, United States, Saturday, 03/07/2015
We leave on 3/10 so with any luck the gear will show up! Yes!!!!

With all the gear that is going to show up we could have a swap meet.

No more bad Juju preparing for this trip.

^^^^ Things are definitely looking up. Nice weather today for the drive though traffic through Houston, TX had me thinking I was back in Toronto. Yes, it was that bad and I can't think how bad it could be during rush hour mid-week.

I have only 400 miles left to McAllen so it looks like I will arrive a day early so all the bars may be dry by the time the rest of you get here.

Made it to Columbus, TX and stopped for the night since the hotel had a Mexican restaurant next door and I figured I better start acclimating....


The food and drink were very good.

On the way back to the hotel I came across this in the Mexican restaurant parking lot. Check out the wheels and you tell me if this is not a case of racial profiling...


I have started a ride report over on ADV Rider since some of my family and friends do not have access to this thread on the forum. To save time the rest of the ride will be covered on the ADV Rider "FODS to Real de Catorce" thread.

Well I'm in Tucson now with a little more than 1000 miles to go, and towing a sick bike. The darn thing crapped out on me on my last test ride on Friday. It will start fine and run for about 2-3 minutes then die and not restart. After sitting a few hours the same cycle - start, run, die, wait, repeat.

Seems like a fuel line obstruction or something in the carb. Anyway, hightailing for McAllen to meet up with Skip for some surgery on Monday morning. If it doesn't work then its backup time.

Heres the link to my Spotwalla (using SWConnect).

Well I'm in Tucson now with a little more than 1000 miles to go, and towing a sick bike. The darn thing crapped out on me on my last test ride on Friday. It will start fine and run for about 2-3 minutes then die and not restart. After sitting a few hours the same cycle - start, run, die, wait, repeat. Seems like a fuel line obstruction or something in the carb. Anyway, hightailing for McAllen to meet up with Skip for some surgery on Monday morning. If it doesn't work then its backup time.

Heres the link to my Spotwalla (using SWConnect).][/url]
Jeeze, Russ, you got some capacity for travel! By plane, truck and dual sport! Makes my planned trip in a couple weeks (Subaru wagon loaded with skis and mountaineering gear) seem downright wussifed. G.V. to Telluride for a week and then back. Hell, that's only 920 miles each way, and here I was thinking about doing it in two days each way! In my defense, I do expect to thrash the living shit outta my aging carcass in between the coming and going.

Much luck on curing the ailing Zuk promptly. Seems like all you guys will benefit from the stress of unforeseen problems finally giving way to actually getting underway. And by then, Papa Chuy should be safely ensconced at Casa Stanley with a robust supply of Irish libations going into the seventeenth of the month.

What worries, eh?

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Rolled into San Antone about 15 minutes ago. Sleeping a few feet from the Alamo. Had originally intended on seeing the place tomorrow but instead will be out early to get down to McAllen and check out the fuel system - all in all would rather be sightseeing.

Damn, you guys need some good mojo coming your way, so here's my share. Numerous incidents before even crossing the border. Darrel from AZB posted up he had a close call when he hydroplaned on his Heidenau K60's on his way in to McAllen and started to get sideways. Fortunately he didn't grab any brakes and was able to pull out of it. Told him we don't need anybody layed up next to Don. Take it easy out there guys but have fun, of course.

Made it to the ride headquarters yesterday and now just hanging out and waiting on the rest of the gang to roll in....


Brian & Barry from the AZ Beemer group also rolled in last night....



We spent some time taking selfies with Don's replacement for the ride. That's Don on the right...


Rolled into San Antone about 15 minutes ago. Sleeping a few feet from the Alamo. Had originally intended on seeing the place tomorrow but instead will be out early to get down to McAllen and check out the fuel system - all in all would rather be sightseeing.
Crimped vent line on the fuel cap or sucking something off the bottom of the float bowl?

Hey Russ,

When I at the Barber Museum I saw the perfect spare bike for you....


There are two bikes here. The one in the back folds up into the suitcase in the front. Perfect for travelling.
