Mother of All Mexico Dirt Bike Rides - March in 2015!

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Who has made their arrangements for moto insurance in Mexico? I've got a couple of quotes and will probably make my choice in the next couple of days.
I tried to make sense of the paperwork for the moto import deposit but I think I will wait until we cross over the border. I seem to remember from the Copper Canyon trip that they actually wanted to see the motocycle as part of the procedure.
1) Since I've been with for 2+ decades now, I no longer bother to get competing quotes. 1-888-723-4617

2) Si Paco the Federales will actually have to climb in to Skip's trailer to inspect your VIN, they'll walk up to the other motos!

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Well good news. My left wrist was all messed up about two months ago so I had to quit jacking off, get a cortisone shot and wear a brace for six weeks and let my wife lift the heavy lumber. (had to get that out of the way for it is where the minds of many go here)

Well the wrist is all healed up. Last Sunday I rode the FJR 5 hours and used the clutch quite a bit. No problems. Today a fellow FJR rider and I changed three tires, two rears and on front and after all that the wrist is just fine. As I said this is all good news. Yeah!!!

Looking forward to Mexico.

What kind of weather should we expect on this ride. Temps between 60 and 90 or something else? 1) Very glad to hear that you are all healed up Fontanaman Jim, this is going to be the Adventure of a Lifetime! JSNS!

2) You are right on about the weather, except for Real de Catorce! We will be scraping frost off the seats, like we did in Creel last time! Expect night temperatures at Real de Catorce at 9K feet to be 40F low, pack your Seattle Seahawks Jersey Jim. Don't pack a Canucks jersey, the Mexicans hate Canucks!

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So Don you are promising that we will not be scrapping frost off the seats like we did in Creel last time?

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Thanks for the thought Don! But on the good news front I've decided I'm in for the Mexico trip so we'll be able to quaff some fine margaritas!

Russ Perry of SF Bay CA has been added to the Mexico Dirt Ride!
Real de Catorce and Huasteca, Mexico trip! Russ Perry has been added to the Attendance Roster!

1. Russ Perry
2. BeemerDonS
3. bbolesaz - BB
4. Back Road Bob
6. D Wells
7. BearTrax
8. yamafitter
9. Fontanaman
2) You are right on about the weather, except for Real de Catorce! We will be scraping frost off the seats, like we did in Creel last time! Expect night temperatures at Real de Catorce at 9K feet to be 40F low, pack your Seattle Seahawks Jersey Jim. Don't pack a Canucks jersey, the Mexicans hate Canucks!
You freakin' Zonies are hopeless. I know that you Zonies think that ice only comes out of icecube trays but I thought you would have at least have known that water freezes at 32oF. Changes in elevation have almost no effect on freezing but does have a significant effect on the boiling point of water. Below 40oF we Canucks think about not wearing Speedos beside the pool.


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There's just one rule on this trip, no one is allowed to wear Speedos!
Chris don't you remember I wasn't wearing Speedos when we all went swimming last time, matter of fact I wasn't wearing anything at all! JSNS, Butt Naked ese!

"Barak Naggan has underwater footage of Don's beer belly and fat ass. Very disturbing stuff not rated for general audiences…from Yamafitter - Billy Fitz, eh!


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Took care of the Mexican insurance policy for the bike today. I also grabbed some extra oil and air filters for the bike the last time I was at the dealer.

Next major project to to clean all the club junk out of my trailer and then do one last check on the bike.

Took care of the Mexican insurance policy for the bike today. I also grabbed some extra oil and air filters for the bike the last time I was at the dealer. Next major project to to clean all the club junk out of my trailer and then do one last check on the bike.
Club junk in the trailer? How about junk in that garage of yours? Last picture of your garage I saw you claimed you had an FJR and a snow blower in there, I could not see either one for all of the crapola in the way! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ya Hoser!

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Man it's cold here in ATL.
Damn it this the South, those Canucks need to stop sending us all that cold crap!

How are you all going to exchange money? Wasn't the ATM the best way to go or am I thinking of when I'm in England???

I am going to bring 500 cash and my debit card. I think it is best to exchange money in Mexico but I could be wrong. I will look at my emails from MotoDiscovery again to be sure.

Seattle is a benefactor of all the cold weather on the east coast. Here on the west coast we are enjoying an early spring. Going riding my FJR on Sunday. Earlier this week one fellow was pass blasting, riding back and forth across the Cascade Range. Some of the lower elevation ski hills around here are bare. What a mess for the ski industry. Hopefully the cities will have enough water for the summer.

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$500 cash sounds pretty good. I would also take a credit card in addition to a debit card.

Toll roads, tips, fuel, alcohol, food, add up pretty quick....


Don't forget you will need at least one CC (not a visa/mastercard debit card) which is required to secure your vehicle bond at the Mexico border. This will be refunded back to your CC when we cross back.

I just downloaded a Currency converter app and fired up the Google Spanish translator. The translator works seems to work well. All you do is speak into it and it converts it from English to Spanish and then speaks it back in Spanish.

So on FB I saw that Don got in a crash. Is he alright? What happen?
Don is just dramatically trying to get out of this ride.

Don was on a dirt bike that face planted him off the edge of the road. He ripped a major hole in his right knee and pretty much destroyed his right shoulder joint. It earned him a helicopter ride, more staples than an average couch cover and gave him an opportunity to replace his shoulder joint with something else. It'll be a while before he is hoisting Steinkrugs with his right hand or chasing down burros.
