Music for riding

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Hi all,

I've got an iPod on order and am planning on putting together some playlists of songs for riding the FJR. I thought it would be interesting if we could compile people's favorite riding songs. The easiest way to do this would be to put up a web site where people could add songs by category but that's a database site and I don't have those kind of programming skills. So instead, please post them here (without duplications) in the following categories (or add your own category). Thanks!

Here are my first recommendations:

New Age

Clannad (anything)


Carlos Santana: Caravansari

World beat

Enya: Orinoco Flow, Storms in Africa


Steppenwolf: Itchin for a running

Doors: Break on through to the other side



#1, without doubt, on my list is, Autobahn by Kraftwerk.

Anything Motown.

Tower of Power.

Deep Purple.



The Ventures.

George Thorogood.

Big Band/Swing (the old stuff, not the new shit from BBVD and SNZ, et al)

Spoken Word Comedy.


Irish Folk.

Scottish Highlander (Bagpipes and such - yeah, I know... :rolleyes: ).

Paul Sullivan (for long, traffic festooned commutes).

Rare Earth.

Spooky Tooth

Mahogany Rush

Instrumental Bluegrass is starting to climb up my charts, too.

There's a lot more on my Zen, but this gives you a good idea of my tuneage range.

Tower of Power.
The Ventures.


Instrumental Bluegrass is starting to climb up my charts, too.
Well, I gues I do have a few things in common with the old timer!

Except I've been into bluegrass for years.

I must say it many times....


Slapnpop....I'm assuming your a fellow bass player. I've seen the Flecktones twice now.........both times in Chattanooga TN. Awesome. Yo Vic !!!

I'll add:

Progressive rock: Dream Theater

Rock: Living Colour

Soul: Curtis Mayfield

Prog. rock: Pink Floyd

Blues/rock: Blues Traveler

Newgrass: Alison Krauss & Union Station

Jazz/funk fusion: Aquarium Rescue Unit

Jazz/funk fusion: John Scofield Band

Blues/rock: Allman Bros.

???: Cake

Funk/soul: Tower Of Power, already been mentioned, but awesome anyway.

Yo, admins...what happened to the old "what do you listen to when you ride" thread? Still beguiled by the hackers? Maybe that's all they wanted....was to know what we listen to when we ride. tooth sense....

Rush. Hey.....even they have a good bass player!

Slapnpop....I'm assuming your a fellow bass player. I've seen the Flecktones twice now.........both times in Chattanooga TN. Awesome. Yo Vic !!!
Vic? Who's Vic?!?


keep filling the mp3 player with old and new punk , hardcore , at the drive in , atreyu, clutch , hatebreed , rancid, ramones, u.s. bombs , and of course black sabbath . try it you just might like it boys .

I mostly cover PP&M in the Arai Auditorium, with a couple of Steve Fromholz's pieces for something a bit different.

I prefer fast music for riding. Hip-hop is the best, then some rap and hard rock and of course, pop music mixed in for spice. Typically what I like on the dancefloor of the club, I like on the bike. Whatever I can shake my ass to!

Sorry fjrchik....I am with the gopher on this one....even though the college team didn't get farther in the playoffs. Holy can the gophers lose to holy cross? I'm still pissed.

Hip Hop.........Rap !! :puke:
and tha crap you listen to is so great? please.

how bout showin a little respect for my choices as I did yours and keep your opinions to yourself.

WOW fjrchik.........who pissed in your wheaties. Don't you know a little harmless ribbing when you see it. :blink:

But since your obviosly thin skinned..........the thread asked for your favorite "MUSIC". I don't think anyone would confuse hip hop or rap with "MUSIC". :D

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Man, you've got that right. I don't listen to music too much when I ride, but listening to the Flecktones is at the top of the list.

I still remember leaving work one summer night after about 14 hours on the job. I cranked up the first tune from "Left of Cool" and immediately got into the groove of an extended detour on the way home.
