My FJR killed a Harley today

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As a "FNG" here on this forum, I am surprized at the amount of other brand bashing and FJR bashing that goes on here? As you can see from my avatar, I ride a Harley V-rod as well as my FJR. There certainly are some "characters" in life riding the HD brand. If you go on a ride with them you won't have to worry about stopping for gas, or how comfortable the seat is because you won't be going that far at a time. Some of the HD line of bikes was designed with form over function just for that reason. There is only one HD being built right now, not in the Buel line, that has sufficient lean angle to really cater to an aggressive rider in the twisties. The "Streetrod" version of the V-rod. When I ride with my V-rod buddies it is typically a "ride to eat" scenario, and then return to the barn. Good ride, food, and friends. My V-rod has some pretty good roll on performance for a v-twin motorcycle, but it is what it is, "form over function." In 7000 miles of riding the FJR, I have had only one person come up to me at a gas stop and look and comment on the bike. I don't believe I have ever taken the V-rod somewhere without numerous people asking about it. I don't know why that is, I think the FJR is a great looking bike?

So with all that said, lets quit bashing the FJR in this forum, and quit bashing HD in this forum. I love both of these bikes.


I get tons of people coming up to talk about the FJR... literally happens all the time. Maybe it's a Texas thing.... Gas Stations, restaurants, Grocery Stores, at work, you name it. Sometimes it's "Nice Bike", or "Wow... what is that?", or "Hey isn't that a....", even had a "You looking to sell that anytime soon?" :)

I get tons of people coming up to talk about the FJR... literally happens all the time. Maybe it's a Texas thing.... Gas Stations, restaurants, Grocery Stores, at work, you name it. Sometimes it's "Nice Bike", or "Wow... what is that?", or "Hey isn't that a....", even had a "You looking to sell that anytime soon?" :)

I only get asked at BMW dealerships. Usually from RT owners.

Hi folks! What a topic for my first post but what the heck. I just picked up my 2003 FJR yesterday. Only 2500 miles on it!! The previous owner traded it in on a new model with the thumb shift.

Anyway, a couple of the posts reminded me of my favorite Yamaha Venture story. As it was told to me, there was a press track day showing off the latest crotch rocket. One reporter was bragging about what a great rider he was. Being a real ass about it. When he finally got his turn on the track he was doing his thing when a couple pro riders (Brian Redmond?? maybe) two up on a Venture passed him on the inside of a curve.

...and speaking of Ventures....anyone want a badly neglected-beat to crap but low milage 1984 Venture??


So far I've done a whole 85 miles on my "new" FJR. That was the trip from the dealer to my house. Looks like it is starting to dry out enough from the rain last night for me to put a few more miles on it.

DAMN this thing is fast!! And I thought my Venture was fast!! Although as an old fart (just turned 50 <shudder>...) and much more aware of my mortality, I tend to ride a bit more on the safe, slower, and legal side... Still a lot of fun. Will make the daily commute a LOT more interesting. Might even start looking forward to going to work!! :lol:

I get tons of people coming up to talk about the FJR... literally happens all the time. Maybe it's a Texas thing.... Gas Stations, restaurants, Grocery Stores, at work, you name it. Sometimes it's "Nice Bike", or "Wow... what is that?", or "Hey isn't that a....", even had a "You looking to sell that anytime soon?" :)
Here in Virginia I feel invisible on the FJR (a good thing), and literally like some kind of celebrity on the V-Rod. I can recall stopping at a McDonalds on the way to DC last year on the V-Rod (Rolling Thunder). There was a Tour bus there, and it turned into an hour of questions, compliments, and answers. Once again I wills stress, I love the FJR and think it is a better motorcycle in the pure sense,,,,, but it does not attract much attention out on the road. I am a San Antonio native,, so I guess I'll test out the "Texas thing" soon.


Interesting. I rode out to Rolling Thunder this year on my VFR with six Harley riders. One night's conversation was when was I going to "step up" to a HD. <_< I told them that if I ever did get a Harley, it would probably be a V-Rod. They trashed the V-Rod, saying it wasn't a real Harley. A summary of their bashing BS is as follows: liquid cooled = not a Harley

Here in Virginia I feel invisible on the FJR (a good thing), and literally like some kind of celebrity on the V-Rod. I can recall stopping at a McDonalds on the way to DC last year on the V-Rod (Rolling Thunder). There was a Tour bus there, and it turned into an hour of questions, compliments, and answers. (snipped)
Welcome to the list, FJRChip.

I love the look of the VRod- turns my head every time. (Do you really have to pull the engine to change the plugs?)

And I have nothing against Harley riders, except the ones with the Harley attitude. Had my ass kicked on my VMax by a (highly modified, non-VRod) Harley one time and have not forgotten it. Some of those suckers will run.

Yesterday, I rode with a bud (a new rider) who'd just gotten a new Harley. We got caught in a shower and he was bummed that he could no longer say that his bike had never been rained on. Guess the guys at the dealership told him that rain would devalue his motorcycle.

Doubled me over laughing. The Dark Side...

G'day all- Jim

I was coming back from Laughlin a couple months ago. On Hwy 58, while cruising with my buddy on his Harley, we get passed by a couple dressers, probably doing about 100. I passed them going through traffic up the east side of the Tehachapi grade. When I got clear of the traffic, I noticed them coming up behind me again. I decided to show them where they really were on the performance ladder. I wicked it up to probably 130, up hill into a strong head wind. They predictably dissapeared quickly from view, along with my Harley riding friend.

Coming down the other side, I slowed down looking for my friend. The the first guy on the dresser passed me doing probably 90, going into a right hand down hill sweeper. He went into the curve on the inside of the right lane, hit a bump, (I hit the same bump, hardly felt it,) started wobbling all over the road, and finally ended up almost hitting the guard rail on the outside of the left lane. His buddy saw that, and almost dumped his dresser trying to slow down befoe the curve.

I figured after that that the Harley's lack of power and speed was a safety feature to compensate for the lack of handling and brakes.


I had a discussion with a VRod a few weeks ago. I stopped next to him at a light and nodded a greeting. He glared at me and ignored my greeting. When the light turned green he nailed it. I was not expecting a challenge but accepted his invitation. I hit third gear hard and breezed past him. As I crested a hill the light was changing and I braked hard and stopped. He blew thru the light and raised his left hand and indicated I was number one. At least I think thats what he meant. :D

Don't you feel quilty for picking off Harleys with your FJR! We all know what the power to weight ratio is on those things compared to the FJR, do that math. But its still fun I know deep down thats why I go to the Laughlin River Run each year. Oh yah and its the chicks with the ASS- LESS Chaps riding on the back of those things. I am watchin fade in year view mirror. If it was not so close to my house I would not waste my time.

The V-rod is a good looking bike. It does have a 100+ horsepower. It will not run with the FJR. It has a tiny gas tank (3.7 gallons) that really limits its touring or for that matter daily riding. It costs too much and it wobbles in the wind (solid disk wheels.) I traded in my K12LT for it and found a great group of friends and did some pretty crazy riding. That small tank does not stop them from going places. They have a very well run "forum" online with over 10,000 members and an annual ride to Kansas city each year. For the most part these guys do not associate themselves with the air-cooled Harley crowd. I'm surprised that a V-rod rider did not return a wave or gave someone the single finger salute. The FJR is an apple and oranges comparison with any Harley. There would be a serious investment involved to get any Harley to run with the FJR and most of the V-rod guys know it. Now,, if you find yourself next to a V-rod sporting a supercharger or turbo... you might just have to give him the nod. Since I purchased my FJR in December, I have put 7500 miles on it and the V-rod has become the "hanger queen." I still enjoy that cool evening ride on it though and despite all of it's short comings its a great bike to have.


Welcome to the list, FJRChip.

I love the look of the VRod- turns my head every time. (Do you really have to pull the engine to change the plugs?)

And I have nothing against Harley riders, except the ones with the Harley attitude. Had my ass kicked on my VMax by a (highly modified, non-VRod) Harley one time and have not forgotten it. Some of those suckers will run.

Yesterday, I rode with a bud (a new rider) who'd just gotten a new Harley. We got caught in a shower and he was bummed that he could no longer say that his bike had never been rained on. Guess the guys at the dealership told him that rain would devalue his motorcycle.

Doubled me over laughing. The Dark Side...

G'day all- Jim

Well in reading all of the posts... I will not take the high road's not bashing its everyones opinion and that should be fine. One of the most enjoyable experiences in daily riding is coming around a corner and seeing some Harleys to pass. I have nothing against them...they are doing what everyone else is doing...and thats riding a harley.

Of course your harley turns heads...its a harley!! everyone wants one or had one...its like a motorcycle i-pod. Theyre just unoriginal as hard as they try to be original. I do give all who ride the benefit of doubt, I wave to all...

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Well in reading all of the posts... I will not take the high road's not bashing its everyones opinion and that should be fine. One of the most enjoyable experiences in daily riding is coming around a corner and seeing some Harleys to pass...
This is such a funny subject. I could discuss at length. I've ridden them [Harley]. One of my best buddies owns one of the sweetest custom Harley's I've seen - not over the top, but just right. My church has a "Harley" group. In fact, even my pastor owns a Harley! Point is: some good people own Harleys but I will not EVER own a Harley. They've got image, but nothing else in comparison to what's available. If all I could choose from was Harley - heck yeah, I'd have one! But luckily we have MANY more and better, options. If I'm "cruising," heck, give me a Wing or LT - leaps and bounds better, more fun, faster, better handling etc. etc. Peter Egan had a good quote recently (and this was in reference to +$12K Screaming Eagle kit): "...almost catapults the bike to adequacy." LOL. And that's the rub.

I don't consider the VRod to be a Harley any more than I consider a Buell to be a Harley, and neither do any of the pirates I know.

Having said that:

It's the attitude that seems so prevalent that pisses me off, whether it's from harley riders or from rice rocketeers who don't get the cruiser mentality. To me it's two sides of the same coin.

If it's what ya want, it's what ya get. Try not to worry so much about the other guy's choice of bike. We all have our reasons.

my .02

I wubbed my Road King. Never gave me any shit. Well, the chrome was mostly shit from China, but other than that and the fact that no chick has ever asked me for a ride on the FJR... ;)

Priorities, I guess. chick has ever asked me for a ride on the FJR...
Yeah, what's up with that? Girls [some] like the "bad boy" image too I guess. My buddy says with his Harley he is constantly being asked by chicks for a ride [and then some!]. Although my FJR is occasionally complimented [usually motorcycle connoisseurs], chicks have never outwardly showed interest! Luckily I'm married otherwise I might have to buy a Harley just to get a date... :rolleyes:
