My My My My My.......oohhh baby....this thing is

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
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Raaaadiiiiical! Picked up the blue bombshell at the dealer today and couldn't be more impressed. Rode it home about 100 miles in 37 degree weather with snow flurries and had a hard time keeping it under 80mph even with wind gusts up to 35. I've owned everything from HDs to Hondas to BMWs but nothing compares with this machine. I could not get over the build quality. I rode a BMW RT yesterday and find the fit and finish of the FJR to be on par while the power is just over the top. The bike was so smooth, fast, and handled through the curves like they weren't even there that I did not even notice how cold it really was. I've ridden on days like this before however with heated seat and grips on the Beemer....I really need those heated grips. The power curve did not seem to top out and 110mph felt like 65 on my other bikes. The power is almost stealth and sneaks up on you in the form of speed....going to have to watch that or plead guilty allot. I found the suspension to track perfectly with no course correction required at any speed. I was not displeased with the seat although only mounted for 100 miles...this may be different after 600. We'll see about that. The wind screen was adequate although I wished it were a little higher when being pelted by sleet. I had the dealer adjust the seat to the lowest setting and move the bars back as far as possible however I do think risers are in the works. Instruments seemed ok but I do wonder if the speedo is correct? Overall this thing has more grunt than you need and seems to do everything well. I even enjoyed the riding position and was not tired at all. I thought this may be a problem for me coming off cruisers and machines like the Wing....speaking of the Wing, I'm sure that when I parked the FJR next to her she let out a little scream of "no, no, not here, get that bitch away from me!!" It is going to be hard to choose which bike to take on long distance trips. In any case I'm a happy camper and am glad I found this place to ask all the "base" questions I can come up with. :D

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Jeez, another gushing new owner. Wait till he finds out about the kickstand........ :p Congrats and welcome!

Exactly! Welcome... You've just ingested the FJR tonic.. Nothing will spare you now.. You are doomed. Farlkedom awaits you.. Ain't the power, suspension, braking (especially the front) intoxicating? You are ours now..... How much you want for the Wing? I have a standing offer of $250 cash! :D
:D :lol: :lol2:
And the vibration......

and the tires.......


Welcome to our little "Land o' lunacy".
Vibration? I didn't notice that but if it has it the wife will like it.

How much you want for the Wing? I have a standing offer of $250 cash! :D

Sorry I'll need at least 255 bucks before I can consider it for sale. I can see this is going to be a tough negotiation.

zzkenoman -- weird -- but i think only the AE model comes with the factory grip heaters -- and is the one that you could keep your left hand in your pocket -- seems like the A model should have had the grip heaters instead.... makes ya go hmmmmm.....

congrats radical -- enjoy the scoot!

Welcome and congrats! :clapping:

Please take the time to fill out your personal info so we can relate to where you are hitting this SLEET,37 DEGREES at :eek:

As others have said You will find something to complain about... Something about FJR owners being toooooo pickey (read:anal). But your decision was the right one! But snow already??? Sucks to be you! ;)


Glad your eyes have saw the light! I have a blast riding and canyon carving, next thing you know you'll be doing regular 4-500 mile trips. Have fun!

:D :lol: :lol2:

And the vibration......

and the tires.......


Welcome to our little "Land o' lunacy".
Vibration? I didn't notice that but if it has it the wife will like it.

How much you want for the Wing? I have a standing offer of $250 cash! :D

Sorry I'll need at least 255 bucks before I can consider it for sale. I can see this is going to be a tough negotiation.
Damn! all I got is a $20 :rolleyes:

As others have said You will find something to complain about... Something about FJR owners being toooooo pickey (read:anal).
I find that after you get used to the FJR, you start to take it for granted and, in a sense, forget how good it really is. It pays to have another bike or to ride other peoples bikes in order to appreciate how good the FJR is and how good it felt the first time you rode it.

As others have said You will find something to complain about... Something about FJR owners being toooooo pickey (read:anal).
I find that after you get used to the FJR, you start to take it for granted and, in a sense, forget how good it really is. It pays to have another bike or to ride other peoples bikes in order to appreciate how good the FJR is and how good it felt the first time you rode it.
I cou;d not agree with you more there. I get to ride just about any sportbike i want for thrills, And when i get back on the FJR, It just feels like home. :)

Looky there...welcome to the favorite bike you ever owned. If it isn't yet, just wait a few thousand miles. Glad to have you on board and ain't it just right that Radman was the first to welcome Radical? :)

Welcome and stuff. I gotta wing too and I have made peace with both. I take "lil Bitch" when alone and "Miss Swoopy" out when two up. I bet you can figure out what one is what (think nervous wife)

Yea, what year is the Bike. mine came w/grips and abs standard

Raaaadiiiiical! Picked up the blue bombshell at the dealer today and couldn't be more impressed. Rode it home about 100 miles in 37 degree weather with snow flurries and had a hard time keeping it under 80mph even with wind gusts up to 35. I've owned everything from HDs to Hondas to BMWs but nothing compares with this machine. I could not get over the build quality. I rode a BMW RT yesterday and find the fit and finish of the FJR to be on par while the power is just over the top. The bike was so smooth, fast, and handled through the curves like they weren't even there that I did not even notice how cold it really was. I've ridden on days like this before however with heated seat and grips on the Beemer....I really need those heated grips. The power curve did not seem to top out and 110mph felt like 65 on my other bikes. The power is almost stealth and sneaks up on you in the form of speed....going to have to watch that or plead guilty allot. I found the suspension to track perfectly with no course correction required at any speed. I was not displeased with the seat although only mounted for 100 miles...this may be different after 600. We'll see about that. The wind screen was adequate although I wished it were a little higher when being pelted by sleet. I had the dealer adjust the seat to the lowest setting and move the bars back as far as possible however I do think risers are in the works. Instruments seemed ok but I do wonder if the speedo is correct? Overall this thing has more grunt than you need and seems to do everything well. I even enjoyed the riding position and was not tired at all. I thought this may be a problem for me coming off cruisers and machines like the Wing....speaking of the Wing, I'm sure that when I parked the FJR next to her she let out a little scream of "no, no, not here, get that bitch away from me!!" It is going to be hard to choose which bike to take on long distance trips. In any case I'm a happy camper and am glad I found this place to ask all the "base" questions I can come up with. :D
I've owned and ridden *many* bikes over the years (and too many in the last couple of years for my wife to think I'm still sane). I continue to think the FJR is the nicest, most affordable all-in-one, best performing, and just plain sexiest bike I've ever ridden. I continue to marvel at the folks who think the BMW is a step up or that the FJR isn't sporty enough for them. Ride it and love it. And yes, I found the seat to be perfectly good for about 100 miles. After that, it sucked. I bought mine on a Thursday, left Friday for a long weekend - broke the bike in on a mountain trip. Ordered the new (heated) Corbins on Tuesday. Factoring out the seat, there is *nothing* I don't like... LOVE... about the bike. After 4000 miles and 2 months of ownership, it makes me grin EVERY time.

Ok whats with the kick stand anyway?
SINCE you are a FNG, here is a little explanation (Though the search function might be your friend):

Radman and I are poking fun (Imagine that!) at some complaints that have been registered.

1.) Kickstand: Some have complained about the poor design after their new FJR toppled off the kickstand. Their case is that since their old bike never did that, it must be the faulty design of the FJR kickstand, not the owner neglecting to make sure it ws fully deplyed or parking the bike "in gear" to prevent roll-away. Yes, it is a bit more vertical than my other bike(s), but certainly not as precarious as any Ducati or some other sport bikes.

2.) Vibration: There are some who have more issue with the inline-4 engine engine buzz than others. Some bikes may exhibit more of this than others. For some of us (Okay, many of us) it is a non-issue, but if an owner is having problems with it, e.i., exacerbated by carpal-tunnel syndrome, then it IS a problem they must find a way to ameliorate by replacing grips, changing handlebar angle, etc.

3.) Tires: FJRs come with either Bridgestone 020 or Metxzler Z-6 tires as OEM. There have been reports of cord separation on the Z-4 and possibility of the same happening on the newer iteration. Bridgestones are known to suffer cupping on the front tire after 5,000 miles.

These are simply subjects that are ongoing and never-ending. Some members, like Radman, just like to keep the pot stirred with a little humor. To quote Father Mulcahy (from MASH), "Ah, jocularity!" :lol:
