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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
I just got the visit from my Doctors,

I have just heard from them and i am on slate for 6am. They claim that i will be getting a 3-5 bipass... They could not narrow it down yet, But tomorrow i will know.

They told me my heart has improved to 40%, To which they claim a "normal" heart is 45%. So i should be doing good later with a quick recovery, (2 months :) )

I just thought i would give Y'all the PreGame info, However, This exclusive event will not make the PPV circiut! :rolleyes: :lol:

Wish me luck,



I cant wait for this, To enjoys some of this!


It's great to have you back. You scared us, bro! Glad to hear you're in good enough shape to get the plumbing done.

Best of luck with the surgery.

Good luck tomorrow, Adam, I'm pulling for you! But no rich food for you at WFO! Me and Iggy ordered you the Vegan Plate! :bleh:

Best of luck Adam!

40% Dad has been well bellow that for the last 16 years. You're about as good as new!

How about some oatmeal, bayer aspirin and a glass of red wine? :lol:

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Hey GB, sure glad to hear from you, I wish you the best my friend and tell your local buds to keep us in the loop when your under the knife. The two months for the recovery will be gone in no time.

Get well :clapping:


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Hey Adam, good to "hear" from you. Thanks for the info...we'll be watchin' the clock and the board hopin your local MO buddies keep us in the loop.

D*mn glad your buddies were there when you went down and had the knowledge and skills to take care of you when you needed it. Kudos to them...and hopefully they can be a good example to the rest of us.

Oh yeah, and what TWN said on the WFO platter... :)

Take care there GB!!


My thoughts are with you buddy! Take it easy after tomorrow. Something tells me your going to be pretty sore after the doc's install the new chest pumbing!

Best of luck Adam, enjoy the food :rolleyes: and keep the nurses' on their toes :D Recovery takes some time so don't get impatient an' hurt youself afterwards - no pulling weeds!

No sex fer two weeks either Mister.



Best of luck to you tomorrow with your surgery. You'll be amazed at how fast the doc's are going to kick your ass out of the hospital after its all done with. Gotta keep a keep em movin' you know. You'll be back home sleeping in your own bed before you know it. Hope you have a gaggle of cute, young nurses to aid in your recovery. Let us know if we can do anything for you.


Keep on healin'! I'll be praying for your surgery and recovery. Its been great having you on "the forum" the last couple of days.

+2 on the rich food. Have you heard the new Cardiologist's diet? If it tastes good, spit it out. :yahoo:

There will be a minute of silence in the RadCastle at precisely 0600. Y'all come back now, heah?
