Rick here and 42yrs old.
Two years ago I was pushing a cart of PCs down the hallway when suddenly it felt as if someone grabbed my heart and squeezed the hell outta it... As soon as I stopped pushing the carts the pressure went away. So what do I do? Finish working of course.... doh!
Went to the doctor the next day and he ran gazillions of tests, ultimately telling me that I was fine.... ********. So then he asks if I'd ever had a stress-test before to which I said... huh?
So off to the stress-test I go and end up failing miserably (90% blockage on the left side of my heart). They wheel me in immediately, place a few stents and give me a buttload of medication....
A week later it wasn't better so off I go to surgery (I checked out the Surgeon prior and fortunately he is the best in the biz in my area... lucky me...gulp!)
They crack me open like a Thanksgiving Turkey and end up doing a quadruple bypass... Before I was wheeled in I asked if they would take a picture of my heart if I provided a camera but they wouldn't... bastards. I was checked out of the hospital 1.5 days after the surgery... I thought that was a little short timewise but it all worked out. The next few weeks were ******, need I say more?
Anyway, what I was trying to get at is I am 2 years into this surgery and my breast-bone is still sore. In my mind I can see it shifting around and not healing... Like the other person said, it takes a LOT of time to heal... I'm out doing all the things I used to do, just not as much or as often. The energy level isn't what it used to be... I've had some depression but whenever that hits I jump on the bike and ride it out.
I actually got kind of excited when I was told a nurse would need to shave my entire body before the surgery... RIGHT ON I was thinking....... until this big burly guy turns the corner with a razor in his hand (picture Warchild and you'll know how I felt)... damn
Hey, one thing... be careful with those pain pills.... I actually grew fond of them toward the end and was requesting them from the Dr. even though I didn't need them...
On a side note, after the surgery when I awoke, a Doctor I'd never met came in to talk with me and explain what all took place. As he was talking I stopped him mid-sentence and asked if his mother had just died.. He tripped out a little and then said that I must have heard their conversation during the surgery (his mother indeed had passed away from heart surgery two weeks earlier, only in her case, the Dr. screwed up).
So Doctors, if you're out there, don't be making rude jokes about the fat hairless guy on your table! haha