I'm thinking a chain mail neck gator for future rides....
Uh....yeah! But for now roses (or whtever her favorite flower might be) and precious stones. It doesn't have to be diamonds, you know. Opals, Rubies, etc., etc. Of course it all depends on just HOW precious she is to you.
Em I heppin' yet?
Shoot, those wounds don't look all that serious! As my dad used to say, "I've had worse than that on my eyeball!" Or, "Its fine! Just put some Neosporin on it and tape it up. It'll stop bleeding after awhile."
And Susan, let me give you some great "openings" for your stories:
"I was hanging out with him on some fast corners when......"
"He was in front and 'hung me out to dry'...."
"Even now, when I think of it, I get all choked up!"
Seriously, I believe in the providential care we get and I'm thankful you were a recipient of that. And that you were protected and prepared by wearing the gear. How many times have we all tried to explain that we dress for the "in case". I'm thankful you are still with us and on the road to recovery.
This should be good for weeks of:
"I can't stand over the sink and do the dishes."
"The vacuum cleaner vibrates at just the right pitch that causes my stitches to tingle."
"Honey, I think I need another sponge bath." (Well, maybe not)
"I can't cook yet. The heat from the stove/oven/microwave is just too much. Let's try that new (
Pick One) restaurant in town."
:yahoo: :yahoo:
Heal quickly, body and mind.