Well-known member
Holy Crap!! That's impressive.
Nice to see some one make a great solution to a problem. I was debating loaning out mine. Happy for ya!! -Tate
i lived in S.D. and L.A for 6 years. the only thing i miss is lane splitting. what a blast and so efficient. i find myself doing it once in a while and it really freaks people out over here.Roy that looks great and it has to be 10 times more durable than the stock one. I broke the original and had to modify the second one with a steel frame epoxied into the plastic mount. So far so good. I like the mountain roads and I like the trunk, instead of having bags on all the time, makes spitting traffic a lot easier.Good job, Dan.
.... if anyone has any ideas on how to improve this or little things that could make it better feel free to chime in as more ideas are welcome.
my bag came with a plate on the bottom. about 14 guage i would guess, is this the same as the upgrade?.... if anyone has any ideas on how to improve this or little things that could make it better feel free to chime in as more ideas are welcome.
Just one suggestion. Someone offered to give you the metal plate that fits on the bag (not the mount) that Yamaha sent out to help with the cracking problem. I would take them up on that offer.
The metal plate helps to reinforce the catch on the case, and as you now have built a modified metal version of the plastic Yamaha mount , your case will likely be subject to having more stress/shocks transmitted to it. (The stock mount being plastic will not tramsmit shocks to the case as much as a solid mounted metal one would.)
Incorperating your mount and the add on reinforcement plate for the case itself should make the mount much more secure.
(those rubber feet on the case do tend to fall off, superglue is your freind there...)
Really good job there BTW....
my bag came with a plate on the bottom. about 14 guage i would guess, is this the same as the upgrade?