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New Motorcycle Electrical Book

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;) Since this is getting rather large. Make sure you add on whatever fee Paypal is going to charge you. Hell, add on an extra $1 as far as I am concerned for taking on this little project. Only strings that come attached with that exrtra buck is that you need to post a photo of you drinking the beverage of your choice that we bought you.
What say the rest of you nutcases?
Quit picking on me. :p Whatsa buck, sure, why not.

I'm in, PM sent.

Since this is getting rather large. Make sure you add on whatever fee Paypal is going to charge you. Hell, add on an extra $1 as far as I am concerned for taking on this little project. Only strings that come attached with that exrtra buck is that you need to post a photo of you drinking the beverage of your choice that we bought you. ;)
What say the rest of you nutcases?

well, if you twist my arm.......but I'll absorb any minor cost ($20 or so given the 18 confirmed people at this point) if I'm guaranteed a few free beers at WFO6 in return. I think that makes it simpler for everybody. I like round numbers like the $20 cost. If it turns out to be $50 bucks or sumpin' I'll come back and beg. I think that is fair.

Oh yeah, everybody followed my instructions except one guy.........figures.

less than an hour to go.

OK times up. Details to follow.

It ended up as 17 peeps in on the buy. Including the one guy I cut a break and let him in late in the game despite not giving me a shipping name and address. Waiting to type up the list for Tracy until I hear from him. I'll be sending out PM's to folks with info on how to reimburse me, after I confirm Tracy got my paypal money.

EDIT: Final tally is 16 (with the flurry of PM's I counted one guy twice)

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From Tracy: "Michael, Along with payment you need to collect names/addresses and send me the list. Thanks, Tracy...

Also, you can ask if eacy guy wants me to use their name when I autograph the book ie. "Joe, Hope you like the book" of something like that. "

guys, think about the above and PM me if you want the dedication in a certain way. I'll add it to name and address when I forward the mailing list............. personally, unless you are burning with an alternative, I'll tell him to use the first name in the shipping info.........

Hello to everyone! I"m flattered at the interest in my book. I know all of you will enjoy reading it and hopefully learn something. I've sold over 10,000 of my automotive electrical book and those folks are happy as far as I know.

I have received money for 16 orders so far in my PP acount. I will sign every book on the inside of the cover page. I will be out of town this weekend (teaching a Total Control Advanced Riding Clinic for the National Guard in West Virginia). I will be back on Tuesday of next week. I will ship all books on Tuesday USPS Priority mail. They will arrive at your location within 2 to 4 days depending on where that is.

Please direct any questions regarding this group buy to "ShinyPartsUP" on this forum.

Thanks again for your interest. Tracy Martin...

OK guys, you will be receiving PM's with how to reimburse me by paypal. All owe $20 US.

I appreciate all that participated, and it was a pleasure to give back the forum a small amount of my time :D

For those that aren't using paypal, let me know and I will give you a name for the check and a mailing address.

And I too hope people enjoy their books. Tracy is a stand-up guy and I thank him as well.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

As famous as I am, it shoulda been easy to Google my addy, yo. :bleh:

<Sits back and waits for smarmy retorts.>

Thanks SPU and 3Dogs! :good:

I wanted to thank all who participated in this group buy for making my part in it as painless as possible. And to the many who kept writing me thanks for doing the coordination (Tracy had the hard part writing the book after all) I say you are welcome. And I am thankfull to the many that have already sent in their payments. There wasn't one asshat in the bunch (so far :rolleyes: ) and I learned a lot too. Enjoy the books gentlemen!

Sometimes GB's work out smoothly and rewarding for all. Sometimes..........well, you know :rolleyes: Glad this turned out to be a good one.

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Now the official update:

Everybody has had their names and addresses sent to Tracy by email. The spelling will be exactly as you typed it, because I used cut and paste, so if your dedication reads to Shirley, don't blame me :p

Don't worry Mike-H I used your name, not your wife's.

Toecutter, Skooter and Feejer Weejer all had their requested dedication included in the instructions.

Since the books will be signed soon, If there is still a last minute special dedication request, it's probably too late........but I'll try to tell Tracy in time.


Thank you to all who have paid (in some cases added a dollar or two to defray my costs (Thanks!).

I'd like to hear as people get their copies how they like them.

It has been an admittedly small dream, but a dream nonetheless, to get you, and I think I just succeeded for the first time. Ahhhhh, satisfaction is sweet.

I mailed all the books out today—a day earlier than promised. All of you should get them by the end of the week—except maybe those of you who reside in Canada—your books will show when your postal system decides it’s time to deliver them. Again I’d like to thank all of you for participating in the group buy and ShinyPartsUp for putting it together.

Please provide me feedback when you get a chance to look through the book. I am writing several more books for Motor Books International and I don’t want to miss the chance to improve what I write. I’m looking forward to the “group dump” and any constructive criticism (good or bad) will be appreciated. Thanks again, Tracy Martin...

I mailed all the books out today—a day earlier than promised. All of you should get them by the end of the week—except maybe those of you who reside in Canada—your books will show when your postal system decides it’s time to deliver them. Again I’d like to thank all of you for participating in the group buy and ShinyPartsUp for putting it together.
Please provide me feedback when you get a chance to look through the book. I am writing several more books for Motor Books International and I don’t want to miss the chance to improve what I write. I’m looking forward to the “group dump” and any constructive criticism (good or bad) will be appreciated. Thanks again, Tracy Martin...
Thank you! :good:

Thanks for a great book, I got it today. It's easy to understand, has alot of pics and

diagrams, and the electrical accessories section is a big plus. Thanks again.

