New NorCal FJR owner?

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But isn't it already a bit chilly? I'm not some hardass northerner from Owosso or friggin' Minnesota y'know. :D Perhaps next summer?

And THANKS - everyone else (except Dr. Rich) - for the good words.
Hardass from Owosso?? Ya gotta be talkin about the missus :lol: Why, I'm just a "young" softie.

Supposed to get down in the twenty's these next few nights....... Guess I'd better dig out the cool weather gear. :( Snow can't be but a few weeks away.

Then again, after tomorrow I may not have a job to ride to, so whats the point..


Congrats OM! Way to get back on the old horse. All you need is a few hours of reorientation and you'll be blitzing the corners like the old days.

Hope to ride with you soon.


Awe man...

Ole boy meets bike, falls for (with) bike heavily. Bike dumps the ole' boy, never to be heard from again.

Boy finds a new (younger) bike to love...

It sure does a heart good to see a story with a happy ending.

Seriously, glad you're back where you belong, OM.

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(I understand you can acce$$orize these things? ;) )
It's true. Here's the accessory I'd recommend for you:


Ya low life mutt. I crashed MY FJR first; I should get the first replacement.

". . . All you need is a few hours of reorientation and you'll be blitzing the corners like the old days."

But that's what we want to avoid, jwhite.

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So when ya gonna get up to Quincy so we can take a run out La Porte Rd?
Bandit12, I actually DO want to get back up there. One of my sidecase covers is up there somewhere.

I haven't been that way since, and it's a great ride as you well know.

But isn't it already a bit chilly? I'm not some hardass northerner from Owosso or friggin' Minnesota y'know. :D

Perhaps next summer?

And THANKS - everyone else (except Dr. Rich) - for the good words.
Chilly? Depends on your definition of chilly. I rode up Bucks Lake Rd on Sunday afternoon. T-shirt under my leather jacket, jeans and riding overpants and my summer weight gloves. The missus said its supposed to be up around 80 this weekend. I won't be home to enjoy that weather though. I riding down to Sopaigo Springs, near the PiPi Valley OHV area, for the Pashnit Fall Gathering. I fully intend to keep riding till the snow flies.

I will say its been a bit chilly at night, like upper 30's to lower 40's, but it warms up nicely during the day time. IF you DO happen to get back up this way before the white fluffy stuff starts falling from the clouds, you better drop me a line so I can ride with ya.

And again, congrats on the new ride, looks purty!


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So good to read this post.

Perserverance through pain, pain to hope, hope to joy of the long lost love.

I get it.

Good for you, mi amigo! :yahoo:

FWIW, I'm very proud of you.

I haven't been that way since, and it's a great ride as you well know.But isn't it already a bit chilly? I'm not some hardass northerner from Owosso or friggin' Minnesota y'know. :D

Perhaps next summer?
Nah, you just have to go on J Burleigh time - up at the crack of ten, long breakfast, in the saddle by 11 or 12. Actually did that this weekend - made for a perfect run over Mosquito Ridge and Wentworth Springs Rd. Gorgeous weather, trees starting to turn, very little crap in the corners...

Welcome back.

Hey Old M


Bike looks like a real beauty!! Glad to see you back in the saddle. I've been missing those ride reports -Every weekend, out of the house early in the morning ..coming back a day or two later with lots of pics and good stories.

Cheers to ya bein' on the road again!

As some are aware, I smashed up my FJR a couple of months ago.
The damage was considerable.


Wwwwwell, I ordered the necessary pieces from Yamaha, and went to work on it.

And finally, after many hours of wrenching and over $300 in parts, she's back in one piece and good as new!


What? Okay. Joking. That's not the truth.

It took closer to $500 in parts.

Okay. That's not true either.

The reality.

Eleven weeks after my unfortunate off-road adventure, dear Sean and I travelled

down the state to lovely Tustin, a neglected suburb of Los Angeles, and I purchased

a beautiful, new-to-me, near perfect beautiful blue 2006 FJR.

Buying a shiny motorcycle is just about the funnest thing there is!

The bike I bought is the one italiagene (Eugene, bigdolma's father-in-law) had

advertised here on the forum a few weeks ago.

Sean and I drove down very early Saturday morning, and we were in Tustin by 11.

Eugene and I had worked out the deal beforehand, and the transaction took only

about 10 minutes. The bike was as advertised of course, with only about 2000 miles on it!

Eugene and the proud new owner.


I had not been on a bike since my helicopter ride, and I was pretty apprehensive

about jumping on it and wading immediately into SoCal freeway traffic. I suck.

I decided to have Sean ride it for me to a truck stop just north of L.A.

There, I geared up and very nervously "got back on that horse." A lot of things

go through one's mind. It was a bit difficult. I've concluded that some of my injuries

are going to continue to annoy me for quite awhile. That's okay though.

I rode it the rest of the way home - just over 300 miles. I couldn't help stopping

to take a couple of pictures of it. Can't help myself.

(at a rest stop on the friggin' freeway - nice, huh? :D )



This morning - sore and tired, but smiling. I even considered jumping back on it,

and heading north in search of Bluestreek's Norcal group coming home from their 3 day adventure.

Instead, I just medicated myself and took a nap. :D

For those considering it, I highly recommend motorcycle ownership. :lol:

(I understand you can acce$$orize these things? ;) )
Old Michael,

I had an unexpected get off a few years ago. Not nearly as severe as yours but still . . .

Eventually you do settle back in but the apprehension will stay with you for a while.

I suspect the worse your get off the longer it lingers in your mind but eventually you

will feel like your old self.

I still love to ride and I don't even think about the accident much any more.

Hang in there, take it slow, and keep riding.

Good Luck,


Good job on the new bike...I see you still take great FJR photos! :clapping:

When I get a new is going to be yellow...if a Shoei RF1000 comes in Yellow.

Good job on the new bike...I see you still take great FJR photos! :clapping:
When I get a new is going to be yellow...if a Shoei RF1000 comes in Yellow.
Since we are talking about Old Michael, this is actually on topic:

Considering the number of safety vests, and HiViz riding suits that are out there, I am highly surprised that no helmet makers have come out with a HiViz color option.
