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Obviously I just flunked my posting spellink tste.

dammit, don't you just hate it when that happens ?

The new 2006 Yamaha sprotbikes (including the FJR1300) will have a simultaneous introduction for the public on October 1st. Out west at Alice's Restaraunt and in the east in Central Park at Concour's d'Elegance. We can see the new Feejer in person!
Hey BE, Can you confirm the info on the FJR being present? I found some sites on the web stating the R1 & R6 were planned but nothing on the FJR ?

MM2.. Maybe... possibilities may exist ! ( least it won't be raining again! ) Lemme see if I can find some new goat trails for ya ! :p
I can. Spoke with a Yammie DM about it. The FJR will be at Alice's, as will I. :D

Hey guys,

Living in NYC and owning an FJR (I know you guys are sure I'm crazy), here's my advice -

The Wolman Rink is near the South Eastern corner of Central Park. You can't get in the park with bike anyway, so you'll have to look for parking outside.

Generally speaking, you can park on the cross streets on weekends, but watch the signs! Avenues are more limited in that area and have mostly metered parking (if at all). Off the top of my head, your best bet would probably be to park around 58th St. between 5th and 6th avenues. I'm pretty sure you can't park on Central Park South (59th St.), but it's worth a look.

Don't park on sidewalks unless you really want a tour of the tow pound. Some kind of lock isn't a bad idea, although generally the FJR is not a highly sought after bike here, and it's too heavy to pick up and go.

Last time I've been to ground zero it was still a hole in the ground, but with a PATH train station inside. Lot's of plaques all around describing what happened on 9/11.

The website for the Concour's d'Elegance is

They don't say anything about FJR's there, but Yamaha is listed as a sponsor. I'll definitely be there over that weekend. Feel free to post any other questions or other things I may be able to help with.


For the NYC show, I was thinking about avoiding street parking altogether. Perhaps just go through the Lincoln Tunnel and pull into the Port Authority bus terminal and park there. Last time I parked there, it was (relatively) inexpensive - $25/day, I believe. Probably less if it's not all day. There's a subway station there, so, you could easily get down to Ground Zero. Then, jump right back on the subway and take it up to Central Park. Then, when leaving, it dumps you right into the Lincoln Tunnel without having to deal with any traffic.

waddya think, bfritsch?

Hey Randy,

I've never used that parking lot next to the Port Authority. In general, most parking facilities in the city are for cars only - because they have attendants park the cars and move them around. Unless you feel very uncomfortable riding in the city, and that's a personal call, you should be able to park on the street pretty close to the show for free and without any problems on both Saturday and Sunday. Theft wouldn't be an issue for a couple of hours during the day. Some asshole knocking the bike over is possible, but still farely rare, especially if a number of bikes are parked next to each other.

If you do park at the PA, you would probably want to take a train to Columbus Circle and walk from there.

Hope this helps,


Bennie, the lot isn't next to the PA, it's actually inside of it. You go up the same ramp as the busses, but, there's an offshoot for a parking garage. There's no attendant. I drive in the city all the time - I think it would be easier to ride. I'll let you know when the time gets closer if I'll be going.

The new 2006 Yamaha sprotbikes (including the FJR1300) will have a simultaneous introduction for the public on October 1st. Out west at Alice's Restaraunt and in the east in Central Park at Concour's d'Elegance. We can see the new Feejer in person!
Hey BE, Can you confirm the info on the FJR being present? I found some sites on the web stating the R1 & R6 were planned but nothing on the FJR ?

MM2.. Maybe... possibilities may exist ! ( least it won't be raining again! ) Lemme see if I can find some new goat trails for ya ! :p
I can. Spoke with a Yammie DM about it. The FJR will be at Alice's, as will I. :D
Excellent Bill!! looks like it's " game on " !! We're not even done with the Yosemite run and we're lining up the next one! :D

The new 2006 Yamaha sprotbikes (including the FJR1300) will have a simultaneous introduction for the public on October 1st. Out west at Alice's Restaraunt and in the east in Central Park at Concour's d'Elegance. We can see the new Feejer in person!
Hey BE, Can you confirm the info on the FJR being present? I found some sites on the web stating the R1 & R6 were planned but nothing on the FJR ?

MM2.. Maybe... possibilities may exist ! ( least it won't be raining again! ) Lemme see if I can find some new goat trails for ya ! :p
I can. Spoke with a Yammie DM about it. The FJR will be at Alice's, as will I. :D
Was on the phone with Cypress and they said the FZ1, FZ6, and FJR SHOULD be at these events, but, for some reason, wouldn't say they WOULD be there.

Thanks ?? :huh: Randy !!

Those of us on the west coast that want to meet up, theres a new thread in the ride planning forum!!


Spent many years living in , riding in, and parking in Manhattan, both cars and bikes. (I actually used to do hot laps in the evening around Central Park in the early seventies) Parking (especially around Central Park) is every bit as difficult for a bike as for a car. You need to find a space where the alternate side of the street parking is allowed at the time you park, You can back in to park, but be aware that people park practically bumper to bumper and also like to park "by ear" if you know what I mean. Finding a spot is no guarantee that the car next to you won't pull out and another, possibly larger one, will pull in. That said, to go to Central Park the most likely available parking will be on the West Side of the park, near Amsterdam or 7th Avenue down the cross streets. Be very careful if there are parking meters. Don't let one run out or you will not only get a ticket but most likely get your bike towed. Also do not try to share a running meter with a car, you will get ticketed also. You have one advantage and that is that it will be the weekend, and sometimes the meters aren;t required to be fed (read the signs) and also people are likely to have parked and aren't planning to move their cars, so if you see a space to back in, you will proabably be OK there for a while.

Good luck.

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hey Randy,, I am up for a ride up to NY from Virginia,, it's been a while since I have been to the City,, wanting to go to Ground Zero also,,

maybe stop in DC to go to The Wall ,, missed Rolling Thunder this year ,,
If you were going to take 95, I would have to meet you there. But, if you would come the whole way up 81 (or even 15 from the DC area), I'm on the way - just minutes off of 81 right outside of Harrisburg. It's about 3 hours to the Lincoln Tunnel from my house. Ground Zero is in lower Manhattan and is usually pretty slow and quiet (relatively speaking) on the weekends. There's not much to see - just a big concrete pit. The bikes are going to be in Central Park. Would just have to find a somewhat decent spot to park then put on the walking shoes.

Just signed up for this board. Been kinda' busy. Took 8 days to tour New England and Nova Scotia on the FJR. What an awesome trip! Anyway, I might be interested in joining you to NYC. All I have to do is replace the rear meat before the trip, 3000 miles to Nova Scotia cooked the rear tire. Trying to get my hands on a new Avon this week. Let me know if you have any definate plans.


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The flyer states that the new 'sportbikes' will be shown. Then, if you click on Models the FJR is listed under that category. It's a stretch and it's the only link I found to suggest the FJR would be at the event. Who knows?

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